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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. well, the link didn't link........oh well. the link is to Virgil Trucks -- a pretty good AL pitcher back in his day -- pitched mainly for the Detroit Tigers.
  2. the ultimate Truck (stopper): http//.www.baseball-reference.com/players/t/truckvi01.shtml
  3. didn't realize Kemp's contract was for that much and for that long........ no one's going to touch Kemp......I'd be amazed if he's dealt any time soon. there's a top prospect in the Dogs organization named Saeger (something like that) and that's who Boston will want....... Lester is a rental - he'll be back in Boston next year.
  4. did I read that story right -- his ERA at the Academy of the Arts in SF was 8.38 ??? Well, all righty then, let's sign this guy........
  5. Cardinals in the hunt? Really? What do they have to give in return? well, Lester would be a rental so the Cards may be willing to pay his contract for two months but not any longer than that........ still, I don't see it or Lester in the Cards...... Dodgers makes the most sense........Kemp. and then Kemp and Lester will be team mates next year in Boston.
  6. what's Kemp's contract status? is he signed through next year (with a big dollar contract amount?) if so, the rental of Lester to shed Kemp's contract for next year not such a bad deal...... and the BoSox get a pretty good player next year -- expect the BoSox to require the Dodgers to pay about half of Kemp's contract so the BoSox can use that money to re-sign Lester.
  7. forgot about Cron -- well, it could go either way - everything's easier in hindsight........I probably would have run for Albert. hey, Freese seems to be playing better at third -- I mention this because I also would have had McDonald in for Freese perhaps after he hit in the 7th (or was I the 8th?) He certainly would not have been in for the 9th as far as my scorecard.......so he would have been unavailable. I believe in using the bench and making the most of scoring opps....... that Ayber stolen run vs. Detroit sort of reinforces that point........we could have easily lost that game with out Aybar's heads up, hustle play.
  8. I don't care if folks bash anyone -- let folks bash all they want and let other folks bash back -- all in good fun even if tonight's tough loss (and you're right, a huge swing tonight with the A's winning) was no where near fun....... tomorrow's another game, another day -- gotta go out and win this series.........gotta keep winning each series at this point...........start of a tough 6 game road trip -- (I don't consider the games in LA road games).......
  9. well. I probably would have put Shuck in to run........on the basis that Albert was just up and his turn in the line up won't be up again for two innings or more -- if the Halos haven't won the game by then, it's probably over anyway.........
  10. ah, didn't know that about Green -- other than McDonald (doesn't make sense for one old guy to run for another does it?) who else would have been available on the bench to PR for Albert. I know it was two out -- but you're in extras ON THE ROAD -- you have to maximize the scoring opps........I would have PR someone.
  11. btw -- Oakland just does not lose........ if we win 102 games, they will win 104.
  12. Can't tell who's up and down these days -- is Green back up with the club or at SLC.......if Green was up and available -- well, someone like that should have been running for Albert -- if so, that guy scores on Hamilton's 2B........ but then, we still have to shut them down in the bottom half of the inning -- despite the loss, our pen pitched pretty well. Weaver had some problems tonight -- some nights just isn't the guy's night - for all the folks bashing Weaver now, you gotta know he's also going to pitch some gems in critical games down the stretch.......I wouldn't be giving on him just yet......... any one want to go out and track down Blanton and get him back on the roster?? Didn't think so.
  13. perhaps UCR can schedule Nebraska........ Percy vs. Erstad.........
  14. What about the SF Giants - Cain looks like he'll be out for the season........ Lester is definitely going to be a rental -- sounds like he'll be back with Boston for ST next year.
  15. should have PR for Pujols.......oh well. good news in the bad news result is this -- our pen from a month ago would have lost this game by the 8th or 9th inning........
  16. Iannetta, 2 called strike threes in two ABs -- OUCH.
  17. well, call me throwback or whatever -- but when I see a guy make a heads up, hustle play -- well, that just reminds me of the way the game used to be played from start to finish. for quite some time now, it seems like some of the players just go through the motions....... as for being on the Detroit side of things -- nothing would irritate me more than a lackadaisical effort that Austin Jackson put forth in getting the ball back in. I mean, back in Little League, what did the coaches always yell at the outfield kids (usually the ones stuck out there because the good players were either pitching or playing infield positions) "get the ball back in quick, throw to second base if you are not sure where to throw the ball -- but get the ball back in FAST" Apparently Austin Jackson missed that coaches' screaming session -- every little league coach screams it at least once a practice.
  18. Aybar's play was mentioned and commented on in the game day thread -- it was a great play and won the game for the Halos (more so than the Freese HR, IMO). What I find amazing is that Aybar's heads up hustle play (that tied the game and lifted up to what was up to then a somewhat uninspired, lifeless Halos effort in the game, to rally back and win the game) was hardly worth a mention in today's LA Times -- yeah, they mentioned it in two lines or less in the game wrap up but did not highlight it in the least. I think the story about the game should have lead off with Aybar's heroics.......without his pay, the Halos probably don't rally back to win that game -- it's that simple. Austin Jackson's lapse there really hurt the Tigers........heads up hustle by Aybar.........we need more fast afoot,quick- thinking players making those kinds of plays.
  19. Blood brother -- YES -- very nice when the pen guys can throw strikes.......... first guy walks by pen guys make me go crazy as well.
  20. Didn't like the periwinkle blue uni's which we all called the Disney look. I did like the Anaheim gray road jerseys and wish they make some of those to sell in the team store....... now that the legal issues over the name change are pretty much over and done (although stadium lease issues still somewhat difficult caused by city of Anaheim's moving target position), perhaps the Angels can somewhat appease the City and have some of these jerseys made to sell in the team store....... not sure if they'd sell great, but I think a significant number of OC based fans would buy them.........I regret not getting one when I had the chance (and knew then that they probably would be completely out of stock and unavailable shortly after that) But geez, even 'close out sale' type jerseys are expensive items. I do think the Anaheim jerseys would result in some respectable sales numbers -- however, (I guess I can start the war of words/ bashing on this now) a road uni with Los Angeles across the front, perhaps a throw back look to the old PCL Los Angeles Angels -- I think something like that would fly off the shelves.........
  21. well, there was a lot of criticism last year and earlier this year about the state of our pen and how it cost us games........ Halos have sure shored up the pen this year -- today it showed. let's keep it going. we're probably not going to go after another starter at deadline time (and over-pay for either a rental or for a guy with a huge contract for next year that we give up a lot for now). the reason we're likely not going to go after a starter now (in addition to the steep price to be paid) is because we have pen depth that should allow the Halos to hopefully shorten games for ALL starters down the stretch but particularly for starters 4 and 5. So if they can keep the Halos into the game through five, the bullpen committee can take over.
  22. geez --- what a great night for the Rockies' marketing dept........can they spell OUCH ?
  23. perhaps the City of Anaheim can market them.........
  24. not bad for a flyer -- he could help when the rosters expand in September....... Wolf has pitched some great games the past few years as a journeyman starter for several teams (he was with the Dodgers about two years ago)...... Wolf has pitched some good quality starts and some real duds lasting only an inning or two......he's consistently inconsistent. but worth a flyer -- what's to lose by signing him and letting him start some games at SLC?
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