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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. thanks for posting the news guys -- I was listening to the game on MLB.com and they don't broadcast the post game show on MLB.com --- I don't know why they don't but they don't
  2. with that option out to AAA SLC -- Shuck should be pretty close to being out of options by this point......disappointing day for him.
  3. wow -- Cowgill over Shuck.......that's a surprise -- can't say I necessarily disagree with choice made -- but still a surprise. Shuck did not have a good ST at the plate. Ian Stewart makes it -- tells me that McDonald -- who I am pretty sure made it -- he made the roster about a week ago or so -- anyway, McDonald is probably going to be a late inning defensive replacement for Freese and Stewart will bat for McDonald after Freese's last AB and if McDonald's spot then comes up in line up. Stewart also provides insurance if Freese slumps at the plate to start season or if Freese is not 100% and winds up on the DL. Didn't really focus on Stewart's ST performance -- was zeroed in more on Romine and Grant Green. Good for Shoemaker to make team.........I think that's a good call.
  4. KINGS/ DUCKS in ROUND ONE would be something....... but somewhat concerned -- DUCKS have kind of owned us this year --- well, as of late, anyway.
  5. Looking good so far at Staples tonight vs. Winnipeg........ midway third period, 4 to 1 Kings......
  6. should be announcing the final 25 right about now -- when it's announced hope that our AngelsWin.com Johnny (or is it David Saltzer?) on the spot crew can post it here ASAP.
  7. Halos win Freeway Series -- Light Up that Halo !! Trout Homers on what was (un) officially MIKE TROUT DAY in Anaheim.
  8. will be released after tonight's game -- might be announced on post- game show. as for bench guys not playing -- I think McDonald is a bench guy who Scioscia has already decided to have late inning defensive at 3B for Freese -- so he will get playing time, and then Green (although, I think he should make it and thought he was pretty much a lock a week or so ago -- I am now not so sure about that -- but someone like Green who could play 2B/SS and 3B is needed to PH for McDonald after he comes after Freese's 7th inning AB........and then that player (Green? Ian Stewart, who else?) can stay in and play 3B if need be. So I think the extra position player will be an infielder and not an OF'er -- not good news for Cowgill.......Shuck stays, Long goes.
  9. Let 'em complain - let folks express any opinion they want. bottom line, Trout is set for life with this contract, perhaps the largest contract for a 22 year old player. this provides insurance guarantee against a career ending injury occurring BEFORE what otherwise would have been his big pay day, three or four years from now. He stays with an organization that he is comfortable with and before fans who are now more fanatical crazy about him more than ever. If he continues to put up the kind of record-breaking numbers he has the first two seasons, his biggest pay day is yet to come either in 2019 when he signs an extension or in 2020 when he hits the free agent market with close to 250/ 300 HRs and another six to ten years left in his career. this deal today insulates him not only from injury but also from the uncertainties of MLB economics moving forward........it may be easy to predict nothing but rising revenues and popularity of the NFL but MLB, IMO, faces a declining fan base that no one seems to be paying that much attention to......to think MLB will be in as good of financial shape in 2020 as it is today is a gamble. It may well be and if so, Trout will cash in AGAIN then, if not, he got the best bang for the buck now during the fat times...... let the others complain........who cares? who's listening? does it matter to Halos fans who now have Trout and Weaver locked up for several more seasons.......oh, I'd rather have Trout, any day, over Tigers' Cabrera........ Overall, good for Trout and his family, good for the Halos......congrats to Arte and F/O for stepping up and getting this done. Also -- any one also consider that this Trout signing likely makes Pujols a better hitter? He's going to see better pitches batting behind Trout and we're paying him a bunch more money over the next 8 years on his contract -- so this deal helps get a better return on an investment/ money already spent (and there's debate on whether it is was well spent).
  10. good stuff...... hope that Fregosi article by Saltzer from last month gets some wider play/ circulation......
  11. I thought Saunders pitched well for us in the role he was given......I sorry to see him leave. that being said, he was never going to be an ace or even a top of the rotation guy......he was strictly a fourth/ fifth spot guy. He pitched well for us at times.........he's an ex-Halo I always sort of rooted for (to the extent I was watching any games in which he pitched for other teams -- not many). I'd like to see him rebound a bit here, do well and stay on the roster all season.........I sort of root for most ex-Halos but there have been and are exceptions (Lackey).
  12. thanks for posting the entire press conference -- I was trying to locate it on TV and missed it........ but can see it here.......thanks.
  13. It's not Arte. City of Anaheim issue -- Angels right now can't get a lease extension done with the City as they withdrew their city council approved offer........
  14. this will start a trend of agents of club controlled players seeking 'lock 'em in' contracts well before (like 4 years before) club control ends.......one problem with that -- 99.99 -plus % of those players are NOT Mike Trout. Mike Trout's stats in his first two seasons are numbers only about four of the greatest players in the history of the game have put up........ Angels season ticket sales way down so far this year -- today's press conference (I assume that's being televised live somewhere? FSN?) should change that in a hurry -- might not be all the way up to last year's levels but probably won't be lagging 20 percent behind either. I've said all along here that Halos are headed for a third place AL West finish -- this Trout signing combined with the 'new' Angels of 2014 -- truly an "Earl Weaver 3 run HR type offense" a real AL team philosophy instead of the long-standing Mike Scioscia NL small ball, pitching and defense (of which we've been lacking in recent years which then only further highlights the lack of emphasis on offense) game may produce results......The results may be ugly 9 to 6 type wins but a "W" is a "W" in the standings...... so let's see how this Trout, Pujols, Hamilton (if healthy and swinging bat well) combo works for the Halos -- I expect Pujols, if he bats behind Trout all season -- to get some good pitches -- if he has anything of his former self left, he'll feast on some of those good looks at decent pitches -- seems to appear, however, and this could be wrong -- that Pujols has lost some of his power swing of days past and pitches he would have smacked out the part four years ago are now going to be either flyouts or perhaps doubles.......... so, if we get enough of these 'ugly' wins (which are better than 'pretty' losses)........well, perhaps there are playoffs in the Halos 2014 future.
  15. I said that -- gotta admit.......KUDOS to ARTE for STEPPING UP......
  16. Halos tickets sales down. This move will sell tickets this year, next year, the year after that all the way to 2020.
  17. Well -- no Arte complaints for the foreseeable future -- which right now is 2021.
  18. What this means is that by 2020 -- when Trout is a bona fide HOF'er -- we can lock him up then at age 29 as a one team -- all time Halo......... Halo fans -- for right now this is as good as it gets.......... Congrats to Arte for getting this done. I don't want to read, hear or see any complaints about Arte until at least 2021 at this point.
  19. Just saw this --- I know it's old news by now -- but this is HUGE........ GOOD JOB ARTE!! GOOD JOB DiPOTO!!!! Best player in baseball locked up through 2020............HUGE!!!
  20. got the e-mail -- thanks. Great stuff. appreciate all that Angelswin,com does.........
  21. send details on the suite when you get them........thanks, CHUCK. Great stuff.
  22. Got the e-mail about the one billion posts -- thanks !! it was great. I've already got tickets to the June 20th game and now may get tix with some Angels win.com folks for the June 21 game -- is there a plan to get a suite this time........if so, I'm IN.
  23. no stay away from Hansen, Lowe......no need to reinvent a bad past........
  24. Kudos to DiPoto for manning up on this.......... I just wish we were congratulating him on a good signing not admitting a lousy one. and DiPoto really owns this signing -- and one can't really say the posters here are Monday Morning quarterbacking on the Blanton signing. to a poster, the folks here thought it was too much money for too long a period for an ineffective soft toss guy......from DAY ONE of the signing. OK. Done. Let's move on.............
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