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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Cespedes hit another HR today for Boston...........
  2. Without any other considerations on 'outside' issues, the Lester deal was a short term trade for the A's to finally have a team that's a real playoff threat from a pitching rotation stand point. They get Lester for a two month rental and shed Cespedes salary for 2015. I still DO NOT LIKE the DEAL.......I think Cespedes is a good ballplayer and, perhaps more importantly to the A's, was really the guy who got their offense going. He had a pretty good arm in the OF as well as the Angels have seen first hand in playing the A's and now Boston......... If the A's win the world championship, Beane and the A's may consider the trade well worth it.........if that's the calculation, so be it. High risk, high reward, high cost..........if it fails, significant disappointment.
  3. the Cespedes trade was so unlike Billy Beane it made no sense to me. however, on another thread on AW.com, a regular poster here made reference to the timing of the trade and the biogenesis issue percolating because of developments and possible revelations coming out of the court case (now that it's wrapped up against one of the key biogenesis figures).....and that this is somehow going to impact Cespedes.......... I have no clue one way or the other about any of this and how it may or may not impact Cespedes.......... however, I wouldn't put it past Beane to make a deal like this having possessed an inkling of some inside information about revelations to come.......hard to say. But Lester for two months for Cespedes doesn't seem like a good trade off even if Lester leads the A's to the championship and the A's also save salary and cut payroll next year taking Cespedes' contract/ salary off the books for 2015. Hard to say -- but with that factor, the unlike Beane trade sort of becomes , "well, Beane would do that' I like Cespedes as a ballplayer -- he was the key to the A's offense and made things happen..........pretty good on D (well, throwing the ball -- as Halos know) out in the OF as well.
  4. New commissioner named today - announces new rules along lines behind the "NO blocking the plate by catchers rule" Playoff format will continue but we won't crown winners because there won't be any keeping score..........All teams will be given a PARTICIPATION trophy at the end of the World Series . Teams will play a full season but playoffs will be decided not by Won Loss record but by a lottery pick out of the hat at the end of the regular season.......teams who played in the playoffs within the past two years are not eligible for the lottery........ No one loses.........everyone happy........what fun.......sorry, Vegas.
  5. Ah, don't blame Posey -- his collision at the plate was awful and I have to hand it to Buster Posey -- honestly, I didn't think he would ever catch again after that collision and would be a 1B/ PH and possible DH against AL teams and then on an AL team. He came back and caught the next season and caught well. So no grudges or blame vs. Posey here -- at all -- but it was his play that caused the powers that be to institute this unworkable rule. I say go back to the old rule -- the old rule worked for the Posey play itself -- the umpire always has the discretion to call the runner out on an interference play (BEFORE THE NEW RULE) if the runner went out of his way to bowl over the catcher without any rhyme or reason. Catchers are pretty good at deciding whether to stand their ground and block the plate (running the risk they will get run over by the base runner) or moving aside to take the throw that is a little late in coming to the plate........let 'em play -- get rid of this rule.......... maybe we can give the runners flags like flag football and if the catcher rips the flag off with his foot on the base, it 's like a force play or something.....that's where we're headed -- it's NOT baseball. and the rule is being called inconsistently and catchers have ZERO guidance so they move aside from the plate and stand there like statutes.
  6. well, the seven runs is an issue - but I think there were TWO out with NO runs across the plate in the inning when the call was reversed. I see the same play and I see no violation and a clear out. Quick, let's get Notti's wife's name in as a nominee for MLB Commissioner!
  7. read all the comments -- not sure about the biogenesis angle -- others more up on that than me -- would NOT put it past Billy Beane to have some insight on this and make the deal with that in mind -- if that's the case -- all of a sudden a trade Beane made that made no sense to me, suddenly makes sense. the reason I question the deal -- aside from liking the way Cespedes plays (enhanced or not -- that's an open issue, apparently - I have no clue about it one way or the other), the timing of the deal in terms of the A's lease negotiations appears to make no sense. the A's just signed up for a 10 year renewal at the Oakland Coliseum (after some political wrangling between the Oakland city manager, the city council and the Oakland Coliseum Commission -- which has two Oakland city council members on it who disagee with the Oakland city manager's position).......anyway -- all that got sorted out........so if the A's are using the World Championship they plan to win with Lester for those negotiations, the negotiations for now (I think there is an opt out in year 7 or 8) are over..........A's would still like to have a new baseball only park built in site there but with the Raiders angling for that (while really leveraging the 'we'll move to San Antonio' angle) -- I don't see the A's winning the bidding war or any other kind of battle with the Raiders over the use of the now no longer needed Warriors arena (they can tear that down for football/ baseball park and for additional parking whatever it takes to accommodate a new ballpark)...... So anyway, aside from the biogenesis angle -- the timing and price of the Lester deal is questionable. (I guess the A's would see some salary relief in 2015 from the Cespedes contract --with or without the biogenesis angle now).
  8. The new 'catcher's can't block the plate rule' is a disaster IMO. It is open to various interpretations, can't be enforced/ called uniformly and leads to absurd results. we already saw one aspect of this in the Dodgers-Angels game where Freese throw as off line and Iannetta felt (rightly or wrongly) that he couldn't cross over (which would have been blocking the plate potentially) to get the ball.........it cost us the game.... Yesterday's call in the ChiSox/ SF game is an example........the guy at the plate is out by a mile and the call gets over-turned because ChiSox catcher (Flowers) may have been blocking the plate.......(when you see this call, one understands better why Iannetta felt paralyzed on the Dodger game play). ChiSox Manager Robin Venutra rightfully argued the call and got kicked out the game......that run scoring led to a seven run inning that lost the game for the White Sox. Let's get back to baseball - scrap this new rule. We'll have a new commissioner (the vote is today although there might not be a final outcome today) for next year........first thing he should do is scrap this rule. It's unworkable.
  9. Well, I really like Cespedes as a ballplayer -- the guy can really play the OF, hit with power, has speed.........I think he's the real deal and, for the A',s , Cespedes was responsible for stirring the drink and getting the offense going...... Lester? For the A's he is nothing more than a two month rental.......... Again, Once more for emphasis since the last post had its critics: A's WILL RUE THE DAY THEY TRADED AWAY CESPEDES FOR A TWO MONTH RENTAL LESTER -- WHO WILL LIKELY WIND UP BACK WITH BOSTON in 2105.
  10. Brandon League for the 'Raviners" has been struggling since the ASB and their other pitchers, including their closer have stepped up.
  11. Well, IMO, the A's -- even if they win the W/S with this rotation - will rue the day they traded away Cespedes who is signed through 2015 and will be in a BoSox uni next year as will Lester.
  12. he named his son after Adenhart - that's a pretty significant tribute IMO.
  13. we really need to win this game tonight and then take two out of three in Texas before starting that Boston/ Oakland trip.
  14. thanks for posting this I was little disappointed that there was ZERO mention of this ceremony in today's LA Times. Number 11 means a lot to the Angels organization, S, Cal MLB baseball history and to MLB itself........ if there's a 'greatest generation' for MLB similar to the 'greatest generation' in terms of WW II vets, Fregosi was one of the last of this MLB greatest generation. A true baseball man through and through who did EVERYTHING in the game, play the game, play it well, was an ALL STAR, was a franchise player for the Halos, was a coach, was a manager for several times, was scout for several teams who was WIDELY RESPECTED throughout baseball......and he did each of these roles very well. Fregosi deserves to be honored (certainly by the Halos for whom he was the face of the franchise during the Halos formative years and probably did more than any other player -- well the guy he was traded for -- Nolan Ryan -- did a lot, too -- to put the Halos on the MLB map). and by MLB in general. I hope the OC Register did an article similar to the MLB.com article posted here. For the LA Times do have nothing is a very sad commentary on the state of sports reporting and newspapers today.
  15. how anyone can even suggest that Trout is 'one of the worst defensive OF'er's in baseball' is beyond me. with OF'er's it's an old dilemma -- there are guys like Trout who get incredible reads on the ball off the bat AND have tremendous speed -- they get to a lot of balls hit to the OF that others don't. Then there's the mental side of the game -- I don't think you see Trout throwing to the wrong base in a game situation very often, if ever. then there are OF'er's -- probably like Puig -- who are very quick and can compensate for their inability to get a great read by their sheer speed.........I don't watch the Dogs much (in fact, not many people do this year) but when I have seen them and Puig -- I think Puig has made a mental error in the OF a high percentage of the few games I've seen. Then there's the OF who have no errors, no mis-plays, don't throw out many guys but the stats are clean -- these are guys that are slow, balls drop in for base hits and doubles and the runner is always able to take the extra base -- the OF'er's fielding percentage is 1,000 (perfect) but the pitcher's/ team's ERA just went up a run or two....... I I'm pitching and I can pick my outfield -- I want Trout over Puig out there.
  16. the way it is going much will depend on how we end the final week of the season -- if we are battling a go for broke 'win the AL West' race down to the wire and have to utilize the top of the rotation right to the last day of the season -- Halos may not have too many choices/ options available to pitch the one game W/C if we fall into that playoff spot and then if that game is won, to start the ALDS.......these rotation decisions may be pretty much made for us depending on the circumstances.... and the way things are going right now (and these next four games will be a good indicator) there's a possibility we may be battling just to get that second W/C spot -- now, I am not sure, but I assume that the Number One Wild Card team gets home field.
  17. Angel Oracle -- true -- near perfect scenario as the game out come --
  18. if we had more depth on our roster and didn't have Hamilton, Cron, Pujols and perhaps even Freese as DH/ OF - 1B/3B we might be able to have a better lead off hitter....... Trout would be a logical guy to lead off but do you want your major power guy with good RBI numbers leading off? probably not. Ideally, Aybar would be batting perhaps 7th or even 9th would be the secondary 'lead off' guy who would be in position (as well) to sac folks along. Who should lead off if Aybar doesn't (Calhoun did a decent job yesterday).........?
  19. WOW. I kinda think Aybar is one of the better SS in the AL -- and he does a lot of those little things (execute the sac bunt etc.) well. He may be in a slump lately but sort of hard to label a guy as lousy when he's been doing the job for Halos for five years plus.
  20. number 44 has a lot of HRs -- maybe it's a west coast thing -- and for some reason I never really associated Hank Aaron with his jersey number -- he was just a great player (and, actually, all the HR stuff detracted from the fact that Henry Aaron was an all around player who never really got the acclaim for that the way others (Willie Mays) did --- Now Mays was amazing -- but Aaron was closer to Mays in terms of being an all facets of the game player than many give him credit for). But when I think of Number 44 (sorry, Reggie) -- to me, it's STRETCH -- Mr. Willie McCovey. I think if you went back and did an analysis of stats from a 'were they clutch hits' kind of perspective, McCovey would be near the top of the list in that category............
  21. As I posted on another thread, Jerome Williams has made the most of his physical talent to have a decent MLB career......he did what we asked of him and pitched effectively at times (had some quality starts for us at times when we really needed a good outing from a starter -- he also got lit up and was very inconsistent -- he also pitched well in long relief of us - particularly the last year and a half with the Halos)..........Jerome Williams worked his tail off to get to the bigs and works to stay there -- and, yes, it's probably a game by game situation whether he's going to be able to continue to collect MLB paychecks......he's a guy who needs every day of MLB time to increase his MLB pension for his post playing days......... I want us to beat Jerome Williams tonight but wish Williams well and hope he can have some quality starts down the stretch to help him catch on with some other MLB team during ST next year.
  22. Best team in MLB right now?? AL - RIGHT NOW - it's the KC Royals -- they are on a real run. Baltimore is playing well, too but it now looks like Manny Machaco is going on the DL. A's/ Royals series this week will be very telling. Royals won game one of the series -- if Royals can win the four game series -- well, Detroit, notice is served. NL -- hate to say it, but the Dogs don't seem to have much competition over there......St. Louis with Yadier out went out and got some starting pitching (Masterson and Lackey) but the new guys have not done well. Milwaukee?? Just seem to inconsistent.....over in the NL East.....can Washington go all the way, really? The AL playoffs will be a dog-fight.........A's a very good team with a pretty good playoff rotation.........Angels can be very good (offense), can get a decent start (Richards/ Weaver) have a fairly good pen now but will likely be playing a one game playoff and Halos have not had a good history with those........Royals could be tough come playoff time, young rotation but stellar pen with a lot of depth; Tigers have played too well all season to collapse now; not sure how the AL East fits in here - teams there have spent a lot of time trying not to win........Actually some of the AL Central teams (even Cleveland) been playing pretty well and/or have tough line ups.
  23. ah, this was just great..........the guy is there with his wife, bring his glove, sits at the back rail for back support......he's a long time softball player.....and he's even thought ahead to bring an old baseball that he lets his dog play with in the back yard ---just in case he catches a ball and needs to throw one back....... I mean is this guy great or what? Good stuff.........great for the game........need more fans like him.....
  24. what is his contract status? probably has a lot to do with why he cleared waivers......... does he have a pretty big contract?
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