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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. yeah -- I corrected that Texas/ A's game.........that's what happens when you have the radio feed for one game and the TV tuned to another.........
  2. Texas coming to bat down one to zip. Oakland left two guys on base last inning......8th inning.....
  3. time of Halos fans to tune into the Seattle/ Texas game.......
  4. I don't think CJ is coming out to pitch the 8th........I'd guess Smith and then Street......or maybe Smith for two? Smith hasn't pitched in a while.
  5. yeah, let's take CJ Wilson now and bring in any of the four guys that came in after Rasmus last night...... pick one, Grilli, Salas, Herrera and who else was part of that disaster? Oh yeah, Thatcher..... 5 to 1 Halos........if we score about 10 more runs, then maybe I'd call upon one of those guys mentioned above -- which likely means Street gets a save opp in the 9th
  6. CJ having quite the day........ now all we need is for the A's to bring Kazmir in on relief and for the M's to NOT HAVE THE LEAD heading to the 9th so that Fernando Rodney isn't called upon.
  7. geez......CJ decides to show up tonight...........good to see. we can certainly use it about now -- I'm still concerned about Shoemaker's status even if the Halos say he'll miss a turn (maybe two if we clinch this week) or two and be ready for the playoffs.
  8. tdawg87 -- yeah, I sort of commented on that without even seeing video of the incident except I read about Papelbon's antics. oh well. still, not used to seeing umps getting suspended........can we make this a retroactive deal and suspend Doug Eddings for a call from a few years ago???/
  9. Papelbon is a jerk and Ump Joe West gets suspended?????? bad call.
  10. Well, I've been to a number of games at AT&T over the past few years and I find SF Giants fans pretty rabid and into the game......much more so than what you see on a typical night in Anaheim. and , yes, SF may be full of characters but they love their Giants and it seems to cut across all demographics up there....... I also think AT&T is, perhaps, the best ballpark in MLB. I really like our ballpark and enjoy watching games at Angel Stadium. Good folks, nice fans, fun stuff but I wouldn't say our fan base is as rabid for the Halos as the AT&T crowd is for their Giants.
  11. MARK 68 -- ah, I left Morin off that list because he's actually pitched effectively for us for much of the season.......I left Grilli off the list too, despite the 5 runs he gave up tonight (at least three of those can be attributed to the double mis-played by Trout in CF). he's done fairly well since coming over. now the E -(rror) fever is contagious and the M's have caught it (or NOT) from the Halos........ GOOD NEWS -- Texas 6, A's 3 FINAL.
  12. A spring training game has broken out...........well this game sort of looked like the first week of ST.........even had the hot Arizona like weather......
  13. progress made tonight -- saw Sosh writing things down -- actually he was crossing off names (from the playoff roster). Salas, Herrera, Thatcher, Roth..........
  14. need to stop the run here........well, maybe a prevent defense........ what do they always say about a 'prevent' defense --? Prevents you from winning. oh well. hey, unconventional and sort of ugly but we'll take the GIDP there. 4-6-3.
  15. Roth can't even throw a strike to second base, apparently.......
  16. great GIDP there -- but now we call them GI 2 base error.
  17. I'm guessing Eric wasn't a math major in school...............
  18. ERIC -- hey, I've got some late breaking news for you JUST IN -- you could have slept in this morning........even if the A's lose tonight (which they are doing) and if the Angels won (which they are getting clobbered)..... no way Halos would have clinched tonight.....they could have lowered their magic number to one, however. now, it looks like the best they can do is lower it to TWO - which means they could clinch tomorrow night. sleep tight........
  19. is it Sombrero night or siesta night.......our team's been napping. the Tout mis-played double......Ianetta's throw,......Freese's Frozen range........ and then the pitching by Grilli, Salas, Herrera and Thatcher (Morin kind of stemmed the bleeding, didn't he?) who's next Roth -- I thought we cashed out our Roth account...........?
  20. Roth warming up -- hey the place is burning -- quick, call the arson squad........
  21. fair ball there -- man, we're snake bit in this game..........
  22. tdawg87 -- now I'm really rooting for a comeback. You Tube the display -- might get thousands of hits........ see tdawg87's prior post on the You Tube scene........ perhaps our posters here can recommend some appropriate back ground music...........
  23. what was that --? the shift on? Freeze was playing near SS and he's got ZERO range........ get the Don Meredith tape out --'turn out the lights............."
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