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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. they are going to pitch to the guy who 0 fo 6 tonight -- and strike one -- what a surprise.
  2. OK -- Trout got the jump there so no DP -- it's up to Hamilton..........please Intentionally walk him. PLEASE> PLEASE>
  3. why isn't Trout on second there? that takes away the DP.
  4. you guys all over him -- but he almost caught Iannetta sleeping and you have another Mr. GIDP coming up.
  5. nice try by Pedroia -- geez-- you all might not like Pedroia but he thinks heads up and Trout is running........... not a bad try. I like it.
  6. well , left side through the 5.5 Gwynn spot is OK, too.
  7. walked him........ hit to the right side here...........if its a GIDP -- what can you do...... with the catcher having problems with the pitches here -- I think your runners get a good jump,
  8. that was close -- either way -- not a terrible call.
  9. off Tazawa too.......I thought the other guy was coming in -- that's what Gubi said....... anyone see the LA Times letter today from Halos fans saying they love the Halos and watch all the games but can't stand the announcers........and they enjoyed listening to Vinny for the Dodgers series.
  10. Iannetta --- ok......hit to the right side? Navarro up --- not need to bunt -- just hit to the right side.
  11. Stradling.....'no reason for Aybar to take the tag off him' an excellent point and sort of over-looked in all this. You're absolutely right.
  12. where was Bedrosian on that play?? Response -- IN the dugout.......LOL!!!! My bad. But that's funny. hey, we get sort of a break here --Tawaza (spelled all wrong) not coming in.......instead it's a guy named Layne.......never heard of this guy. he's gotta be more hittable than either the Uherea or Tawaza..........maybe we have a shot here -------tie it up for more extras.
  13. I said Bedrosian -- I meant Rasmus -- he should have been over at third and not sure where Pujols was on whatever shift they had on -- he was probably the closest and just hasn't played there enough recently to remember -- hey, if I am 3B and here, it means the bag is not covered.......
  14. what do you call that ? a double SB? really? no E on anyone??
  15. I agree with the bunt idea -- if I were BoSox I do it several times. but not with Ortiz up. With Ortiz up -- I'd try to hit one to Pujols.........
  16. Navarro is still available..........good. I take your guys' word for it on Cron's D abilities -- have not seen him much down there. who can the Halos pitch next? Grilli? Shoemaker? Bring Weaver back out?
  17. Ah, you guys are rough. Cron is sort of struggling at the plate but the guy has a great swing and really hits the ball hard........
  18. let's see how this goes -- maybe something positive comes out of it --- Freese DFA'd Monday...........
  19. Cron at 1B and I know some folks here at Angelswin.com don't like his D ability at 1B -- I don't think he's that bad but others here think he's DH material. Pujols at third? can it be worse than Freese? We are about to find out. If I were BoSox I'd open up the next inning with a bunt to the third base side..........not sure who's leading off for them next inning.
  20. Pujols to third it looks like......... might be a D upgrade from Freese.
  21. OK -- we finally got one past that Bradley guy out in CF........and if that guy can't track it down -- no one (well, maybe Peter Bourjos) can.......... guy at third...........two out -- McDonald up. Cron to PH and then we've got no one for third base??? or do we? Cron to 1B and Pujols to third??????? who else do we have?
  22. Josh is Oh for Five tonight........ now Oh for Six......... that was an absolute terrible AB. is the guy even trying?? that looked like a total lack of effort there........is this BoSox pitcher that good?
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