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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. I'd retire Salmon's number before Vlad's -- only reason I would not retire both is that because pretty soon you run out of numbers unless you want number 105 out there. but IMO it's a no brainer --- in the history of the Halos' franchise there have been probably THREE (and after this week FOUR) 'franchise players' 1. Jim Fregosi 2. Nolan Ryan (ironically traded for Fregosi) 3. Tim Salmon 4. MIKE TROUT (aleady!) others perhaps (arguably) coming close would be: Brian Downing, Bobby Grich, Chuck Finley, Garrett Anderson, Vlad....I am sure I missed a few others. but, really, other than the FOUR listed who were (are) clearly the face of the franchise -- the kind of player who when the team name was mentioned you thought : this guy! Jim Fregosi was the first real face of the fanchise player -- then came Nolan Ryan and really Tim Salmon was the first one after that and his spot there was cemented when he raised that championship trophy to the fans after the 7th game World Series win in 2002 at Anaheim. And now, Mike Trout is the face of not only the Angels franchise but the face of MLB as well.
  2. Watching on FSN and everything looks some sunshine still there in Anaheim. A bit north it's dark clouds and about to spit rain (which we really need). But don't be surprised to see some rain drops in Anaheim about the 7th inning -- we better get the lead early......
  3. great. good stuff for the Halos for inviting him........ Vlad could be the first Halo in a Halo hat/ uni in the HOF -- although some will argue he should go in as a Montreal Expo....... that's kinda of like going in as member of the Seattle Pilots and St. Louis Browns......
  4. WOW -- did not expect this -- although it should not come as a surprise because Blanton did have some success up with Oakland. Still, this amazes me because at this stage of his career after demonstrated ineffectiveness -- didn't more than one source describe him as the 'worst pitcher in MLB" for 2013 (perhaps 2012, too).? So this move by Oakland is taking a flyer on a guy who had some success with them -- but Billy Beane isn't going to sign this guy for 2015 (unless it's a real low end incentive laden contract). So Blanton could stay home and manage his $8.5 million this year - gets paid whether he plays or not -- and ride the bus at AAA ball buying team-mates meals and pretty much just wait for either the spot start call up or the September call up which likely will NOT lead to a 2015 deal........ oh well, good for Blanton and good for us as well , I guess, at minimum it saves the Halos $450,000 or so in salary cost for 2014. A's pay him the MLB minimum and Halos pay everything above that up to the $8.5 million.
  5. please keep this thread going so updates can be posted in a convenient way to see the updates. any news on the potential suite rental and the cost? please let us know whenever that information becomes available.
  6. Steve -- I concur completely........and if this continues (which it is ) -- the drop off in season ticket sales will follow as folks (like many of us) who buy a season ticket plan of any kind with plans to re-sell at least some of the game tickets (simply can't make the calendar work for them all -- especially when Angels have 'pre-selected' the mini-season ticket plan games) -- folks will just say 'this is too much of a hassle' so no tickets this year, I'll go down on game day and over-pay with a broker of any games, if any, I want to go to...... that's what will happen -- it's happening a bit this year and I think the full affect will be felt next year. of course, a winning team tends to cure all -- even this ticket stuff perhaps -- but over the long haul -- I think fans will find other things to do.
  7. Stub Hub has become more difficult this year, Stadling and it is unfortunate. it used to be so convenient. now it is more difficult to utilize the bar code instant download with Stub Hub (and I don't think this is Stub Hub's doing, I think it is more the Angels and MLB -- which is their right to do so -- just limits options for the fans which, IMO, is always a bad thing). another thing with both Angels ticket exchange and Stub Hub -- they now both insist (apparently) on PayPal account or direct deposit access to ban account -- I am ALWAYS leery of this (just part of the older crowd thing, I guess) and refuse to provide such access -- in the past Stub Hub would mail out a check to you -- I was fine with that. the fees? Stub Hub fees seemed OK to me -- a little high at first look but when you consider the convenience and not having to do anything but post the tickets for sale -- I liked it a lot. so to respond to your question -- YES -- it's a lot more difficult for re-sale this year -- and while the stated goal, perhaps, of Angels and MLB was to cut down on re-sale opportunities for folks who regularly trade in tickets -- I think the UNINTENDED consequence will be an overall reduction in season ticket packages of all types as many fans don't want/ can't go to 81 games and sell part of the package to finance the purchase of the games they do want to go to..........now that it's become more difficult to do that, folks are going to do other things with their time and in S.Cal there's lots of other things to do. We discussed this on other threads -- but MLB needs to wake up -- they are losing the tradition baseball tried and true fan right and left --much of it is by attrition as the baseball fan crowd gets older (not quite average age deceased yet but getting close), So MLB and organizations need to be making things EASIER for the occasional fan/ game attendee not tougher or they are going to see their attendance numbers really slip -- and where they will see them slip is the Mon-Wednesday night games........folks just won't be buying those tickets. those are the ones that a sold pretty much because some bought a season ticket plan of some sort.
  8. hey, thanks for posting that rule -- clearly there is a misconception there by many (including me). I think part of the misconception is/ was caused by the possible revision of the rule in one of the recent MLBPA contracts because at one time I am almost certain there was a limited number of options (not by years necessarily) of moving a player back and forth.........this explains it. keep that explanation handy -- we all will need to see it from time to time. thanks.
  9. Well, it's a better 'newly' created position than the 'psychic guru' or whatever it was that Jamie McCourt had her then hubby Frank pay for with the Dodgers. what a debacle.........
  10. Sabremetrics guy? "Hey, DiPoto, we can't cut this guy, his fantasy league value is up"
  11. geez -- this is an old thread resurrected........ I saw Ian Kennedy pitch in a game this Spring Training and he did not look very impressive. Was surprised at how small he appeared to be -- looked 5'6" or something like that on the mound.........
  12. If Shuck is not back by June 1 he will likely be traded for some pen pitching depth......... at this point, I think one more call up and Shuck is out of options......... I was surprised that Cowgill got the call over Shuck but I think DiPoto heard his inner voice saying: "What we need is more Cowgills" so here we are. unlike others here, I don't think Cowgill over Shuck for the 25 was a bad call........but now Cowgill needs to produce......Cowgill played fairly well for us last year when he came over in August/ September........we got him from the Mets organization, I think........I remember thinking last year, this guy is playing better for us that I thought a Mets reject would.....
  13. if we start the season winning a bunch of 9 to 6 games when the number 3 to 5 rotation guys are pitching and our pen can hold the opposition from the 7th inning on -- then I think the shift to an offensive based AL style baseball will be working. but I still am concerned about our pitching depth -- rotation and pen.
  14. pace of the game (when you are at the game and not watching on TV -- at home on TV it's very noticeable but then most folks are going a lot of other things with the game on the TV) when you are AT the game, to me, not that noticeable (unless there's five pitching changes and pitchers who can't throw strikes pitching) UNTIL it's about the 7th inning and you realize that your are about 2 hours into the game with another two plus innings to go and your post-game plans/ reservations etc. are in jeopardy -- that's when the games get long -- and it's usually not the night games but the day games where folks do have post game plans........ anyway, that's my take.
  15. Kings playing well -- the Olympic break could not have come at a better time........it's a completely different team than the one that stumbled into the Olympic break. KIngs/ Sharks interesting match up -- I'd really like to see the Kings/ Ducks match up in the second round -- first time ever match up of those two in Cup playoff series.
  16. 35 man roster -- more typos -- 25 man -- oh well. Again, McDonald there because Halos have had a good look at Freese's D at 3B during ST.
  17. one thing about 2014 - is there any possible way we can do worse in April - May 15th period than 2012 and 2013 seasons? I don't think so. heck, if the Halos are at .500 on May 15 -- that's a significant improvement............and all it pretty much takes to do that is NOT tanking in games vs. Houston and Seattle.
  18. didn't see it.......I do like and always have like Harold Reynolds take of stuff going back to his ESPN days........ not sure what really happened there (read the press reports at the time and it seemed as if there was more to the story). ESPN's loss has been MLBTV's gain.
  19. I always liked Figgins and the way he played the game -- of course, I wasn't his team-mate and in the dug out/ club house with him. always amazes me when an ex-player like AK goes on a diatribe like this versus a current player. It reminds me of when the Dodgers former OF'er Brett Butler did kind of something like this -- a year or so removed from the Dodgers he blasted the team and specific players by name......just seemed silly to me -- a guy not on the team commenting on guys on the team and criticizing their play/ behavior (and this was not something like an incident of steroid use or anything like that)..... no need to pay attention to this kind of stuff. and, yes, AK does look small and bitter in this exchange. I'm glad Figgy made the Dodgers 25 man roster -- he must've earned it because I thought the odds were against him making the team going into ST.
  20. I don't see Shuck remaining much longer with the Halos organization at this point. Cowgill needs to produce or Matt Long takes his place by mid-season. the pen guy situation will change once De La Rosa and Burnett get healthy and are back. Stewart/ McDonald being kept to me means that Scioscia and Halos brain trust suspicious of Freese's ability to play acceptable D at 3B for a full 9 innings. Grant Geen sent out because he needs every day playing time more than he needs MLB roster time at this point in his career.....he'll be on the 35 man roster next year.
  21. today's LA Times has second place finish prediction behind Texas in front of Oakland with concerns about starting rotation spots 3 to 5 and pen depth -- that's about right.
  22. ok, thanks -- he's a pretty good pick up -- I see him being in Anaheim by mid-season if not before.
  23. Shuck makes nice play on D and then gets the news that he's on the bus to AAA SLC.......oh well.
  24. glad Skaggs made rotation........he had some good starts at the end of last season for Arizona. did the guy we get from Detroit, Alvarez, make the 25? I assume he did.........if not, and was sent to SLC, he may be one of the first guys on the shuttle to Anaheim.
  25. if 2014 pen staff is anything like 2013 -- there will be a shuttle between Anaheim and SLC for a number of pen guys....... as for Matt Long, he will be back -- more important for his career now that he play -- Halos OF is crowded. time to move Shuck to some team for a pen depth guy.
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