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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. early exit for Kazmir may be good thing for A's.....if the pen guy can stop the Halos from scoring here. 1st and 3rd with no out -- could we manage not to score here -- YES.
  2. could you imagine if he were walking off the field in this situation in Anaheim? I mean, our Halos fans are pretty complacent -- but I think they'd have a thing or two to say about Kazmir making an early exit.
  3. Kazmir rocked out of the game..........good stuff.
  4. looked better on the re-play but that pitch to Crisp looked high out of the strike zone to me. oh well, the ump is really calling the high strike.
  5. we really need Kazmir to make a start against us next weekend at Angel Stadium....... just heard on broadcast that A's closer Doolittle went on DL before today's game......that'll hurt the A's.
  6. this is the Kazmir us Halo fans are familiar with.......... Amazing to see Hamilton hitting fairly well and directly connected -- showing a nice swing.......I mean, is this the same guy who was up there hacking at the plate about a week ago or less?
  7. called strike three -- looked high to me but when things are not going a hitter's way........... Trout needs to be protecting there -- what's his K count for this season?
  8. this is great. this is the kind of unraveling we saw with Kazmir when he was a Halo.
  9. Beckham is in the line up because lefty Kazmir is pitching. BTW -- we need to knock Kazmir out NOW -- don't let him get out of this and then find his groove as the game goes on. let's get to the A's pen NOW.
  10. yes. the sun field there is really tough -- agreed. in fact, the way the Oakland Coliseum is positioned, they really shouldn't have 5 pm start times this time of year..... but then, this is the Raiders' park -- it's all about football.
  11. saw the re-play, change that to a 2 base Error (not really) -- but that ball was definitely catchable.
  12. thought the OF'er had caught that ball...... Torri Hunter/ Mike Trout/ Peter Bourjos catch that ball.......
  13. not that we should have ever kept Kazmir and not that the Halos gave him every chance until it became sort of apparent (at least it looked like it to me) that Kazmir back then had given up on himself. to see him out there helping the A's to compete for the AL West title is just too much. Hope we really get to him early this game and send him packing to the bench.
  14. Kazmir pitching --- man, this is just killing me.
  15. well, I don't know about some of the folks on this thread or posting here -- but as for me. I put Mike Trout in my line up EVERY DAY and bat him second or third...........
  16. folks here need to do have a little California geography lesson -- Napa is close to the Bay Area (but technically not part of the Bay Area) and folks in the Bay Area am sure felt the earthquake -- but this is sort of like wondering if an Angels game is being postponed because of an earthquake in Oceanside.
  17. is this team mentally ready for the last month of the season??? well, we just lost 2/5th and maybe 3/5th of our starting rotation..........we're playing pretty well under those circumstances. WE REALLY NEED A WIN TOMORROW.........we can't be swept here. a 1-2 here and then a 3-1 (vs. A's) for us next weekend and things look much better. meanwhile we could really use a sweep of the three game series at home vs. Miami starting Monday.
  18. A's playing in Oakland Coliseum -- incubator of the "Just Win, Baby" philosophy. well, that was the theme for the A's tonight.......
  19. lot of the other guys clearing waivers have huge contracts that no one wants to take on -- and then you have to give something up to trade for the guy that will make your payroll skyrocket?
  20. Tough choice for some teams to make -- do you claim the guy to block the Halos OR do you let him through knowing that if he gets dealt to the Halos that the Halos will have to significantly over-pay to get a one month rental guy.
  21. One pitch too late......Beckham makes a catch that Freese probably wouldn't have. we lose this one -- WE MUST WIN SUNDAY.
  22. this is why you need to keep the starter's pitch count up and get to the pen..... even if Ianetta K's here.
  23. yean - this game got a lot better for us -- even if it we don't win it.
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