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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Alvarez up -- thought this deal for Romine was a good one when we made it and I am not surprised to see Alvarez called up before May. other guys weren't cutting it so, moving them out and bringing up Herrera and Alvarez makes a lot of sense. Actually. Alvarez is not only a guy who can be a pre-set up guy pitching an inning or three -- but quite possibly be in the Halos rotation if someone like Santiago falters into May.
  2. even if they do tighten up on the 'transfer' rule -- you can still tell a catch and transfer from a drop. the issue in that Cleveland 'no catch' may have been that they felt the 'fence' helped keep the ball in the glove -- but even with that, when the OF'er turns to throw is when the ball drops out, it's clearly the transfer that creates the drop......... geez, what terrible calls.
  3. man that 'no catch' call in the Cleveland/ San Diego game was worse than the one by Hamilton in Seattle....... all these replays are doing is giving the umps a second opportunity to get it wrong and they DO !! man, what terrible calls -- the Seattle no catch call and then this one. I think we need the NHL guys from Toronto to review these calls not the MLB guys from New York.
  4. I didn't realize Morales wasn't signed for 2014 --- obviously the draft pick issue a factor.......... hey, that's what happens with these guys -- in the MLBPA contracts they have to take the good with the bad....... a big slow footed DH -- 1B if you have to do it guy, just isn't going to be worth paying the guy and giving up a draft pick -- just the way it is. as it is, we don't need him -- we have Ibanez........only so many 1B/DH types you can have on your roster........ plus -- after watching Freese play -- geez.......he runs the bases like his name -- FROZEN. These guys must be taking base running speed lessons from Jose Molina or something..........
  5. well about ten days ago I posted I thought Garrett Richards should be placed ahead of Santiago in the rotation and sort of got ripped for that and for stating that I saw Santiago in a ST game vs. the ChiSox and was not too impressed........ some one asked, that impression after just one ST game? My response - no but that ST game that I saw plus his starts last year for the ChiSox. Santiago is a swing man -- long relief, spot starter -- not a rotation guy -- Just IMO. RIchards, IMO, will improve this year. We'll see.
  6. I just read that Aw Shucks has been summoned from SLC.......might be in line up tonight.
  7. Matt Long looked pretty good in ST........... it's either him or Aw Shucks........ BTW -- who's been called up?
  8. did he injure that on the transfer of the ball from the glove to his throwing hand?????????
  9. yeah, I'm pretty sure we had the TV trays going as well -- in the 'den' which was our TV room. Gentleman Al Downing on the mound.........
  10. I remember watching the game and Hammerin' Hank becoming the HR King........I still consider him the HR King. I also place him right up there with Stan Musial as one of the better individuals (regardless of stats) to play the game. Class Act, Hank Aaron.
  11. used to be on the old ESPN board -- quite a few folks from there still here now. I guess the old ESPN Angels forum lives on but have not checked it in quite some time (as in years). When I did check in on it last (just for grins and I really can't remember how long ago it was, could be two years ago, might be more like 8), it seemed to suffer from the same issues that caused folks to flee it in droves but the situation only seemed worse........oh well, good riddance to all those old lame boards......
  12. early in the season yet -- two starts -- c'mon.
  13. well, Billy Beane will put Blanton to use -- even if it is mopping up and eating some innings in a lopsided A's loss...........I don't really see the upside for Blanton in all this -- not sure why he signed........it's not like he will be offered a contract for 2015 unless he wants to play for MLB minimum and I don't that's the case........oh well. no harm, no foul at Halos end........we're on the hook whether he plays or not but a little bit less if he plays and makes the A's 25 man roster.
  14. did freese move up in the line up? anyway, we really need to reel off two quick victories vs. these guys and then at least win this series. and 0-3 start combined with a series loss (perhaps even split) to Houston -- that would spell real bad news for us. Houston beat us last year in the season series, but good........April slow start plus W/L record vs. doormat Houston spelled 'Season Over" in August for Halos.
  15. he needs to concentrate on physical therapy. not sure if all the road game travel stuff would be good for him even when he returns. hope he can be on the field within a couple of months -- perhaps just the home games. good guy to have around -- knows how to win.
  16. yeah, the whole Fregosi era seems to be have forgotten by some in Anaheim. back when there wasn't much going for the team (perhaps like past two seasons, perhaps this year, too?) Jim Fregosi WAS the Angels. Halos' best player, All-Star rep and literal face of the franchise for about a decade. things move on, times change, memories blur.......... to me, there are really only four franchise players Halos in Halos history: Fregosi, Ryan, Salmon and now Trout. a fifth, if you include a non-player, Gene Autry.
  17. took lessons from his last year's teammate, Kelton Wong.
  18. Well GA doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would have patience with young hitters -- hard to say. But when folks throw out these names, they tend to forget that guys like GA and Salmon who did very well financially during their MLB careers, sometimes the last thing they want to do with their time is to get back into the grind of constant travel and to do so at a fraction of what they were making as players....... Hansen is actually an old Sosh favorite from the Dodger days and Hansen was sort of a bench coach/ PH at the end of his career......Sorrento - not sure where that comes from, he never impressed me much.........kind of a Dave Kingman light -- not as many HRs, some power stroke but about as many strikeouts...... Sorrento played for Cleveland and Seattle if I remember this right.
  19. 859 -- we will need to average at least 5.3 runs a game this year with our rotation and pen........and we have the line up that could do that.
  20. and, yeah we can't retire number 27 for a while anyway........
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