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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Well, this shows how the value of the regular season series results as a gauge for the playoffs. Ducks won 4 or 5 or something like that vs. Kings this year in the regular season -- the big marquee outdoor game at Dodger Stadium was a game dominated by the Ducks. and here we are in Game 7.........with about five minutes left and a 4 goal lead for the Kings.......
  2. Looks like the Ducks decided to show up for the Third Period.........playing for pride now -- and if they can get it closer -- well......maybe then............
  3. bad penalty there killed whatever momentum the Ducks had........cost them precious time.
  4. yes. the Kings really stole one in Game One and It was literally a seven seconds or less lapse on the ice by the Ducks -- just clear the puck -- and it's a different series.....you are right about that.
  5. AngelsFaninGA -- I think there quite a bit of folks (not necessarily just Ducks fans, but hockey fans in general) who share your opinion on putting too much on Gibson and pulling the veteran Hiller - and this is not just in retrospect.
  6. Frency on Figueroa -- was that the Detroit game?? It was 3-zip? (because it was the Red Wings must have seemed like 5-0). I remember they pulled the goal tender in that game real early --earlier than I think I had ever seen before -- and it worked!! thanks for the correction......
  7. would like to see Selanne get a goal in the third....... of course the NBCSN guys mentioned the Miracle on Manchester vs. Edmonton -- I tend to recall that game against Detroit.......
  8. well, yeah, it's going to be tough for the Ducks to come all the way back -- gotta agree with that -- but just sayin' the Kings did it against Detroit (no slouch of team out of Hockeytown -- ever) years ago so it can be done........ the thing here is, Hiller in goal for Ducks is probably a little rusty right now -- not to mentioned teed off at Bourdreau and the Ducks management.
  9. need to avoid the penalties at this point -- don't let the Ducks get any momentum....... and don't play 'prevent' stuff -- just like the NFL -- all that does is prevent your team from winning........
  10. Kings need to maintain their intensity -- tough to do in a game like this.
  11. Probably should say this, but the Kings once came back from a 5-zip deficit in a playoff game against Detroit....... the Kings pulled their goaltender (can't remember if it was Hrudey or even Potvin at the time) real early and it worked.......they came back to win the game in OT (more than one OT if I remember right-- this was back before shootouts but you don't have them in the playoffs anyway).
  12. yeah, Sutter interview was great, as always......... and, YES.....after the Olympics stuff and the year Seanne had, it is tough to see this for him....... now it's a 5-zip game. What I really don't like about this - despite really liking the end result -- is that after a game like this Teemu is probably not going to get the final skate around salute he deserves......if the Kings win this 1-zip or in OT or something --- the fans stand and salute him at the end of the game -----now, he's going to want to get off the ice as soon after the handshake drill as possible....... sad to see a great career end this way...........oh well, the Olympic moment(s) were great.
  13. I didn't like it when the Kings pulled Quick earlier in the series (San Jose series) -- but it seemed to work -- the Kings woke up after sleep walking through Games One and Two vs. the Sharks.
  14. as for pulling Gibson, at some point you have to -- even if the score isn't reflective of how he's played -- but have to make a change to change up the mix on the ice some how - because nothing is working........
  15. geez -- nothing going the Ducks way -- a power play to maybe get them somewhat back into it and it ends after FOUR seconds. even as a Kings fan, this is difficult to watch.........
  16. Well, I agree -- not Gibson's fault -- but it's 4-zip KINGS right now and Jonas Hiller is on to finish the game. Ducks have not had a shot on goal in more than NINE minutes.
  17. on the penalty shot -- Quick 'out Quicked' Perry with the early poke check........looked like Perry was waiting to the last second to lift one over Quick. as for pulling Gibson, during the break after the first period, the NBCSN panel said Gibson probably would have been pulled had he not been a 20 year old rookie........ oh well. lot of game to go but Kings couldn't have asked for a better start and a better first period. Ducks catching hell in the locker room -- they need a real strong opening five minutes of the second.
  18. All Kings First Period......... Chicago, Chicago, My Kind of Town.........
  19. Ducks look like the Kings of Games One and Two of the San Jose series.........
  20. KINGS firing on all cylinders in Game Seven. Ducks may be forced to pull Gibson and replace him with the displaced and disgruntled Jonas Hiller !!!!
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