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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Green is worse than Freese at 3B? If so, that's saying something. Perhaps McDonald should come in as a mid-game defensive replacement instead of the usual 'late' innings......
  2. Ferguson -- no Kendrick for Holland deal -- for one, KC is in serious contention and next, Wade Davis is at the end of his contract and probably won't be re-signed by KC.....Davis' current contract was as a rotation guy; he got pulled from the rotation due to inconsistency of starts and has now performed so well as a set up and pre-set up guy in the pen, they're not moving him back into the rotation.......but he's not really a closer -- KC has an option on Davis for '15 that they probably will pass on and then he'll hit the F/A market............he's had a good two years as a pen guy so someone will over-pay for him.......hope it's not us. (We could use him, but not at what will probably be his asking price).
  3. Street and Bud Black for Morin, Kohn and Mike Butcher.
  4. I think the platoon works.......having said that you're asking this after I was at Friday night's game against Texas which may have been one of Iannetta's worst nights ever behind the plate. they seemed to steal at will against him and then he had about two passed balls (one of which may have been scored a wild pitch but shouldn't have been). Conger played the next night and had a good night behind the plate and at the plate.
  5. We need to make a trade for some quality pen pitching if we are to make a serious run......... when the deal is done a lot of folks here might not like it because we're not dealing from a position of strength so that means giving a away a quality player on the 25 man roster OR giving up a pretty good young prospect for some possibly very short term help........ but that is the situation we're in.
  6. yeah -- everyone has heard those 'Sosh wants to manage Dodgers' rumors over the years......... I don't believe 'em -- I think Sosh will wind up in the Halos front office at some point. although, let the rumor mill begin -- if Bud Black gets fired in San Diego and Mattingly leaves LA (Mattingly seems to have a tenuous hold on the Dodgers job even when the team is winning -- not sure why -- but it seems that way).........we could see a managerial musical chairs........I would think the choice in Anaheim would be Bud Black or Gary DiSarcina....... but I don't see Sosh leaving........unless the Halos just tank the second half......
  7. GEEZ -- Rough crowd. I did not make it over to the Fanfest tailgate -- but, heck, Tim Mead takes time out of his day and duties to stop by and he gets lambasted for his remarks here...... oh well. I didn't hear what he said obviously, but most of us thought Smith had become the primary closer -- well, at least because Frieri I don't think has pitched an inning (in any situation) since his last blown save.......but let's give Mead a break (not that he needs one, he commented on what he knew and I am sure provided the best information he had at the time) and Sosh as well, it's pretty common for teams to go through a period of 'closer by committee' when the primary closer gets replaced.......happens throughout MLB and is happening with some other teams right now. Also, apparently Smith has some back issues or something that made him unavailable today. Oh, by the way, despite the pen issues (and two consecutive games where the Halos pen guy gave up a HR to the first batter faced) -- the Halos just SWEPT the Rangers. I'll take that. Oh, and I also appreciate Tim Mead stopping by to say a few words to AW.com folks on Saturday.......he's always been a friend of AW.com -- and it's appreciated.
  8. why would someone hire him? because managers and coaches with experience -- even experience losing games -- tend to get hired again. Also -- this is Bud Black's first managerial job -- he's been through a constant re-building program of sorts in San Diego -- that first year (could have been the second year) the Padres did sort of fade big time in the second half -- I think it was Bud Black's first year -- Padres led the division most of the first half.........
  9. well, taking a page out of Billy Beane's playbook -- the goal is to stay close by the ASG break and then add a few pieces for the stretch run. The release of Ibanez allowing Cron to stay with the Halos and get playing time, plus keeping Grant Green up is part of that second half re-make. Has anyone noticed that McDonald has been inserted into the line up at third base for Freese in the late innings during the Texas series -- hopefully this continues. Today Sosh inserted Efren N. to play late inning defense at 1B...... all good moves.
  10. Does San Diego resident who posted on this thread think Bud Black will last with the Padres much beyond the ASG break? If Bud Black does get fired down there , the Angels should seek to place him somewhere in the Halos organization IMMEDIATELY for the rest of the season and then figure out during the off-season what's next -- of course -- Bud Black could well be hired to manage another MLB team next year.........
  11. Nice sweep. If we can't do this against Houston, well, Texas will do.
  12. I've always liked Bud Black. If the Padres fire him, then the front office there is nuts. if he does get fired, he should be hired the NEXT DAY as Halos pitching coach. Halos pitching coach could then go where is techniques might be more successful-- in A ball.
  13. we were headed over early to the AngelsWin.com tail gate site to deliver waters for the tailgater (we managed that but did not get back for the tail gater -- oh well !). As we headed out of the parking lot on the Orangewood exit -- the guy taking the redeemable parking stubs asks us -- do you like Raul Ibanez -- at which point I mention that the Halos should release him because he is batting at .147 clip or there - abouts........parking lot attendant there says -- they just released him this morning -- this is how I found out. Ibanez was a great guy and a true professional -- but the facts are he just could not produce for the Halos........... Meanwhile, this CJ Cron guy does nothing but hit line drives every time up or so it seems....... good call by Halos Front Office -- still, tough to see a good guy like Ibanez end his career this way......but. honestly. the Halos roster got stronger as soon as the Ibanez release happened.
  14. Smith -- realistically,is there any other option? Went to Texas-Angels games on Friday 6/19 and 6/20. Halos won both games. And, in both games, the first Halos pen guy to come into the game promptly gave up a HR to the first hitter the pen guy faced..... Joe Smith is really the only option at closer.
  15. the Freiri trade with San Diego was a very good one for the Halos -- we more than got our value out of that deal with Freiri's performance over the past two years. now he has hit a rough spot and at this point his role needs to be relegated to a non-closer pen role. If Freiri is not able to resume closer duties again (ever), the pick up of Freiri was still a win for the Halos who really had no expectations he would serve in the closer role at any time when the Halos acquired him........ Angels need to make a deadline deal for some pen help -- perhaps even a rental closer for two months -- steep price would be paid --- so the equation is : is the steep price worth a two month rental closer to assure making the playoffs this year or not?
  16. Street is OK but he had his arm troubles in the past and pretty much was bounced out of the AL and now pitches at pitcher friendly park -- of course, before that I think he pitched at a hitter's park (Colorado).......he had success with the A's but had arm surgery after that. been a tough year for Street, personally, his father, a U of Texas legend named James Street (QB for a NCAA championship team) passed away suddenly about six months ago or so. another one of James Street's more localized fame (to Texas) was related to me by a friend who was there apparently in a key Texas high school championship football game years ago, Street was the QB for his team and was driving down field for a winning touchdown, was in the Red Zone and apparently lost track of downs and he either spiked the ball or step out of bounds (on 4th down) during the ball over and losing the game........stuff like that in Texas never seems to get forgotten.........not in an IMPORTANT FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS game......which is Texas may be more important than the games on Saturday and Sunday........... Hutson Street comes from good stock - at this point -- almost anyone (Fernando Rodney, Bobby Jenks, K-Rod?) is better than what we've seen lately......
  17. yeah. was wondering if Skaggs would be back that quick......he was listed but now it probably will be Weaver.
  18. Royals beating Detroit tonight 10 to 3......I think it's the ninth straight win for KC - they take over first place in the AL Central.
  19. the pbp call from heaven this morning would go something like this (from a familiar voice): "HANG A STAR ON THAT ONE"
  20. on the ESPN MLB site they repeat the story about Tony Gwynn and how he came to play baseball at San Diego State. I always remembered the story but tended to forget the player involved. It was Bobby Meacham, who played SS in MLB with the Yankees among others. Tony Gwynn came out of Long Beach Poly to SDSU on a basketball scholarship. SDSU's basketball team back then wasn't very good - they played in the very small gym called Peterson Gym if my memory serves me right (I went to SDSU and was a student there during the time that Gwynn played hoops there and saw him play point guard). Anyway, Meacham was a S. Cal high school product and played high school and tournament baseball against Tony Gwynn during high school. Meacham was making a recruiting visit to SDSU talking to Jim Dietz, the long-time SDSU coach -- while Meacham is sitting there -- in walks Tony Gwynn and engages in some small talk with Dietz. Gwynn leaves and Dietz turns his attention back to Meacham who asks Dietz -- 'was that Tony Gwynn? Is he on the team?" Dietz responds 'no, he's on the basketball team' to which Meacham responds to effect of ' you gotta be kidding me, that guy (Tony Gwynn) is the best baseball player I played against in high school -- you have to get him on the baseball team..." That lit the spark -- Dietz inquired and was informed that Gwynn was on a basketball scholarship which had a condition that stated he could not play any other sport. But then the basketball coach got fired and Meacham told Gwynn - 'hey you don't have a coach -- come out and play baseball and negotiate with who-ever the new coach is going to be' Gwynn put on an SDSU uniform and the rest is history. Jack McKeon was the Padres GM -- he would attend SDSU baseball games, one day he's out there (Padres are likely on the way to losing 100 games again that season) and sees this guy ripping line drives.......he asks the Coach Dietz - "who's that guy ? I haven't seen him out here before." Dietz "that's Tony Gwynn, he only joined the team five days ago" at the end of the season the basketball draft status of star point guard Tony Gwynn has dropped considerably -- why? he was playing great basketball (even if the team was lousy) --Gwynn remains the ALL TIME SDSU Basketball assists leader to this day.......but his NBA draft stock dropped sharply -- because it was clear he was going to be high round pick in the MLB draft. The San Diego Padres drafted him in the third round, the San Diego Clippers (then) took him in the tenth round of the NBA draft. The biggest assist of Tony Gwynn's career probably came from and was made by Bobby Meacham.
  21. am sure you folks have seen this -- but here goes anyway -- pitching match ups: Friday -- Texas (Saunders) vs. ANGELS (Santiago) Saturday - Texas (Martinez) vs. ANGELS (Skaggs)
  22. Great story, Dave. On the chewing tobacco aspect of this -- I think every story, every post needs to add that Tony Gwynn did shrink from this issue at all -- in fact, he blamed himself for not being able to kick that habit and even when his doctors told him, that his tobacco habit did not cause his cancer, he insisted that it did and used himself as an example to urge others to quit (or not start) the habit. you know, there's probably someone out there who doesn't like Tony Gwynn (well, opposing pitchers didn't like him when he was at the plate) but you'd have to search long and hard to find such a person. What a great ballplayer, what a great human being and what a life !! He made millions from baseball and probably could have made even more through the free agent market he never tested -- but the much beloved by everyone, and it seems like EVERYONE Tony Gwynn was very rich indeed.......Rich in genuine goodness that is so seldom seen in individuals, let alone a major sports superstar. And the best part of this - if there can be a best part on a day like this -- is that the universal love of Tony Gwynn by so many was so widely expressed over the years its not just something being said on a day like this........ can't say enough good things about the late Tony Gwynn...........
  23. I was at SDSU when Gwynn went there -- as the prior post indicates he was really known more for his basketball skills back then and YES -- one of the great SD trivia questions is: Which HOF'er owns the San Diego State assists record in basketball ? Every fan with any SD connection knows the answer instantly -- others scratch their head to think of an SDSU basketball player (until recently when they've developed some pretty good players). I don't think words can express what an icon Tony Gwynn is in San Diego -- and this encompasses more than baseball or even the entire sports world. The Padres franchise -- years after Gwynn's retirement -- is identified with one player -- Tony Gwynn........Gwynn is intertwined with the City. This is a very difficult day in MLB and the sports world -- it is more than difficult for San Diegans or anyone who ever lived in San Diego for any length of time. Number 19 -- if only every MLB player would have his enthusiasm and love for the game. Tony Gwynn was not a natural born hitter (like Ted Williams). Tony Gwynn took the talent that he had -- which was considerable but not naturally great -- and just worked his tail off (watching game film, studying pitchers, pitches etc. doing all the stuff way before it became common place -- in fact, it could be said he help introduce this to MLB) to become one of the game's all time greats............ R.I.P. The GREAT GREAT TONY GWYNN. A great ballplayer, a better human being.
  24. quick turn around -- late game tonight -- then game tomorrow in Cleveland.
  25. big series coming up -- we need to beat Cleveland 3 out of 4.
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