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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. now we have a power play - gotta take advantage of this here NOW.
  2. 5 on 4 -- now......WHEW...... if we kill this next one, gotta watch the play right AFTER the kill and back at full strength......how many times have you seen a team have a successful tough penalty kill only for the other team to then score as soon as teams are back at full strength......now 4 on 4 skating -- dumb penalty by Hawks........
  3. another power play -- are we going to be two guys down now? not for long -- Chicago should have given up the puck as soon as the second penalty was called.
  4. geez -- how many power plays is Chicago going to get in this game -- have we had one?
  5. who all thinks this Western Conference Final is really the true Stanley Cup championship round this year? I gotta believe that either the Blackhawks or the Kings will dispatch the NY Rangers in six games or less. and the series probably won't be as good as this one is....... having said that, despite the lead, Hawks offense looked a little sluggish first period -- but they'll recover quickly......they are just too good of a team not to.
  6. wow -- no national WGN tie in to the Cubs -- and Sox. sort of like the de-coupling of WTBS from Atlanta...... I think this may hurt the White Sox more than the Cubs -- the Cubs have pretty much always sold out Wrigley Field -- which like Fenway - is pretty much a tourist stop of its own regardless of how the team is doing --- but the White Sox -- I have to believe that the WGN broadcasts help them draw some fans....... and, yes, it's a lot cheaper for the national channel to have schedule of old re-runs and movies and nonsense........even if the viewership goes down so do the expenses so it ends up being a win for the station...... this sort of reminds me of (on the radio side) when KMOX dropped the St. Louis Cardinals a few years back -- like WGN and the Cubs and with some of the same personnel (well, Harry Carray, anyway) -- the Cardinals on KMOX was a Midwest staple for more than 50 years -- heck, the popularity of the St. Louis franchise dates to KMOX 50,000 watt spread across the Midwest with Harry Carray announcing the games far and wide back when -- the KMOX/ St. Louis Cardinals de-coupling was a shocker -- so much so -- it only lasted a year or two and now the Cardinals are back on KMOX where they belong.
  7. geez -- we're the aggressors on offense but not getting the breaks......bad bounce has us down 3 to 2. looked like a bad goal at first, but bad bounce. can't pull Quick -- gotta dance with the one that brung ya........ this is gonna be a war -- we have to be ahead of the Hawks in this game heading into the third period........ we're just not getting the breaks..........
  8. is there a plan to get an AW.com suite for the Saturday June 21 game?
  9. don't want to say I feel queasy about Game 7 (because it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy) -- but Kings really needed to close this one out tonight..... there were some defensive lapses by the Kings but unlike some here I don't feel they played horrible........the Blackhawks are just good -- they are not defending Stanley Cup champions for nothing. Watching tonight's game, I really get the feeling the Western Conference winner is going to skate all over the NY Rangers. OK -- Back to Chicago -- momentum with the Blackhawks and also home ice advantage -- Kings really need to take control of the game early.......if it's a tie game heading into the third period or into OT -- not good for our guys.........we need to win Game 7 by having control of the game by the end of the second period.
  10. terrible stuff -- KINGS lose Game SIx -- Halos down early 6-zip with RIchards -- who seemed to be developing so well this year as a rotation guy -- pulled in first inning.......Halos fight back to within four runs (7 to 3) early and then the bomb to CF by Donaldson for HR number two in the ballgame........ I'm tuning out now before things get worse. Game SEVEN in CHICAGO Sunday evening -- not liking the sounds of this going in, but Kings still have that elimination game streak going......so we shall see. RATS! Needed to close it out tonight.
  11. YES!! KINGS LEAD -- now play some D.........let's end this thing TONIGHT.......
  12. YES!! and now on the power play here with 14 minutes left in the third.........
  13. don't want to be up against the ropes Sunday night in Chicago........if that happens, perhaps the Kings elimination game winning streak may end......
  14. Kings need to turn this around in the third period right now. Kings cannot let this go to a Game 7 in Chicago.....if it does, I see potentially bad news for Kings fans........Kings need to close this out tonight! Now. Third period.
  15. geez --I sort of felt we escaped that OT period there -- Hawks seemed to dominate there the last six minutes or so...... this thing is going to be won on a mistake turn-over and/or perhaps a lucky bounce......
  16. He should run -- adds another weapon the arsenal and probably provides better pitches to the hitter at the plate with Trout at first as a threat to steal on any pitch.... if he's not going to run as in just stop stealing -- that message will get out quick and that little advantage of the pitcher worrying about what he's doing over at first won't be there. I don't think he needs to run at 50 stolen base rate for the season --- it still sort of bugs me that he got tossed out on that steal attempt in the final game of his first season which cost him that 50 steals plateau --- I think it would have added to his MVP vote total -- but likely not enough to have won it........
  17. was that a Game 4 performance or what? Kings D was unreal. Am sure there's some dissing of Crawford going on right now -- but it wasn't his fault -- on at least two of the goals -- the Kings had two guys behind the Hawks' defense in the crease right in front of Crawford..........a team can't allow that.......... Montreal just won game 5 so it's 3 to 2 -- I'm rooting for McSorely's Stick re-match --Montreal vs. Los Angeles.......
  18. interesting.......if he's a minor league instructor he might draw fans to the minor league park -- betchya he still rips the ball in batting practice...... at one time Manny was the best hitter in baseball -- head case YES -- great swing ? Absolutely. When Manny came to the Dodgers, I thought, oh man -- what a mistake -- but then he went on that run that got them into the playoffs that first year he was there.....the guy's hitting was unreal. Manny can be a head case but IMO he's tough to dis-like.
  19. great. glad some feel this way --- I'll take our guy Trout any day of the week........ If this sportswriter were a GM and selected his team this way -- Puig over Trout -- he'd probably be unemployed the next day.
  20. I think Richards has moved beyond the point where he needs to prove something every time out (as is 'does he belong in the rotation?") he's a rotation guy for us, has the confidence and can survive some early inning struggles. he's really developed into a rotation guy this year.......and GEEZ did we need that to happen....... if he stays healthy he can be counted on for the rotation for a number of seasons now......
  21. I was at the ballpark for the games Friday/ Saturday night vs. KC. Saturday night was the 13 inning marathon that started at 4:15 PM and ended after 9:15 PM. In the Saturday game, Freese got on base late in the game twice -- I think once in the 7th and then, perhaps, in the 9th -- both times I thought Sociscia missed a good opportunity to pinch run for Freese who is a terrible base-runner -- slow with no apparent base running instincts.......... it was in the 9th when Freese got on base and then McDonald pinch hit (for Ibanez) behind him and McDonald put down a perfect sacrifice.......anyway, Freese (and at this point I am shouting -- c'mon Sosh pinch run for Freese) then promptly runs into an out at third on a bouncer to the third base side of the mound and gets tossed out a third.........amazing........ if that's not bad enough, Freese STAYS IN for D after that (McDonald could have easily stayed in the game and the DH/ now pitcher's spot moves to Freese spot in the line up) ........So Freese stays in, McDonald the guy with the great D down there is on the bench and KC hits a groundball between Aybar at SS and Freese at 3B that Freese doesn't even seem to move on -- Aybar seems crossed by Freese but it's the third baseman's ball anyway -- and the hit scores a run for KC -- Halos lose. I just think Freese (who has hit of late) needs to be taken out of almost every game for a D replacement in the 7th inning and if he gets on base late, needs to be pull immediately for a pinch runner.... Meanwhile, earlier in the same game, Pujols is on second, ground ball to infield, Pujols holds, waits for the throw and scampers over to third base -- great play at the time and it ended up manufacturing what was then the go-ahead run (at the time) for the Angels......... oh well -- little things like this (Good stuff -- Pujols) is what wins games and (BAD stuff -- Freese) and loses games.
  22. Duffy, KC -- California Native (Cabrillo High School, Lompoc, CA) lefty starter for KC -- 6 IP, 4 K . 3 BB. 2 ER -- W. Have seats behind the plate, Section 213..... going to be rooting for Duffy to have a quality outing and for the Angels to win in the late innings......after he's left the game. Have known the family for some 30 years or more.
  23. well, a string of 'luck' like they have had past seasons and this seasons and it's not really 'luck' any more........ A's seem to regularly find a way to win.
  24. I'm surprised to hear he started 23 games for the ChiSox last year because he wasn't in the rotation the entire season -- seemed to sub for injured starters and stuff. his 3.51 ERA is a bit deceiving.....I tracked some of his starts last year and he was pretty inconsistent............I didn't really consider him a reliable rotation guy. oh well -- maybe he can improve during his time at SLC.......
  25. more talent for Angelswin.com -- good work , Chuck and all......
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