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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Again -- yeah there's been a lot of hype over "Jeter-fest' and it may be a bit over done (everything out of NY is) but he's clearly been a great player for this game and the game will miss him. He deserves the accolades. One aspect over-looked, however, is this could be Ichiro's final MLB game as well (is he signed through next year? He's 40 now but plays like he's younger but obviously not like he did when he first entered the league from the Japanese major leagues).....what did Ichiro have ? something like 200 hits a season for 10 straight year? I mean he had some ridiculously great stat like that, a stat that really puts him in some very select company in the history of MLB. He also has a combined 4,000-plus hits when you combine his HOF like career in Japan stats with his HOF like career in MLB stats........he had, at one time, one of the most incredible arms from RF which resulted in a number of assists (runners thrown out) from RF..........he stole bases and had some power (hit 20 HRs a season for a while there) so he's close to a five tool player -- little weak on the power side ----- if you watch the Japanese little league team entries during the time Ichiro has been playing -- they all seem to immolate his batting stance and style.......he's likely had a larger influence on the game in Japan than Jeter has had in the US. The TBS announcers just stated something along the lines of "now that Jeter's made his exit, there's not much to talk about, blah, blah, blah........." I'd suggest they spend the remainder of the game talking about the a player who may be the only guy to be a HOF'er in both the Japan major leagues and MLB........Ichiro. And -- Ichiro also hit a triple today which gives him 100 hits this season, a total he has reached in every one of his MLB seasons.........another accomplishment. I don't think they even mentioned it.
  2. City Council members essentially need to schedule another vote -- which would likely be 4-1 (like it was before) to approve the prior offer to Arte and the Angels and this vote should tell the mayor and city manager -- this is the city's vote -- this is how we're moving forward and the mayor gets ONE vote in this. there's a reason why there's an 'interim' city manager right now -- the other one is gone and no public entity management professional worth his or her salt would want to step into this mess of a split between a majority of the council and the mayor. the leader of the council should schedule that 'second' vote the day before the ALCS series starts (assuming we're in it!!).
  3. If any of the city council members/ mayor attend any playoff games -- perhaps the Angels should introduce them on the field....... I think the fan reaction would tell the city folks a thing or two. Fans (not all city residents I realize) are likely with Arte and the Angels........
  4. well, the Angels are technically 'the second Los Angeles franchise' and they paid their 'entry' fee to the Dodgers years ago as noted above. MLB and the Dodgers would whine and complain and threaten legal action but in the end, the Angels could probably do it. and they could have an entire 'Coming Home' campaign and even build a baseball only park downtown that has some replica features of the Old Wrigley Field in downtown LA (not the short HR distance, though). I don't like this one bit -- I think the City of Anaheim should put its approved offer back on the table and Arte/Angels and the City of Anaheim should get working on a long term plan for the current site. But if the City of Anaheim wants to play short-sighted hard ball and is listening to well intentioned but not very (economic investment wise) experience columnists.......well, the Arte and the Angels have options. One small (but telling) aspect of this right now -- do you realize that perhaps of the perhaps four major hotel venues closest to the ballpark and booked by Angels fans, two of them -- the Doubletree over near The Block and the Embassy Suites on State College Blvd. (was the Hilton for years but has not reverted back to what it was years ago, the Embassy Suites) are actually in the City of Orange? So the City of Orange benefits from the TOT (transit occupancy tax) and the sales tax from Angels fans stays there.........if Arte were permitted to develop the parking lot area there would no doubt be another hotel built there (in the City of Anaheim city limits) along with other retail establishments along the lines of The Catch and perhaps long term stay quarters (perhaps condos -- but the existing condos around there don't seem to be selling very well).......you really need to develop the retail area and the 'vibe' to generate the rest........a baseball tenant 81 days a year helps do that and you also have the Ducks plus some college basketball stuff over at the Honda Center. oh well, enough. obviously, I think the City of Anaheim is over-playing their hand. Others can disagree. That's fine. It's the same city that LOST the Rams. I have full confidence that they are capable of LOSING another pro franchise -- which would not be good for the City and if it happens, Angel Stadium would sit there vacant and become something of an eyesore and a white elephant until the City finally accepts Disney's offer of a rental deal that might make the Angels deal look a lot better -- even to the City.
  5. "If the team moves to Downtown LA, the fan base would die" I wouldn't be too sure about that -- the fan base may chance but it wouldn't die. revenue may increase. team may be more successful. If I were City of Anaheim I would not be giving Arte and the Angels a reason even to begin to start the comparison of venue process. Another option could be Long Beach.
  6. I think any tie scenario favors us........ can you imagine playing back to back one game elimination games?
  7. having won the earlier skirmish with the City of Anaheim which helped create a record about the territorial rights to "Los Angeles" issue back when Gene Autry was granted by MLB 'the second Los Angeles franchise" and then had to pay the Dodgers and Walter O' Malley essentially an 'entry fee' (Autry and others might have referred to it as a 'ransom') by playing Dodger Stadium for what ? at least two years (more?) with the Angels getting ZERO concessionaire revenue and ZERO parking revenue (all going to O'Malley's Dodgers) and only getting ticket sales revenue -- having done that and paid that 'entry fee' -- I think the Angels have another very viable option that MLB and the Dodgers really couldn't do much to block it (although they might whine and complain) -- DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES. I think the Angels are free to consider DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES. Do I want to move there ? NO? Would a I prefer right where they are, perhaps with a new baseball only park built next door in the parking lot while the team plays in Angel Stadium? YES. Will that happen? ONLY IF ANAHEIM PUTS IT's PRIOR APPROVED OFFER TO ARTE BACK ON THE TABLE...... Is DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES a better financial option all around to TUSTIN? Probably. Would being like the Clippers are to the Lakers (Angels to the Dodgers) in Los Angeles a better financial deal than Anaheim ? (Perhaps -- If I were the City of Anaheim I would not want to be doing anything that gives Arte a motivation to determine the answer to that question -- City of Anaheim -- like it or not always second fiddle to L.A. from an economic investment stand-point, might not like the answer to that question). Arte's timing of the 'break off of negotiations with the City of Anaheim just as the Angels enter the playoff run is, as, always. is well thought out, perfect timing to gain maximum leverage. I honestly believe that the City of Anaheim's city 'leaders' are fully capable of losing the Angels. If that does happen -- and the Angels non-renew -- Disney's 'negotiating leverage' (what negotiation?) would become almost absolute, if it isn't there already. I would imagine, at that point, the demands and requirements of Disney regarding the use of the Angel Stadium property would make the Angels offer look pretty good in comparison. For one, I can imagine Disney telling City of Anaheim that if must pay for the demolition/ razing of Angel Stadium to make the real estate suitable for Disney's uses (perhaps at $1 a year rental rate, same as that rate APPROVED by the CITY COUNCIL for Arte and the Angels).......I wonder if the City of Anaheim's expert calculated in the demolition costs to be borne by the City in its analysis. If the City of Anaheim is playing the equivalent of the game of 'chicken' with Arte Moreno - I think they've made a major mis-calculation.
  8. AL Cy Young for 2014 has been King Felix's to lose for most of the second half now. and Kluber may have come from behind today to win it in a very close vote. I say the votes stack up this way: 1. Kluber 2 King Felix (in a very close vote) 3. distant third, perhaps 4th: Sale 4.) Weaver (Weaver's 18 wins on the team with the best record in baseball may give him enough votes to edge out Sale for third...... the problem is sort of like that with King Felix and Kluber for 1st and 2nd -- Felix has been the presumed front runner and winner for most of the season now, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy despite how much Kluber has come on here in the second half. Well, Sale was in the Cy Young mix for a good part of the first half of the season and then fell off in the second half -- the fact he was in the Cy Young race early while Weaver was missing starts and then Weaver had some less than quality starts was inconsistent before righting the ship late and stepping up when Halos rotation guys went down. So Sale's quick start will likely be remembered more than his second half fade and he will probably finish third ahead of Weaver who will get some votes.
  9. Vegas Halo Fan -- agreed -- Cashman's condition and location make it beyond rehabilitation as a sports venue. IMO what's going to happen in Las Vegas is that one of the pro leagues (NHL perhaps?) is going to locate a professional sports team in Las Vegas and once that happens the other leagues may follow.....I think the NHL would be the best bet (no pun intended) for the ice-breaker (no pun intended) of pro sports in Vegas.......I think the NBA is very cautious about it because of point shaving concerns and the general reputation of the NBA -- and I think the NFL doesn't have a team to go there right now and would be very, very cautious -- although I would cast Las Vegas as a football town more than anything else..... but if a pro team goes there and is successful -- I think you would see the other pro leagues follow. and the major development players could make it happen in Las Vegas.......look what South Fork (is that the name of the place?) has done for PCRA and now Las Vegas has re-upped for the NFR for another ten years (if anyone really thought NFR would actually relocate to Orlando, Florida -- well.........yeah right). It would interesting to see how a pro team (NHL or otherwise) would do in Las Vegas -- I think you'd see the most luxury suites of any arena and the casino's would buy in and have them available for high roller guests.........I think the revenue potential there is significant and attendance on any given game night would be better than average........ the toughest part might be generating an actual local fan base.......although UNLV basketball and football seem to do pretty well........and just this weekend ESPN featured a Las Vegas high school football team in its game of the week -- nationwide.
  10. I would have been OK without signing Hamilton or Torri........but if the Halos would going to spend the kind of money they spent on Hamilton's contract after letting Torii go -- I would have had them spend less than that and for half the length of the five year deal or whatever Hamilton got for Torii.
  11. Watching Bobby Abreu late in his career with the Angels and then winding down his career with the Mets (and before that) makes one forget that at one time Bobby Abreu was one of the best multi-faceted players in the game -- he never really had the huge power numbers but he had decent power numbers to go along with a good BA and speed (used to steal 30 to 40 bases a year back in the day) and then was good defensively in the OF.......much of this gets lost watching an older Abreu play (really shouldn't even have a glove on almost).......... but check is career stats, check his stats for his seasons with Philadelphia and Houston.....he had some truly incredible numbers. As for Torii -- I understood the Halos not re-signing him after that final (career year numbers wise) year with us -- but then (much like Torii's comments) I didn't understand it when the Halos put out all that money to sign F/A Hamilton -- I said then (along with many others here) -- given the choice (then and now)........I would have signed Torii Hunter over Hamilton. We would be a better team today. although Torii might not have been happy as he would not be playing CF and would likely be in a platoon role -- but he sort of was in platoon role this year in Detroit.
  12. don't know why people bag on Jeetz. great all around player, not the best defensive SS of this generation (Id rank Ozzie Smith at the top and Omar Vizquel next), not the best offensive numbers for an SS (Am sure A-Rod's true SS numbers -- i.e. batting stats for games where he played SS -- and even perhaps Ripken's are probably better). but as an overall player, for what he brings to the team, offense, defense, clutch plays, leadership etc. he ranks way up there (perhaps Ripken is his main competition there at SS -- but Jeetz has the championship rings and Ripken doesn't) as for A-Rod -- well, for the same reason Barry Bonds and others stats are tainted, so are A-Rod's........ The game of baseball as a whole is going to miss Derek Jeter being out there day in and day out.........these kinds of players don't exist any more in this game and that's really bad for the game of baseball. Greatest players during Jeetz's time ? I always thought that Ken Giffey Jr was on his way to becoming , perhaps, the greatest baseball player of all time surpassing the likes of Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Ruth etc......when he got traded from Seattle to Cincinnati, he got off to a poor start in Cincy, got injured and the wheels sort of came off his stellar career ----he still put of HOF numbers but the trajectory to greatness (at the Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Tiger Woods level) went off course....... Jeter will go down as one of the greatest of all time. It's that simple.
  13. What Red321 seems to be saying is that if you read between the lines of all these past failed "Platinum Triangle' proposed development schemes, the fact is that CITY OFFICIALS competence level on private sector type development/ investment is so lacking it will never measure up to what a true private sector investor (read Arte Moreno who made his millions in marketing well before he owned the Angels) can do. And the prior "Platinum Triangle' developments of the past INCLUDED potential REDVELOPMENT tax increment type financing possibilities -- something that today -- with the State of California (Gov. Brown) essentially eliminated all redevelopment agencies and taking that financing vehicle (which is very favorable to cities) off the table -- the latest Platinum Triangle development proposals may be less financially viable than the prior unsuccessful ones. Sure some real estate appraiser retained by the city can envision empty Angel Stadium acreage and it's POTENTIAL and add up the dollars..........but the Platinum Triangle has had economic development POTENTIAL for years and look where it stands today. If the Angels just want to hand the property over to Disney and have them finance some infrastructure improvements from the new transit center to Downtown Disney and to the park -- well, great. But the reality if, if the City does that they've just allowed the city's finances and treasurer more reliant on Disney than it is today.......so if the City wants to turn even MORE control over to the Disney corporate folks and give them the leverage to make constant demands for concessions on the city, well, that's great. The City Council has approved the proposal made to the Angels and Moreno. The mayor objects. I am not sure if the City of Anaheim has a strong mayor system in place (sounds like it, if the mayor can over-ride the majority of the city council). Perhaps they should (have) put the issue on the ballot - both the city's proposal that was passed by the council and presented to Arte as well as a measure reverting the city to a city manager-council (meaning mayor is just one vote on the city council) system. Of course the city manager (likely ZERO private sector development/ financing experience) has had some objections to the proposal as well (which may have been driving the mayor's position or vice versa) but if its a non-strong mayor city manager/ council system -- the city council majority directs the city manager......... The mayor's position re the potential value of the property is somewhat akin to family members/ spouses arguing over what they're going to with the money WHEN they win the lotto......of course, they haven't won the lotto and chances are close to nil that they will -- but WHAT POTENTIAL........we can't give that money away...........
  14. ah heck, let's just go back to the old system and award ONE Cy Young in MLB and award it to Kershaw for NL and AL. Kershaw also NL MVP. Have we ever had a Dodger NL MVP and an Angel MVP in the same year?
  15. Yeah -- Cy Young stuff -- Weaver is 18-8 -- he deserves to be in the discussion...... but it's King Felix's to lose and Kluber may have just taken it from him today. I think the vote winds up: Kluber in a close vote win, King Felix second, Weaver a distant third or fourth either just in front of or behind Chris Sale of the ChiSox.
  16. Red321's first post on this thread hit the nail on the head -- Anaheim has not been able to develop the 'Platinum Triangle' over the past decade plus and now suddenly they do an appraisal on it's potential value and see it worth a fortune? and they have their own expert claiming they can make more than they are making now if the Stadium is razed and the whole thing becomes an off-site with shuttle parking lot for Disneyland -- I sort of doubt that........also that's putting all your eggs in one basket (Disney's) rather than having multiple economic drivers. Look, I think the current location is the best centrally located venue for the Angels -- the Angels and the city need each other but you sure can't tell by the way the city has negotiated (IMO) in bad faith. The new transit center being built there real close to the ballpark will add to the current ability to get to the ballpark via Amtrak and local transit. If the Halos win the World Series, I am sure there will be pressure on the city to live up to the offer the city council previously approved and that was presented to Arte Moreno.......
  17. well now that we've clinched best record due to O's loss -- no need to play anyone with even the slightest issue....... Saturday's game likely going to be a Spring Training like game. I think KC clinches tonight and doesn't that eliminate the M's from Wild Card contention?
  18. KC up 3 to 1 over ChiSox going to the bottom of the 9th. I see M's still holding to playoff hopes by a thread......I thought the tanking in Toronto by the M's pretty much was it for them.
  19. How long does Weaver pitch tonight? I'd pull him the fourth inning --- MLB tonight just said Cano is MVP candidate and says Cory Kluber is Cy Young candidate. Trout and Weaver in my book. Oh well. as for NL Cy Young and MVP -- ONE GUY. Kershaw. No doubt about it. The game he had the other night vs. SF Giants was about as good as it gets for a pitcher ---hitting, fielding and pitching.
  20. Old news now--- but O's lost today so Angels have clinched home field advantage all through the playoffs........ so, Halos playing for 100 wins now......I thought M's were eliminated? Aren't the A's and Royals in? And Royals are still battling Detroit for AL Central and Detroit has clinched a playoff spot.
  21. Wilson is an idiot -- Wilson and Puig on the same team -- WOW. Head case city.
  22. Dodgers win the NL West.........geez -- they're going to be tough........pitching wins playoff games. Kershaw, Greinke, Haren -- geez -- two of those names sound familiar...........as for Grienke, they sure paid a bundle for him.........
  23. well, with Seattle tanking the way they are - it's not so much as the A's GETTING INTO the Wild Card game, it's more about Seattle falling completely out of it to the benefit of KC and Oakland.
  24. this Giants -Dodgers game included about a 40 minute bottom of the 8th inning. its 9 to 1 Dodgers -- they've had to wait a long time to celebrate as the SF Giants pen couldn't get anyone out. now Wilson (former 'fear the beard SF Giant) is in for the Dogs which means this could be a long inning as well.
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