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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. I like this move. As much as I wanted to see Romine make the team, quite frankly he is out of options and appears to have lost his spot to either Grant Green and/or John McDonald. Romine is a slick fielding MIF and I hope he does well for Detroit. meanwhile I hope this lefty addition to the pen can help us. Not a major transaction but one that gives both teams some added depth where they need it and Detroit needs some help at SS.
  2. Halos are going to rock the ball this year........ Pujols should really see some good pitches this year..........they won't be able to pitch around him with a guy named Trout in the line up. at ST, it's amazing really how quickly that Trout has become the best player in MLB...... for those who remember the Ken Griffey Jr. years with Seattle and the ST scene around him........well, Trout's generating that kind of interest and that's with a guy named Pujols in the same dug out. amazing really.
  3. I said Dodgers -- oops.......not that's terrible --- ANGELS.
  4. It's happened before -- then- Dodger GM Campanis traded his kid, Jim Campanis. (also a catcher) to another team......... if the kid can play at all, I would imagine it's somewhat of a relief to be out from under the shadow of your fafher in the organization....... in this case, the Dodgers traded one 'name' for another.........to be the kid of 'The Great One' -- it's no surprise young Gretzky took up baseball instead of hockey........
  5. We can always trade Gretzky to the Ducks -- although, the Ducks seems to be doing just fine this year....
  6. I was at this game last night at Surprise, AZ. Was seated on the third base line equal distance between third and the plate about even with the mound. I was glad to see Chapman enter the game because of all the (well deserving) hoopla about the velocity of his fast ball. I took some photos of Chapman as he was warming up to start the inning -- I didn't take any photos of the aftermath of the line drive shot -- didn't think it was appropriate. The stadium was in complete silence. It was a nightmarish thing to witness in real time. Chapman's fast ball registered 100 mph two pitches before the pitch Salvador Perez hit back at him, 98 on the proceeding pitch and 99 on the pitch that Perez hit (Surprise Stadium scoreboard lists the pitch velocity on the scoreboard). For those who have seen the video, it was a rocket off Perez's bat on what I think was an 0-2 count.......the prior KC hitter, I think it was Hosmer, came back to the dug out with a grin on his face (as if to exclaim, WOW, is that guy's pitch fast !) after striking out and after really fighting off a pitch on a two strike count and fouling it back. The ball off Perez's bat was a line shot that just smacked Chapman below the eye -- he went down and let out a welp -- the thump/ thud of the ball was sickening loud and could be heard throughout the park. We (my friends with me at the game) discussed if one of those new 'helmet hats' would have helped/ prevent this -- and we concluded that because of the projectory of the ball, a 99 mph fastball coming straight back at Chapman twice as fast -- such a helmet would not have made a difference (this is not to imply or argue in any way against the use of such hats, as they may well make a lot of sense -- just to state that in this instance the use of such a helmet/ hat would not have prevented the injury). Those who have seen Chapman pitch in person (TV doesn't do the velocity of his fastball or his height justice), he's 6' 4" so that height combined with his blazing fastball means his ball is right on you (the hitter) right now and he's halfway to plate (it seems) at the conclusion of his delivery. Salvador Perez was visibly upset and concerned. He and the other Royals came out onto the field and knelt in the infield........the game was called after about a 8 to 12 minute delay (seemed longer -- also no ambulance came onto the field, they carted Chapman off in a specially equipped medical golf cart type vehicle)........the KC home crowd sprinkled with some Cincy fans was very respectful, Remained on their feet and quiet (I mean still quiet) while Chapman was being attended to.........KC Manager Ned Yost and Cincy manager Bryan(?) Price conferred and called the game.......the fans remained standing and respectfully applauded Chapman was he was lifted onto the stretcher and then applauded again after the game was called and without any scene or incident, left the stadium in a very orderly fashion...... Press reports (and an update on this thread) have given the medical update so I won't repeat it here.......this could have been much worse -- the 'not so bad news' (don't want to call it 'good') was that Chapman's legs were moving pretty much the entire time after he was hit which means he wasn't knocked unconscious -- Chapman's father was at the game and ran out onto the field...... everyone left the park in a very somber mood in what otherwise was a spectacular weather evening in Surprise and a great night for baseball. Everyone involved handled the situation well, the players, the managers, the umps, the fans etc. Perez and several Royals players visited Chapman in the hospital that evening. The only one thing that sort of stuck with me a little bit, is that an ambulance was not dispatched onto the field immediately (or at all, it was a medical cart).......in almost any Friday night high school football game, there's an ambulance and crew stationed right off the field ready to swing into action and onto the playing field in a moment's notice......here, I think they had to call 911 and summon an ambulance that covers the City of Surprise and the arriving sirens could be heard only as fans were exiting the ball park...... It was my last evening of a Sunday - Wednesday of Spring Training baseball including two Angels games (vs. Giants at Tempe and White Sox at Camelback Park in Glendale) and it left our group in a very somber mood having witnessed something none of us wanted to witness and won't be able to forget as much as we'd like to. Good news is that Chapman seems to be doing well considering the circumstances and it could have been much worse........also, preliminary reports are that his vision won't be affected. Anyway, thought folks might be interested in a first hand report from a Board member who was there.
  7. Here's the deal with this -- We must win the early season series against Oakland and take advantage of their rotation short situation........ if we can't do that -- well, it's a precursor to what's going to happen the rest of the way......... also -- we really need to win a majority, if not ALL, of the Houston series this year. Oakland was something like 15-3 against Houston and Texas was about the same or maybe 14-4 (I think Houston won two games in the last series and games of the season). Meanwhile what were we? 8-10 vs. them -- something like that -- might have been 7-11.
  8. Blanton had pretty good numbers last Spring, as well..........it was just the regular season where he was completely ineffective...........
  9. Well, the prior post about the Halos figuring they are going to lose either Romine or McDonald at cut down time is probably correct and the Halos are looking to shore up the SLC MIF. PTBNL? Can't be pitching.......Hester?
  10. I like Romine but I could see where the Halos might go with McDonald........hard to say. I think Romine is out of options, though.
  11. Here I am saying good things about Romine's D and I check the re-play of today's game vs. Seattle and he had a 2 error inning including an E on what should have been an inning ending double play and then the umps over-turned the out at second, saying it wasn't in the act of throwing but that Romine simply bobbled the throw from Tommy Field at SS and never had control of the ball..... oh well.
  12. TANK -- well KCAL 9 had some coverage of it...........didn't watch any other stations........ Kings really playing well........
  13. good predictions -- I agree that Morin (is it Moran?) as a Rule V guy probably makes it as Burnett's replacement on the 25 -- what's the rule on that? -- if we keep Morin to open the season and then reinstate Burnett from the DL about 20 days into the season -- does Morin go back (to Seattle) per Rule V or have we met the requirement to have him on the opening day roster......? I think the Halos keep Blanton but I have not been able to follow the Spring Training games --- most here apparently think Blanton is either DFA'd and then released or placed on the DL to open the season and buy time and then released........most posting here don't list him on the 25 -- I did because I just don't see DiPoto conceding defeat so easily on one of his first acquisitions as GM........and we're paying Blanton a lot of money -- can they cut an arrangement for Blanton to be sent to SLC as a 4-A guy? He'd likely have to agree to that........ Cowgill is a guy really on the bubble........didn't we get him from the Mets? He could catch on elsewhere. As for JB Shuck -- IMO he's a lock. Not saying he necessarily should be -- saying he is. Nice to see many saying Romine sticks.......I hope that's the case. I don't see Carlos Pena making the team despite the good spring he's had UNLESS -- maybe -- if Hamilton starts season on DL. How many of these one dimensional type players can we keep on the roster? Hamilton, Pujols, Pena.........some say Shuck fits that category -- I don't necessarily agree with that about Shuck. good predictions, though, guys......
  14. I agree with Hubs -- Green has the potential as a super sub to play himself INTO (or out of) a more substantial role. If Halos keep Green (which I think they will, he's on the 25) AND ROMINE -- that would be great -- but I just don't see it........it's either / or not AND, IMO. And I think Green has won the spot. Romine is out of options which may be a consideration in keeping him.........
  15. showing It on KCAL sports -- does not look good. hope he's ok. has a history of heart issues -- and he's on the ice in the NHL???? I pray for his full recovery.......
  16. hope he makes the 25 man roster but it's going to be tough.........think Green has moved ahead of him on the depth chart........and as much as I like Romine, I can't argue with keeping Green ahead of him.........
  17. Thought most things were set but going through the roster some tough cut down decisions to be made -- some non-roster invitees will probably be given their walking papers this week so that maybe can catch on elsewhere...... STARTING ROTATION (6) Weaver Wilson H. Santiago G.Richards T. Skaggs J. Blanton (big contract, long relief, sixth-spot starter -- keeping him costs Shoemaker roster spot) PEN (6) Frieri F. Salas J. Smith De La Rosa (is he back off DL?) M. Kohn S. Burnett (starting season on DL?) One more spot to take place for Burnett/ De La Rosa if on DL CATCHER: (2) Iannetta Conger (why is Torrealba in camp as non-roster guy? Are we trading Conger? Don't think so) (Hester back to SLC). INFIELD: (5) Pujols (1B/DH) Kendrick (2b) Aybar (SS) Freese (3B) Green (depth MIF/3b) (have a bunch of other guys in camp - would like to see us keep Romine but I think Green has that spot; John McDonald in camp, Ian Stewart, Chad Tracy, Carlos Pena has been hitting well -- but we have too many OF'ers to keep a guy like him around -- unless Hamilton is starting season on DL and/or Cowgill gets sent out). OF:(6) Shuck (LF) Hamilton (LF/DH) TROUT (CF -- best player in all of MLB) Calhoun (RF) Ibanez (OF/1B/DH) Cowgill I could see Halos sending Cowgill out and/or Hamilton on DL to start season allowing another MIF type to be on the Opening Day 25: one of the non-roster guys listed above......Carlos Pena has played well but we have too many of those kind of one dimensional guys on the team already -- so Romine? (tried and proven -- been around the Halos big league roster since 2010, great glove; McDonald -- great glove, veteran presence - ok bat, not great; Ian Stewart versatile, decent stats but mostly from Coors Field time; Chad Tracy ? Can't believe he felt Angels was his best shot to stay on MLB roster).
  18. Well, I was going through the roster trying to determine who makes the final 25 and unfortunately for Matt Long , the Angels are awash in OF'ers......all of whom are probably going to make the club. Hamilton, Shuck (LF), Trout (CF), Calhoun (RF), Cowgill, Ibanez (OF/1b/DH) that's SIX. Long getting a LONG look but likely at SLC. In addition Halos have Pujols at DH/1B and it looks as it's possible Carlos Pena could make the team as a non -roster guy but with 6 OF'ers, I don't think we have room for Pena unless Cowgill doesn't make the 25.
  19. well, I don't think Green will get 400 ABs this season........but he could be a very good MIF/ 3B depth guy who can also DH once in a while....... not sure how his wheels are - but he could probably do some late inning Pinch running as well. The important thing in addition to being a depth IF guy is that he gives the Halos a bat off the bench in late innings -- something they have not always had in the past. It's a different approach to MIF depth guy -- the Halos in the past have gone with good D, somewhat light hitting and good speed guys -- a concept I like but then leaves the bench short of a true bat when it might be needed in late innings/ extra inning games.........plus Green is a guy who can fill in at any of the IF position if a regular goes on the DL and you don't lose much, if anything. I hope Andrew Romine gets traded to an MLB team that can use him as a late inning defensive replacement --most likely an NL team.....he's been up and down with the Halos (I think he's been a September call up the past three seasons or something) and so I'd like to see him make a MLB opening day roster and get some more MLB roster time......if it can't be in Anaheim -- (and Green seems to be coming on and has Romine beat for the MIF bench depth job and is also an up and comer -- could be starting at 2B by season's end or even next year.).....then hopefully Romine can catch on elsewhere as can another ST invitee John McDonald......I don't think McDonald is at a point in his career (yet) where he becomes a 4-A player at SLC........
  20. Bernier back at Staples vs. Quick will be a good one.......I like Bernier.......he sure did well for us --as did Scrivens..... Hey, speaking of Thursday at Staples -- wouldn't a Kings victory with Quick in net mark not only mean Quick ties or surpasses Rogie Vachon in all time goalies as a win. and then, also, Daryl Sutter's 500th coaching win as well.........could be quite a night. Oh yeah, for the hat trick -- a Kings win would tie a club record 9 straight wins..... Big night at Staples Thursday!!
  21. 8th straight tonight vs. Calgary at Calgary -- hey, folks -- Kings are maintaining the winning streak on the road -- good stuff. Martin Jones in goal -- had a 3-0 shut out going until about 4 minutes left in the third and then gave up two pretty quick goals. But KINGS win it 3 to 2. Gotta Love these Kings -- hitting on all cylinders is right and now they've improved the team for the playoff run........ But you're right -- the West is tough........ Reminds me of the year the Angels won a bunch of games down the stretch and the A's did as well so it was nearly impossible to pick up ground. Nice win......... Hey, with all the TV coverage stuff (Dodgers on paid TV and other changes) isn't it great to have ol' reliable Bob Miller calling the games on FSN for our Kings??? He sure makes watching the LA Kings games a lot of fun and really great.
  22. if he can play some D at all MIF and 3B as well, he could stick. I think the writing is on the wall for my favorite guy to make the team as a MIF depth guy -- Andrew Romine.........he's not one of the 25 on opening day. that's too bad, I like Romine's glove work.
  23. good stuff........congrats to Chuck and the Angelswin.com folks for another successful Spring Training Fanfest. Perhaps I can make it next year. Would like to see links to the videos of the DiPoto talk, the media guys panel and if you have the Tim Mead Q&A at the ballpark, that would be great. My take is that we're sort of in trouble in the starting pitching department.........assumed one of our Angelswin.com posters here asked a tough question or two about that......... again, Kudos to Chuck and everyone.........
  24. good stuff -- how was the media round table -- last year Victor Rojas participated in the media round table and I thought he was very forthcoming, open and honest.......enjoyed his remarks and participation........how did Terry Smith do at this year's round table? I'm assuming the Angels starting rotation (particularly the number four and five spots) got a lot of mention/ discussion.
  25. c'mon, Eric -- be nice -- actually the 'backwater' Clearwater facility was where Fregosi held court amongst all the scouts.......he was legendary, a throw back baseball guy in a game where there's not too many true throw back guys left. as much as Fregosi is remembered for being the Angels first real 'franchise' player and having an ALL STAR career as a SS.......Fregosi's time as a legendary scout including stints as MLB manager and coach -- exceeded that of his playing career and in his later years was really sort of 'the dean of scouts' -- so a ceremony at Clearwater was perfect........ and if it is deemed somewhat 'back water' and lower key -- well, Number 11 would have really liked that aspect of it !!!!
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