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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. That play was no reviewable -- which is really a dumb MLB rule because if ANY play should be reviewable it should be a tag up play to see if a guy left the bag early -- that's one of the toughest calls an ump can make -- especially when there's two or more guys on base and a lot of things going on -- but here -- PEREZ had to go back and tag the bag before advancing and he did not.......the umps initially said he did tag up -- the play was NOT reviewable........the jumbotron (and this game was AT KC's Kauffman Stadium) showed the re-play which clearly showed that KC catcher (the runner) Perez did NOT go back and tag up..........what are umps to do on a NON- REVIEWABLE play which has now been shown on the Jumbotron so now every one in the park and everyone on TV knows the umps initial call is blatantly WRONG. Umps did the right thing and GOT IT RIGHT, called Perez out, upheld the appeal to third using the Jumbotron re-play to do so on a NON-REVIEWABLE play. Hey, let's give some credit to KC here and the scoreboard/ Jumbotron operators there -- they didn't need to show that re-play, they control the Jumbotron, they could have reviewed it first and said, YIKES! this hurts us -- let's NOT show it -- there used to be sort of an unwritten (and IMO dumb unwritten rule) rule that close calls/ plays by umps would NOT be shown on the Jumbotron. Used to drive me nuts but the theory was you don't want to show up the umpire and incite the crowd.......... here KC showed the re-play, it had consequences for them (in a key game for them) but they did the right thing. KUDOS to KC.........one wonders if things were reversed and if this game were in Detroit and they showed the re-play or if the re-play benefitted KC and they showed it........one wonders how that would have played out...........
  2. but back to the thread -- the Cespedes deal taking the spark plug of the A's offense (and a spark plug that speaks to more than the stats) has directly contributed to the A's tanking. just as the return of Yadier Molina, five years prior to his anticipated return date when he went out injured, has sparked the revival of the St. Louis Cardinals from a team that had fallen into third place (behind Pittsburgh in the NL Central) on the day when Yadier Molina returned to 3 game St. Louis lead with big series wins over Milwaukee that was a major reason for Milwaukee's slide almost out of contention.........
  3. Hey, I think Billy Beane is a genius with respect to Kazmir -- he's been great for them all season into mid-August and now he's dropping off big time -- reminiscent of his sudden 'dead arm' status with the Halos. what the A's need to do here (may be too little, too late) is pretty much shut down Kazmir as a starter for the rest of this year and if he's signed through next year (not sure what his status is, he's a guy I'd give a ONE year deal and then with incentives, perhaps including some quality incentives for every quality start he pitches after August 15 or something) have him come to ST and see if he can replicate his early season performance of this year. Kazmir helped the A's get to where they are (were) in mid-August, I can't imagine he cost the A's that much -- this is a classic Billy Beane deal -- and it's been good for them despite Kazmir's recent major troubles late in the season -- but now it's up to the manager -- perhaps with some help from the GM -- to remember prior Kazmir performance collapses and just realize they've gotten all they can get out of him as a starter this season -- now he's long relief / mop up guy for the rest of 2014.......he pitched today and the early report from that game for Kazmir and the A's was not a good one.
  4. 40 man roster -- we've got 39 guys listed on it according to today's LA TImes. It's late September -- we've clinched -- might as well have a innings eater/ long relief / mop up guy who's almost certainly will NOT be on the playoff roster performing those duties.
  5. no doubt in my mind that A's downfall can be traced to the Cespedes deal. He was the spark-plug for their offense and this is a dynamic that you really can't measure with stats. Lester has pitched well for the A's and has done what they asked and Smardjzia (I can't ever spell his name right or get even close, the Notre Dame TE guy) has pitched well for them and will be back -- Hammel has not done that well for the A's........but he's an arm for their rotation and I think he's signed through next year......so A's will be fine........ but this year's collapse? Trace to a very un-Billy Beane like deal -- the Cespedes (and a real top prospect) for rental Lester et. al........terrible move -- and I posted it at the time it was made -- many folks here did although there was a debate but most here agreed it was a really bad deal for the A's and that's been proven to be the case. I still think there's going to be some bad news for Cespedes this off-season and then, suddenly, the deal will make a little more sense. Maybe.
  6. A's may be headed for epic collapse. end of Texas/ A's game was tough to listen to/ watch......I mean both teams deserved to lose.
  7. OCHOCINCO -- actually the Rams played their last "LA" games at Anaheim Stadium - they left for St. Louis from there (thanks Georgia Frontierre - spelled wrong). the loss of the Rams actually assisted the Angels in getting the first of several upgrades to the ball park as the loss of the Rams by Anaheim was seen as bad news and temporarily gave the Angels some additional leverage. TWO OUTS in Oakland.
  8. failos -- 'can't wait to see the Angels clubhouse soon" hey, it won't be SOON. nothing seems to be happening quickly in this Texas/ Oakland game.
  9. Odor hits a long drive to the outfield that almost goes out of the yard for the final out of the top of the ninth. top of ninth FINALLY over.
  10. the Rams played in Anaheim Stadium and so did the California Sun of what league was it? the USFL? still remember seeing Anthony Davis photo in a California Sun uni at Anaheim Stadium..........
  11. now Texas scores another run on an infield hit as pitcher does not cover first base for the A's. 6 to 1 Texas. Texas scores a TD to win this one.........
  12. HBP --- 5 to 1 Texas. now trainer on field tending to hit batter.......... this game should be exhibit A when MLB talks about speeding up the game..............
  13. oh wait, the A's fans there are actually early arrivals for Sunday's Raiders game.
  14. attendance in Oakland RIGHT NOW has to be about 500 fans.........
  15. two outs FINALLY in Oakland and now ANOTHER PITCHING CHANGE. I swear, the A's/ Oakland have used 7 pitchers between them in the bottom of the 8th/ top of 9th...... I think the managers get a cut of the ad revenue generated this inning or something.......
  16. Rangers are pathetic even when they have a big inning. now they get a hit to load the bases and the guy who should have scored on the play stops at third......... they should give BOTH A's and Texas a loss tonight.
  17. more fans at the ballpark in Anaheim than hanging around to watch the end of the game in Oakland.
  18. now there's some ump conference and some additional review for a first base call. more calls to the guys asleep in the camera room in NY.......ZZZzzzzzz
  19. now Texas gets another hit off the new pitcher......... this game might be over about midnight...... hope they kept the concession stands open in Anaheim and kept pouring the alcohol.
  20. I know pitch counts and all -- but how many times do you see a starter pitching lights out and then gets pulled because of some pitch count issue and a team who's offense has been asleep the entire game wakes up and comes alive. happens over and over again. I'd wait until the starter gets a guy on base the next inning before pulling him -- chances are he pitches a 1-2-3 inning. now Doolittle is pulled which makes about 6 pitchers used in the 8th/9th of this A's/ Texas game........makes like the last 30 seconds of an NBA game.
  21. I'm just sayin' -- that challenge that took about 10 minutes left Doolittle out there cooling his heels......it went against the A's and then left Doolittle out there NOT GOOD for the A's, that challenge really backfired.
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