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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. we swept a pretty good ball club in Cleveland........nice way to start the home stand......
  2. TODAY!! April 30th -- much better than the past two Aprils.
  3. the ironic thing is the only thing ruining the current Stadium and location is the poor relationship between the COA and the Angels (Arte). and I put most of the reason for this poor relationship on Anaheim, not Arte. Arte is a business guy -- be up front with him and he'll be square with you........even if he doesn't like whatever you (meaning COA) proposes........but COA has been playing this shell game of shifting proposals on the Halos. It's nonsense and Arte is calling them out on it. Good for Arte. Now, a reality check. The best location for a ballpark is on the real estate where it currently sits. Whether you do yet another renovation on the current Big A or demolish it and build a new park next door on the same lot (heck, with all the parking there, the Angels could probably do this without impacting parking that much) -- that's decision to be made.........but Anaheim -- thinking they have Arte in a bind (because they own what appears to be the best and perhaps only location for a ballpark) needs to do a reality check as well........they're a dismal failure in the economic development arena. They've tried for years to develop the Platinum Triangle area or whatever they call it.......they given other developers options to come up with development proposals (even back when redevelopment agency type financing was available) and failed on numerous occasions.........that's why it was COA that went to ARTE with the development tie in proposal with a lease extension........Arte's a winner. He knows business, investment and development. He runs circles around the COA public employees who have not a clue about free markets and free enterprise.....investment and return......so Arte gives it a go, the COA says OK and then pulls back when the Mayor doesn't like the perception of a public give away (again, it's Arte doing the development and taking the risk , so he deserves some return on that investment) and backs away -- exactly what investors hate -- a moving target......a moving target with the Mayor and COA weighing down the return on the back end with added payouts to the COA (for no up front investment, only a property that's been the subject of development flops for more than a decade) -- so like the proverbial Christmas tree, the COA offer gets weighed down with too many ornaments and causes Arte to back off the moving target. If I am Arte, I start negotiations with downtown LA interests as soon as tomorrow. Dodgers won't like it it -- but tough........Bring the Halos back to baseball only new style park called The New Wrigley Field in Downtown Los Angeles.........now we're talking Los Angeles Angels baseball.......Steve Bilko bobble head on opening night........ having said that -- I still think the best location is right there on State College and Katella.....let Arte partner with some one who gets along with the COA (I don't think at this point, Arte could be in an actual partnership with the COA) and enter into negotiations for Arte and his COA designated partner to negotiate with the NFL to build a new football stadium at the Big A as soon as the new baseball stadium next door is completed.........like Seattle.........keep your baseball team, gain a S. Cal NFL team instead of losing the Halos to downtown LA. someone's gotta blink -- my bet is that is isn't Arte Moreno.
  4. good to see he's doing well -- hey, but we're hitting right now -- can his comeback wait a little bit?
  5. it seems like Doc Halo and I are on the same page on a lot of things here......not sure if that's good for either one of us. LOL!!!
  6. The thing that made the Mays' catch was the throw........ he turned his back on home plate and used his speed to sprint to the ball and caught it over the shoulder in cavernous center field of the old Polo Grounds and then he whirled and made a perfect throw back to the infield.....the runners did not advance on the play......it was remarkable. Edmonds catch in KC was every bit as good and amazing. I second the comments about Devon White made on this thread -- he was pretty amazing when he first came up -- the buzz around Peter Bourjos was similar when he started playing center for the Halos the past two years and made some amazing plays -- being not only a great OF'er with a good read but that combined with incredible speed to get to flayballs that others simply could not catch up to..... But for day in, day out, Edmonds was a highlight reel all to himself during his time in Anaheim.......even though he may not have been as athletically gifted in the speed department as a Devon White, Gary Pettis or Peter Bourjos........
  7. The 'development deal' the City has offered the Angels (and now are adding an Appraisal that is designed to increase the costs of the developer (Angels) and minimize any risk to the city) is one that has been offered to others back when there was the availability of a redevelopment agency and increment tax financing -- the project didn't pencil out then and now there's no such financing as the State two years ago eliminated redevelopment agencies and their powers...........so it's not as if this 'development' opportunity is one that has serious investor developers knocking down the city's door. Arte agreed to consider tying such a development proposal to the lease extension issue at the City's request........ the city has suggested they'd be better off to level the ballpark and build housing, condos and other retail stuff at the site -- OK -- Angels call their bluff....... now introducing yet another Halos name change -- The LOS ANGELES ANGELS FORMERLY OF ANAHEIM.
  8. Like Taylor -- I'm with Team ARTE. Anaheim is not playing fair here. If they felt the prior offer was not fair to taxpayers (as the Mayor now contends) -- then the City Council should not have passed it and presented it to the Halos. If the Mayor wanted to veto the Council's actions, he should be allowed to do so and the Council should then be able to over-ride him and move forward. City of Anaheim has to go to great lengths to 'LOSE" the Angels because the other options out there aren't great -- but the City of Anaheim may just be able to accomplish that.
  9. Well, the guy who has been the most impressive during this entire mess and media feeding frenzy has been Doc Rivers. What a class act !! Watching him handle the press post-game press conference tonight -- this guy is great. LA can't lose him.
  10. Trout seems to be throwing guys out...... I think he's pretty good -- the complete package. Oh well. that's why we have these forums to argue stuff like this. GMJ?? I would contend that he once made the most lucrative highlight reel catch -- the over the wall catch he made with Texas probably resulted in the Halos over-paying for his services -- what was it? $10 million a year for five years........except for that play, I don't think he did much (at least not for us) in the OF.......the under rated guy is probably Devon White......when he first came up, he was really something out there.
  11. I don't watch ESPN much or at least this stuff -- didn't know who this guy even was -- but the clip you guys posted almost guarantees I won't be tuning his show in any time soon.
  12. Green needs a full season at SLC.....I thought he would make the team but looks like Mike S. and the powers that be knew something when they went with McDonald. vet leadership, excellent D in all infield positions.......can sac bunt a guy along.......good move with McDonald......I can see him being a Halos (or MLB) coach in the future.
  13. Yes. Mickey Rivers has to be on that list, Rick Miller and Ken Berry (that's going back a ways -- how about Albie Pearson?) as well. my rankings 1. Edmonds -- watch the highlight reels KC may be best ever (better even than the Wertz catch by Mays in the '54 W/S). 2. Trout -- already a stud out there, big time. big time arm. 3. Pettis - this guy was quick, great fielder and got a great read......one of the best. 4, Erstad -- I think folks forget how good he was out in CF, because he played so much 1B and was a gold glove guy there as well. Mr. Hustle. 5, Devon White -- wasn't with the Halos very long but was an All Star quality CF'er when here. 6. Torri Hunter -- best highlight reel next to Edmonds......used to bring HRs back -- seemed to do so on a regular basis. 7. Fred Lynn OTHERS/ Honorable mention: Ken Berry, Rick Miller (all "D") and PJB - Bourjos -- wasn't with us long enough really. But I sure like the way he played CF. Chad Curtis???? He's on a list but not this list.
  14. best result of all this??? Chris Paul/ Blake Griffin in Lakers uni's next year. Doc RIvers new Lakers coach......... Clippers back to being the Clippers with or without that idiot Sterling.
  15. Ratings are pretty good -- but they are all for the TV guys -- the real announcing takes place on the radio side.........I like our guy, Terry Smith. As for the O's -- didn't realize they had Gary Thorne doing the pbp -- he's very good and has Mr. Underwear, Jim Palmer as his analyst........ Thorne really belongs in a city with a baseball AND hockey team (Washington Caps don't count for Baltimore)..... If the great Vin Scully and the great Bob Miller ever decide to hang 'em up (perhaps about the same time), perhaps the LA teams could work out a deal to bring Gary Thorne out West......Thorne is one of the best in the biz in NHL pbp. SF Giants deserve to be number one -- solid broadcasting team from pbp guys to analysts.....I remember when Duane Kuiper first started announcing games for the Giants (back with Hank Greenwald) --Kuiper would come to the booth and serve as color analyst when he was on the DL with the SF Giants......after his playing career was over, I think he might have spent a season or two with the Cleveland Indians announcing team (one of his former teams) before coming back to SF......he's a fixture there now and does well......the guy I really like in SF is Dave Flemming who broke in at about age 25 with the Giants (he might be about 30 now) and is just tremendous.........of course Jon Miller is the long time ESPN Sunday night guy (with Joe Morgan) who ESPN sort of dumped about two years ago -- not sure why........Miller spent years in the Baltimore Orioles' booth before heading West after some sort of contract dispute with Baltimore......I think Miller grew up in the SF Bay area (San Mateo?) so he's home..........SF Giants radio and TV teams very strong......... I like our guys. Victor Rojas is very good and I like Gubi, too......those who squawk about Gubi -- do you want Rex back? Stop squawking then, I think the Angels made the right move with the change a few years back........Terry Smith is solid on the radio side.
  16. Downing Rules -- "Joe Torre worked with Bart Starr" -- didn't realize Torre announced Green Bay Packers football games.........I do remember him teaming up with Bob Starr, who I always liked. As for Enberg -- not sure Angels could have gotten him back with any offer -- he lives in La Jolla and I think his deal with the Padres is sort of a Scully type gig -- he does home games on TV.....not sure if he travels much -- maybe to LA and SF, perhaps, AZ..........the trip from his La Jolla home to downtown Petco probably takes 15 minutes depending on traffic conditions. Going to check that list.........Hawk Harrelson is terrible.........hands down top candidate for all time worst......... As for one of the best, I'd pick St. Louis' John Rooney, who ironically, was the radio side guy for many years with the ChiSox while Hawk was doing the ChiSox TV games (with Ed Farmer, if I remember right)......that was a good mix Rooney on radio and Hawk on TV because folks watching WGN could turn down the sound and listen to Rooney.
  17. How can the A's announcing team be so high? No one hears them.......I think the A's games are transmitted from someone's basement in the East Bay.......
  18. he's the Indians pitching coach??? wow. Always seemed one bad outing away from AAA when he was with us. Did he pitch the game that avoided a sweep vs. Oakland that year and sort of turned our season around?
  19. I like the MLB channel to get updates on games when the Angels game isn't on.....and the MUTE button works very well with the MLB channel. that's how you handle guys like this........then they're not annoying at all.
  20. well, I thought they were pretty good but then I was watching the Ducks come-back against Dallas..........
  21. It's Halos Whiz -- I think it's a commentary on the state of the bullpen so far this year.
  22. Sharks changing it up in goal tonight in Game Six..........interesting.
  23. well, the nixing of the Chris Paul deal was huge and then the Clips got Doc Rivers as coach and suddenly they are a power/ team to be reckoned with.........of course they always maintained the ability to under-mined by Donald Sterling who's worst owner in sports/ embarrassing owner label has been somewhat kept under wraps in recent years -- until NOW...... It's just unfortunate that a coach as good of a guy as Doc Rivers is, has to go through this nonsense. He seems to handle all situations, from championship rings to difficult days like this, with class.
  24. Trout, 2 for 4, RBI single. & KINGS EXTEND SERIES TO SEVEN VS. SHARKS........
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