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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. I say he plays at least another 4 perhaps 5 years.
  2. Dunn has announced his retirement at the end of 2014? I was not aware of that. Wow. As for the estimated records, I figured we'd split the road game 4 game series and win the three game series 2-1. this is based upon our rotation issues which will impact us -- but we do have an expanded roster now with some SLC starters. I assume Wolf will get called up for September and make at least one start. our records against these teams might be better but I am looking at it realistically (and with our rotation issues). the point is -- if we can split the four game series and win the other three game series -- A's are going to have to pretty much run the table to overcome us. I don't see that happening.....
  3. oh Dunn, check my post on the other thread. he's THIRD All TIme MLB in strike outs with a chance to pass Reggie Jackson (he's 245 K's behind Jackson) if he plays long enough. Dunn doesn't really fit the A's style of play.........unless he goes on one of his HR streaks (which he had done in the past) -- his K's are not going to help the A's much.
  4. we've got a string of games at Houston (2), Minnesota (4) and Texas (3) -- it's a road trip but while Oakland and Seattle beat each other up to start September, we should go something like 6-3 (or better) on this trip. 5 games up on September 1, if we go 6-3 on this trip, we come home Sept. 12 3 to 5 games up (or better). On Sept. 12 we come home for a 10 game home stand : Houston (3), Seattle (4), Texas (3). We should go at least 6-4 on the home stand.....that puts us 3 to 5 ahead at that point, Sept. 22 (with SIX road games Oakland(3) and Seattle (3) left. we'd need a total collapse (1-5 or so) in those SIX games to let it slip away at that point. We're sitting pretty.............OGAAT.
  5. the Adam Dunn acquisition is interesting. I jokingly said on another thread that they should give Dunn the number that former A's slugger (and a guy who played for a lot of teams) Dave Kingman used to wear. because they're the same type of hitter -- HR or strikeout guy. Kingman hit 442 MLB career HRs and struck out 1,816 times in his MLB career over 14 seasons good for 15th on the all time strike out list. and Dunn? He has 460 HRs and 2.352 strikeouts over 16 seasons. that made me think Dunn is on pace to be the all time strike out king -- and he is (245 K's behind Reggie Jackson) Dunn at 2.352 is THIRD on the all time strike out list behind Reggie Jackson 2,597 and Jim Thome at 2,548 (looks like Thome retired just in time) Dunn is first for active players , next is (active?) A-Rod (5th all time) at 2,075. Bobby Abreu is 13th all time (and 3rd active?) 1,840. Jeetz is 14th all time and 4th (active?) 1,827.
  6. yeah, Kluber's magical season seems to have run aground the last two or three starts.
  7. complain to Bud Selig -- am sure he'll listen on his farewell tour that stopped in Anaheim this past week. but I agree -- sort of dumb marketing decision.
  8. long way to go -- but A's have lost the chemistry of what was working when Cespedes (and Crisp) were both in the line up. Dunn HR'd today in his debut but he's not a real spark plug kind of player.
  9. what ? the Astros have a lot of talent in the farm system? I don't know but from some of the things I've read, things seem pretty dismal there. Isn't Nolan Ryan some how involved with the franchise these days after his departure from Texas? Nolan Ryan seemed to be able to make the Rangers competitive -- not sure what's happened this year -- seems like it all fell apart the minute he left.
  10. my guess on Dave Kingman's career stats were pretty close. my guess (on the post above) was 440 HRs and 1,500-plus career K's. his actual career stats: 442 HR's and 1,816 career K's in 16 seasons. Dunn should be given Kingman's old number -- Dunn is Kingman - plus some. Dunn's career stats: 460 HR's, 2,353 K's over 14 seasons. Dunn may be closing in an all time career K's record. If Dunn does reach 500 HR's for his career (and if he plays 2 more seasons after this, he should) -- is he a 500 HR guy who should be in the HOF??? One dimensional player unless you count his ability to strike out a lot..........does Dunn own a glove?
  11. Dunn hits HR in A's debut......of course. but let's see how long this lasts....... Perhaps the A's gave Dunn Dave Kingman's old number........ anyone here even remember Dave Kingman.......I'll check his career stats but I'm guessing about 440 career HRs and 1.500 -plus K's.
  12. no hitter -- four pitchers -- Papelbon closes it out. meanwhile in that game that 101halo can't see (Oakland/ Seattle game).......Adam Dunn hit a HR in his Oakland debut.
  13. I know -- and that was on purpose. Hamel came out after six innings on a hot Atlanta afternoon. the Phillies will have used three or four pitchers.......Papelbon on for the 9th but meanwhile, the Atlanta pen has decided to make everyone wait a long time and turn what was a 3/4-0 game into an non-save situation.......
  14. If you can get MLB TV tune in to the ninth inning of the Phiilies/ Braves game on now. Top 9th, Visiting Phillies leading Braves 5 to 0. Cole Hamel started the game for Phillies.
  15. Eric Notti -- was there more to his release (as in 'circumstances surrounding his release') other than the Astros lousy record and the GM constantly looking over his shoulder? no reason to follow the Astros (which probably puts me on par with Astros fans!) so I am not aware of whatever local situation there is there that may have led to this strange departure time (Sept. 1 when your team has no chance of being in the playoff hunt? -- why not just wait until Oct. 1 to make this move?)....... oh well. Houston with a lousy team, not much farm talent in the system and apparently with an over-bearing GM..........tough way to get your first MLB managerial gig but someone will accept the job.
  16. Trout's numbers in all catagories are pretty amazing. he's fallen off in the SB department but that is to be expected. he's putting up Mickey Mantle type strikeout numbers as well -- wish he could stop doing that.
  17. Actually -- the team is better this year than last year (although not against the Halos -- our 2013 season vs. Houston was a total disaster.......I think we were something like 6-12 against them, perhaps worse.......A's were something like 15-3 and Texas was 14-4 or so)........ but who wants to manage Houston? For Bo Porter -- wasn't this his first MLB managerial gig ? This is what you have to go through to get MLB managerial experience.......he'll be back managing at the MLB level again at some point fairly soon I would think. Houston is poised to finish ahead of Texas in the standings -- that should be a reason to extend Bo Porter right there.
  18. thought the Cespedes for Lester deal by the A's was terrible for the A's when made and said so in posts here. Like many others here who commented on the trade -- at the time it was made -- you really couldn't really gauge Cespedes value to the rag-tag bunch that made up the A's roster on stats alone. Cespedes was the guy who sparked the offense and pretty much was the spark plug of the team -- decent stats, too -- good ballplayer. Dealing away Cespedes for a two month rental of Lester messed up the A's team chemistry -- they really have not been the same team since he left. Boston seems to be playing better..........not that it matters much.
  19. scanned the posts there on this thread -- agree with most of them -- this is a very un-like Billy Beane desperation move here. Dunn is terrible, although I think he's heated up a bit lately and thought I saw a box score from Friday or Saturday where he hit HR number 20 on the season. But Dunn is terrible, strikes out a lot and when he's not striking out he's a real threat to end any rally with a GIDP........he's a pure DH who tries to play the field once in a while and it just proves why he should be a pure DH. I continue to believe the A's made a big mistake by trading away the guy who sparked their offense and was the spark plug of their team -- Cespedes. Getting Dunn doesn't solve that.
  20. yeah, they're having fun in KC.......Phys is originally from there and Hud played for KC and St. Louis during his career. We have a hometown kid pitching for KC (Duffy) and doing well this year so I've been listening to a fair number of KC radio broadcasts on line. Phys and Hud are split up pretty much and not together on the TV/ radio broadcasts........I really like Denny Matthews the long time KC radio guy who does some TV as well. Ryan Leferve (spelled wrong and not sure if Ryan is actually his first name) son of former LA Dogs rookie of the year ('65) 2B Jim Lefevre is on the TV side as well. Hey, Hud and Phys are Hud and Phys -- only the team and venue have changed........Phys actually does better paired with someone like Denny Matthews -- sort of a conversation in the booth -- which I like......and yeah. Phys had that 'car dealer' sheen as one poster put it (pretty good description IMO) but he was our guy and an acquired taste. I didn't particularly like the Phys/ Hud pairing and they're not paired together much in KC if at all......... Hud still pretty much over the top -- even talking about our hometown kids, the superlatives coming out of him are just too much sometimes. I think the Halos and probably KC mis-use Hud -- IMO, I wouldn't have him on the broadcasts but would make him more of a team ambassador (mascot?) and have him do either/or/both the pre-game and post game call in shows.......he's great with the fans and seems to connect with people......he's be great in the role and on the field before the games mugging for the fans' cameras and playing to the crowd......... Recently there's been some criticism of our guys, Victor Rojas and Gubi in the LA Times letters section in the Saturday sports section........a few are a comparison to Vin Scully -- which is really sort of unfair -- I know some folks here don't care for Gubi but I think he teams up with Rojas better than the Phys/Hud combo we had........as for Rojas, not sure why there's any criticism there -- I think he's pretty good and often calls it like it is rather than being a homer type. I also think Terry Smith does a good job on the radio side.
  21. Garrett Richards time-table to be back June/ July - that seems to be a very reasonable time-table to me. Wouldn't count on him any sooner and like all pitchers who have a DL injury -- no guarantees when he comes back -- it's not the arm -- but he can't throw for a least 4 months if not 6 and the old classic example of Dizzy Dean (some here can't remember this story or perhaps even who Dizzy Dean is/was).....but ol' Diz got hit by a line drive (I think it was in an All Star game) and hurt his knee, had surgery and when he came back it so messed up his normal delivery he was never the same pitcher again........ as for passing on Colon -- Arte not overly concerned about exceeding luxury tax payroll thresh-hold as past history shows -- but it is always a concern -- but exceeding the thresh-hold for Bartolo Colon, a guy that will cost the team close to $1 million for September, 2014 and then another $11 million at age 42 in 2015? No thanks. I know some here disagree with this. It's Arte's money - I agree with him.
  22. the link to that story leads to fake web page, I'm sure. only someone here at AW.com could have come up with that -- I mean, a story of that would light up the board here. GEEZ.
  23. WOW -- that didn't take long. hey, take it easy on LeBlanc, he's called up to replace Garrett RIchards in the rotation -- I mean what a thankless task. he tries but gets ripped pretty good and Halos experiment with LeBlanc in the rotation is over after four innings (might have been over in the third). So the Halos DFA LeBlanc but don't cry Wolf. Interesting. We'll see who shows up as the starter Saturday night........probably Herrera........
  24. we skipped on Bartolo about 8 years ago and again now. I was and am in agreement with both decisions each time.
  25. maybe if we sign Colon, we could offer contracts to Gary Matthews Jr., Vernon Wells, Bobby Abreu and Halo fav, Joe Blanton.... hire Kevin Appier as assistant pitching coach/ long relief pen guy and we're good to go for the September stretch run........
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