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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. taking a look back, Bartolo Colon had a $16 million deal with the Halos about the time (2005 -- hard to believe it's been about NINE years ago) he went 21-8 with the Halos and won the Cy Young Award in a year, where, admittedly, the Cy Young competition was fairly weak. he faltered after that and wound up with the Red Sox during mid-season '08 where he went 4-2 -- fairly decent record but I seem (for some reason) to remember him getting hit pretty hard at a game at Fenway that was a nationally televised ESPN game. The next year (2009) he signed a $1 million re-hab type contract with the White Sox and went 3-6, got hurt and was out all of 2010. Then he bounced back with the NY Yankees and was in their rotation in 2011, went 8-10 that year but started off with some quality starts which cemented his 'he's back' reputation. From there he winds up in the rotation in Oakland in 2012 going 10-9 and more importantly eats innings for them.........and that leads to last year's 18-6 season with the A's where some were even suggesting his name in the Cy Young Award context........ So now he's signed to a two year $20 million (9 this year, 11 next) with the Mets. The guy has a 43-33 MLB record since leaving the Angels. He's averaging $10 million a year for the next two years. Not bad for an over-weight guy who was considered washed up back in '08/09. Chances are that now that he has a decent contract and is pitching for the Mets -- he'll flop and by some point in the 2015 season will have been DFA'd only to be picked up by and pitching for some other team (St. Louis?) down the stretch while the Mets are paying his salary and then his August/September, 2015 performance will earn him another contract......... But no matter what happens to Colon this year........he's already won. The start I remember best for Colon is an opening day start he did for Cleveland against the Angels (I think it was the first game at the 'NEW' Edison International Field)....he masterfully shut out the Angels and I think that start may have led to the Angels signing him a year or so later.
  2. watch Blanton have a good Spring (didn't he do well last year in March?) and then return to the type of starts we saw last year (didn't he lose something like 10 in a row, each one being less than a quality start? -- a quality start for Blanton is giving up only 5 runs over the first three innings). so watch him have a decent Spring -- this will result in some write ups about how he's 'back' and 'feeling good, throwing well' etc. and then the season starts and the clock strikes midnight........
  3. CHUCK: Good stuff. Chuck, a friend of mine named GARY HUGHES (he's a friend of mine through another friend who played for HUGHES when he coached high school baseball in the Bay Area years ago). After years of being a baseball scout for several teams -- and more recently had a fairly long run with the CHICAGO CUBS -- Gary Hughes has now been with the Red Sox organization for the past three years or so -- am sure that he and Eddie Bane know each other -- so if you have any communication with Eddie Bane -- give a shout out to Gary Hughes. BTW -- one more little trivia fact, Gary Hughes and Jim Fregosi were high school team-mates in San Mateo, California (a few years back).
  4. Angel Oracle makes a good point with his comparisons -- the major renovation of Angel Stadium (the one Disney financed) seems like it was just yesterday but its been some 16 years. There's been all these new ballparks built along the likes of AT&T (was Pac Bell), Petco, Miller, of course Camden Yards, the ballparks in Pittsburgh and Cincinnati and suddenly you look up and besides classic Wrigley Field and Fenway Park, the oldest parks in MLB are Los Angeles and Anaheim. (well, Oakland doesn't count, there hasn't been a 'baseball park' up there since the Raiders 'renovated' the Oakland Coliseum where the A's are being held captive). A new ball park for the Angels would be nice -- not that familiar with the Tustin site and as whether that would work or not....... The best place for the Angels from a financial stand-point and a financing the park stand-point would be downtown Los Angeles......but with the Dodgers complaining about it and, perhaps, contemplating their own options for a move there -- I don't see it happening. The Dodgers current ownership has a real incentive to move downtown (in addition to financial) -- if they can spin off the Chavez Ravine property and either turn into an NFL park (unlikely but possible, I guess) or some other hotel, housing, condo, retail shops development -- they can make money off that while removing McCourt from being any part of the Dodgers -- as it is now -- McCourt still has some ownership interest in the parking lot and surrounding real estate and I am sure the current Dodgers ownership wouldn't mind separating McCourt even further away from anything connected with the team......... Realistically, logically, financially -- the Angels need to cut the best deal they can for Angel Stadium -- while a new park would be very nice -- the reality is the financial return for new park would be a very long term proposition and the best short term move (20 years) is to stay put. The demographics of the Anaheim Stadium site have gotten better since the ballyard was first built -- the real challenge for the Angels right now is to continue to claim the growing INLAND EMPIRE to identify as loyal Halos fans........the park is a fairly quick run (depends on time of day) down the 57 -- and I think the 2002 and then Arte's Angels were winning that INLAND EMPIRE battle with McCourt's Dodgers -- but loyalty can be fickle and few bad Halos years coupled with a pretty competitive team at Chavez Ravine could tip the scale back the other way.
  5. yeah, we can all laugh about Bartolo - but watch him go out and win about 15 games......well, WAIT -- he is pitching the Mets this year, right? but The Mets are kind of like the Seattle M's of the NL -- most of the F/A guys they sign and even the 'taking a flyer' types like Bartolo Colon seem to flop for the Mets. seems like a lifetime ago that Bartolo Colon became only the second Halo to win a Cy Young award -- but check his record since leaving the Halos -- he's actually done fairly well for the teams he's pitched for........
  6. wow -- am watching the re-play of the USA-Russia game and that 'dis-lodging of the net' call that wiped out Russia's potential game winning goal was really ticky tack (to use an old Chick Hearn expression). Looked like Quick himself dis-lodged the net with his foot......no Russian player was anywhere close to the net before or after the 'non' goal. Wow. International rules makes any dislodging of the net an automatic disqualifier of the goal scored. In the NHL, that Russian goal would have been counted and not called off. Geez. Perhaps this is pay-back for those seconds put back on the clock in that basketball game a few years back. OUCH. Tough way to lose a game. USA!! USA!!
  7. I mentioned Billy Miller above -- obviously it's RYAN MILLER of the Sabres......oh well. I stand corrected......not the first time, not the last....... CORY -- yeah the net was off in the USA-Russia game -- the initial comment from the commentators was it was a high stick - later it was determined that the net was dis-lodged -- but not by much.......I quite honestly expected a lot more griping from the Russians about it.......perhaps we could put three or four more seconds on the clock for them -- for old times sake.........
  8. well, I'm tired of going back and forth on this. the point is, the City of Anaheim presented the proposal to the Angels, the proposal (that's now being opposed by the Mayor and others) was approved by a vote of the city council and now's there's back-tracking (apparently) on the part of some. So Arte and the Angels get criticized because they are frustrated by the COA making a proposal that key members of the city are now backing away from. (To be fair to the Mayor of Anaheim, he voted NO when the proposal was before the city council -- but as Mayor he needs to represent the city's official position, not his own). The City of Anaheim DOES get tax revenue from the presence of the Angels at the ballpark -- all the concessions, food and otherwise. As for the proposal and the 'rebate ' (if you want to call it that) for the SURROUNDING PARKING LOT PROPERTY -- I think you really need to look a the 'development prospect history' of that / those surrounding parcel(s).......this is the so-called Platinum Triangle area -- the City of Anaheim has tried (very UNSUCCESSFULLY) over the years to entice a developer to develop retail businesses, restaurants and hotels on this/ these parcel(s) -- it was all part of the pitch to the NFL for a football stadium on the site -- another failure -- so now what the COA is offering (or maybe not, because they're back-tracking) is to give ARTE the development potential of those parcels and help finance it was the additional (not existing -- BTW can anyone count to ZERO? Because that's the amount of property taxes paid (and currently being collected) on city owned real property (like the parcel(s) we are talking about)......using the increased property tax rebate to finance a development project is/was common place in California primarily with redevelopment agencies (Which have now been all phased out for the future with the current ones trying to hold on but in a death struggle with the State over property tax dollars in a series of lawsuits by various redevelopment agencies vs. the State) -- so it's pretty common to finance projects this way -- whether a development agreement with the Angels that back-doors 'redevelopment type property tax increment financing' passes muster is litigation with the state (and school districts and counties, special districts) waiting to happen.. Long story, longer -- City of Anaheim DOES receive current tax revenue benefit from the Angels -- primarily sales tax and I assume some 'use tax' (based on the value of the lease -- not the stated $1 per year price - the value) as well. What the City offered makes some sense from both sides. It may or may not be acceptable to Arte/Angels but to have the proposal jerked away after it's been approved by the city is cause for the Angels to seriously consider whether they want to continue a business relationship with COA. The Angels options are limited -- but IMO, if the COA thinks they can just jerk Arte around and not raise his ire to the point where he helps finance a move elsewhere with willing suitors -- well, IMO I wouldn't test it if I were the City of Anaheim -- and if Anaheim can make more money by selling the entire Angels Stadium property including the adjoining undeveloped parcels to Disney for parking lots -- well, good for them. I doubt that Disney would be willing to buy the property and SHARE any parking fee proceeds however.
  9. makes me really not miss his columns in the LA TIMES -- I guess Simers relationship with them ended badly.... such a charming guy in print.
  10. was able to see the third period of the USA - Russia game. great stuff. expect some additional 'controversy' over the 'high stick' goal called back that would have given the Russians a 3 to 2 lead in the third and probable win. Oshie was incredible.....I know they beat us this year, but last season, it seemed as if we owned the St. Louis Blues -- how's that possible with Oshie on their roster? Jonathan Quick did a great job in goal -- kind of surprised he's getting the nod over Bill Miller, a US star from the Vancouver Olympic games.......but Quick came up HUGE for the U.S.A. today. I was really concerned when we didn't END it after about the third or fourth shootout where we had the lead and I was convinced when as the 'ROAD" team we at least TWICE were up against it, down in the shootout and HAD TO MAKE THE GOAL to stay alive.........Oshie came through. Still, however, I wish they would adopt the Stanley Cup Final rules and NOT have shootouts decide the Olympic competition.......let's go back to straight sudden death OT's - as many as it takes to get a winner. I agree with the prior comments -- that they are not 'advertising' or 'listing' the live broadcast dates for much of the competition -- especially the hockey games which is probably the favorite event of folks posting here..........I came upon the game almost by accident hearing a radio report that the game was tied going into the third period -- I switched on the TV to catch the final period. Glad I did.
  11. I do agree with Downing Rules -- NO OC entity is going to come up with any public money to build a park -- and with redevelopment agencies going by the wayside -- that financing mechanism no longer exists as a viable option.
  12. ZERO money? Anaheim doesn't get sales tax from the sales of items at the ballpark? I assume the Angels pay some sort of occupancy tax ? Also, isn't the situation that the City Council has already approved a proposal that may be acceptable to the Angels but the Mayor and others oppose it (for the reasons you cite)? I don't think the current situation is that the City of Anaheim gets no financial benefit from the Angels being a tenant at Angel Stadium even if it's no rent situation for the Stadium use. Sure the City can look to additional revenue that they could generate by charging rent and insisting on a percentage share of either ticket sales or parking -- that's he way some government folks think --- look at only the additional revenue side -- what they sometimes miss is what happens to EXISTING revenue and benefits if the team leaves the city. If the Angels leave Anaheim, there would certainly be a loss a revenue -- there would also be a significant adverse public relations fallout from being the city that LOST the ANGELS (and the Rams). But, hey, if the City wants to try to squeeze more revenue out of Arte and the Angels -- a relationship that is already somewhat frosty -- that's their prerogative -- just make sure the Mayor and City Officials responsible agree to be the ones to step up and explain why the Angels left (are leaving) Anaheim when the time comes..... I don't think Arte is a guy to play chicken with -- but the City's tangled with him before........how did that work out again?
  13. well, I'd like to say someone won the under in the over and under for IP by Mulder this year........but I don't think anyone had the UNDER at ZERO on the first week that pitchers and catcher's report. actually, one poster came close when questioning if Mulder would pitch more innings than Madsen did in warm ups for the Angels last Spring Training and the question came back -- Madsen warmed up for us? Oh well. Next question: Is a guy who's been retired FIVE years eligible to be placed on the DL ??
  14. Read an article today (was it the LA TIMES?) where Blanton is listed as the fourth or fifth starter -- definitely IN the rotation....... that's not exactly my understanding of what the situation is, but that's what the article said. Can I adjust my over and under prediction on 84.5 wins if Blanton is our fourth / fifth starter or anywhere near being in the Halos rotation?
  15. The absolute best deal for the Angels and for Anaheim is to work out a deal. There is a deal that's been supported by the City Council which may be acceptable to Arte and the Angels but some forces, like the Mayor, are in opposition to it. That's fine, I guess -- but what the opposition may achieve is the Angels moving to another site (Tustin) which may work but would not be nearly ideal and/or practical as to where they already are -- Angel Stadium in Anaheim. So the Angels are Anaheim's to lose and they may just do that.
  16. DAVE SALTZTER : There are a lot of stories out there and coverage about the passing of Number 11, Mr. Jim Fregosi. The one you have posted above is absolutely the best one I have read and the best one out there. This column by you should get wider circulation. It is simply fantastic and truly captures the spirit of the man and, really, what his passing means as Fregosi was truly the LAST OF A BREED of Player Development guys in MLB -- the ones who based their scouting reports on ACTUAL OBSERVATION and INSTINCT watching a player at all phases of the game, pre-game warm ups, BP, actual game action play, positioning, attitude in the dugout between innings etc. rather than some techy stat approach based on a computer print out. Thanks for posting this. It's really great. And, honestly, when you think about it, a great way to 're-pay' (if you will, not the best terminology but I can't think of another way to put it) Mr. Fregosi for the kindness and honest approach he shared with you and your family.........thanks for sharing it with all of us..........I really appreciate this article.
  17. Los Angeles Angels of Tustin.......has a ring to it. Anaheim had better watch out -- the city council (and Mayor who is the one balking at the current proposal which might be acceptable to Arte) there may be able to accomplish what many think is the near impossible: LOSE THE ANGELS TO A NEIGHBORING COMMUNITY. who said elected officials can't accomplish nearly impossible things?????? city officials are great......they calculate the lost revenue in terms of how much MORE they could get from charging the Angels more........ yet, they fail to calculate the total LOSS of ALL revenue if the Halos ended up moving elsewhere to a community that would gladly give them a low to no rent deal for having all the property tax and sales tax flow into their coffers...... I would like to see the total (direct) revenue the Halos generate for the City of Anaheim between property tax and sales tax -- and that doesn't not even count the indirect revenue from increase bed tax for folks staying in local hotels, sales tax from having dinner and drinks at local restaurants and buying stuff from stores around the area while in and around the stadium....... that revenue generated figure could easily revert to ZERO. Then I want to hear the city financial wizards explain -- 'well, we could have had more............"
  18. Mauch Won -- hey, great story!! It's little stuff like that, that makes Angelswin.com so great. Fregosi, the first true Angels franchise player is gone, may he rest in peace. Those MLB Alumni cruises can be tough -- a friend of mine reminded me that Earl Weaver also was on one those alumni cruises when he died suddenly a few years back. The thing about the post-playing days and even post-managing days of Fregosi is that he's one the last of the breed of a Old Time Baseball man scout.......the vet who's seen it and done it all in baseball and can evaluate player talent the old-fashioned way, by going to the ball-yard and observing the player in action, both in fielding practice, BP and actual game situations........these days things are done differently..........less observation and personal inter-action, more computer and stat crunching stuff. As the stories and coverage of Fregosi's death show, he was beloved throughout the baseball world.......lot of connections, lot of time spent in the stands throughout all ballparks, spring training, minor league parks, major league parks etc.......watching baseball -- seeing stuff in players the techy type scouts miss........
  19. Jonathan Quick vs. Russia tomorrow........
  20. 86 -- third place -- out of the money -- well, they might get the second wild card spot. depends much on how well we do against Houston in the season series -- another 7-9 record or whatever we did last year, won't cut it........ not when Oakland goes 16-2 against them and Texas something like 14-4.
  21. R.I.P. Number 11 -- Jim Fregosi. An All Time Halos Great. Very sad day for Halos fans.
  22. R.I.P. Number 11 -- All Time Halos great SS. He was drafted by the Boston Red Sox and wound up as a Halos draft pick in the expansion draft thanks to Bill Rigney who got some scouting help on the expansion draft from someone, I think, in the Giants organization who liked Rigney personally, were upset that the Giants fired him or something -- and Rigney wound up with a much better draft than the other expansion team. Jim Fregosi was far and away acknowledged as the 'steal' of the draft. The surprising Angels did well for an expansion team. Fregosi, teamed with the defensively gifted 2B Bobby Knoop made for a great MIF double-play combination......Dean Chance's Cy Young Award can likely be attributed in part to the DP combo behind him.
  23. Just checked. Ichiro is signed through 2014 with the Yankees -- so this could be his final year as well........Jeetz, Tanaka, Ichiro -- what a media swarm every Yankees game will be!! As for Ichiro, he is 258 hits away from 3,000 hits in MLB. He has 2,742 MLB hits as well as 1,278 hits in the Japanese major league for a total of 4,020 total hits in his career. Would really like to see Ichiro get those 258 hits to reach 3,000 but that may be tough in New York as his playing time may be limited......could take him three seasons to make it if he's seeing pretty limited playing time and not sure if he's got three years left in him........hard to say. what a combo for the Yankees this season -- a lot of sold out stadiums ahead.
  24. Farewell tour time. Going to be tough to out class Mariano Rivera's but some how, why do I think Jeetz will be able to do that? Class Act that Jeetz -- regardless of what you may think of the Yankees. And what do I think of the Yankees? Well, I like 'em better than the BoSox and I like Yankee fans much better than BoSox fans. Speaking of which -- Jeetz's final tour and Ellsbury showing up at Fenway in pinstripes -- going to be an interesting year -- oh yeah, then there's a pitcher named Tanaka which means they're going to have to expand the press box to accommodate all the Japanese media.......did Ichiro re-sign with the Yankees? If so, could be his final year as well. Going to be more of a media circus than ever at Yankees games this year........home and away.
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