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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Not a good start for us tonight at Staples vs. San Jose.....those two back to back goals late here in the second just killed us........... not liking this -- plus the game is on NBC sports so no Bob Miller/ Jim Fox..........
  2. I think both S. Cal teams had great regular seasons that ended in huge disappointment in the post-season. Angels had somewhat of an excuse -- their rotation was in tatters by the time of the playoffs. Dodgers? They had their ace Kershaw going twice and he got beat twice by a fundamentally sound Cards team. Angels? They lost to pitching, defense and a touch of speed -- usually a winning combo in a short series. I will, however, NEVER understand why 1.) Hamilton was on the ALDS roster; 2.) he was in the starting line up for game one; 3.) after it was apparent to anyone watching his ABs in Game One, why he got any more ABs in the series let alone two more starts...........
  3. the Royals outplayed the Angels in all aspects of the game for all three games....... hats off to those guys, pitching and defense wins playoff games -that's nothing new -- and then the Royals manufacture runs with their speed. one team that I think can stop the runnin' Royals would be the St. Louis Cardinals and Yadier Molina.
  4. As much as I like Torri -- and think we should have kept him and NOT signed Hamilton when we did (this is not Monday morning QB stuff -- a lot of us said this at the time).......but Torri NOW is NOT the answer.......and quite frankly, I don't see Torri wanting to come back here because he was sort of double-crossed by Arte and the Halos two years ago when they said they were 'going in a different direction' with respect to where (which roster spots) they were going to spend their money and then went out and spent a pant load for a multi-year contract to sign an OF'er...... So I don't see Torri here unless he has no other offers and I don't see that happening.......... I actually could see Torri either in Texas or perhaps closing out his career in Minnesota (although that would be playing out the string because Twins are in a five year plan of some sort - they probably won't be competitive for a while).
  5. Scioscia gets blame for putting Hamilton on ALDS roster and messing up what was working in September with a guy just off the DL and obviously not ready to play. this was a pretty simple call to make -- I still don't understand it. then -- after watching Hamilton's ABs in Game One -- why isn't he PH for him in his last AB that game ? and then, taking him out of the starting line up for Game Two. Not sure if the Hamilton line up spot alone lost the game/ series but it sure contributed to the major reason the Halos got swept -- the offense didn't show up.
  6. after watching KC play just a great series --I'd go for pitching and speed....... do we non-tender Freese? probably. We can do better there. Guys to keep: Kendrick, Aybar, Trout, Calhoun, Ianetta, Weaver, Shoemaker, Richards, Skaggs, Street, Smith and then there's Pujols contract so he stays and Hamilton' contract so we don't have a real choice there either...... everyone else expendable. I think about bringing some of the pen guys, maybe Grilli (might cost too much for his value), Morin, not sure about Jepsen -- I think he's run his course with the Halos. what is CJ Wilson's contract status ? He was very unreliable as a rotation guy this year. We need some speed and some starting pitching.
  7. Help me out with this Scioscia insisting on putting Hamilton on the ALDS roster and then watching him go a terrible 0 for 4 with awful ABs in the first game and then the SAME thing in the second game (might have been 0 for 5 in the extra inning game) and then KEEPING him in the starting line up for GAME THREE. And the 0 for 8/9 whatever it was in Games One and Two was not a case of hitting the ball at people -- the ABs were absolutely horrible and almost looked liked he was putting forth ZERO effort. Hamilton looked lost at the plate...... So I am trying to figure this out and the ONLY thing I can come up with is to go back to the timeline when Hamilton was signed. Was DiPoto the GM when we signed Hamilton? Perhaps Scioscia didn't want Hamilton and this is his way of saying, 'hey DiPoto, here's your guy, see how good he is?" It's far-fetched -- but, honestly, I just can't figure this out -- anyone who saw Hamilton's ABs in Game One probably would have pinch hit for him for his last AB in Game One, and would not have started him in Game Two and certainly not Game Three........I just cannot understand this. CJ Wilson? well, with the rotation in tatters we did not have much choice. Oh well. We have all off season to stew over all of this.........starting NOW.
  8. Grichuk actually played pretty well for the Cards down the stretch and in the second half after he was called up. that deal turned out ok for them -- Bourjos faltered early and got off to a slow start but came on during the second half of the season (unfortunately for Bourjos, Jon Jay, the guy Bourjos was supposed to replace in CF, started hitting and pretty much dis-placed Bourjos out of the starting line up for most of the season). Freese started slowly for us, was a very slow base runner and not great on D -- but his bat did pick up the second half and he was downright on fire in late August/ September down the stretch. Salas provided some pen depth but, unfortunately, he may be remembered most by the hits and HRs he's given up in key hold situations......overall he didn't do that poorly but a few key losses like that and his 'legacy' is pretty much set -- oh yeah, he's the guy that blew this game and that game.........
  9. I think the article missed part of it..........."Jeff Mathis has been acquired by the Halos and will be inserted into the line up as well." GEEZ -- Sosh sticking with guys despite their demonstrated poor on field effort/ performance is discouraging......
  10. I think he reps Duffy of the KC Royals for one....... you might have noticed he moved to right behind the plate in the 12th inning of game one when Duffy came on to pitch rather than lean against the wall on the left side of the suite (looking in from the mound) as he normally does........
  11. watching Dogs fans, excited and in celebration mode is sort of a difficult thing to watch just now......... oh well.
  12. Neshek was pretty good most of the season........ Dogs have a pretty good line up. Cards are gutsy -- never give up types - though.
  13. I don't fault Scioscia for replacing Freese for defensive purposes late in the game...... he usually Pinch Runs for him when Freese gets on in the late innings..........I thought he should have done that more during the regular season -- so no complaints there. I DO wish it was John McDonald coming on to play third for defense in the late innings but we can only carry 25 guys on the post-season roster....... the expanded roster in September was a real luxury.
  14. my complaints in the managerial decision part are: 1.) putting Hamilton on the post-season roster and then starting him. 2.) not PH for Hamilton for his last AB in Game One after his terrible ABs proved he's not really ready to be back on the roster, in the line up. 3.) starting Hamilton in Game Two. 4.) I think it's game two -- but when Kole Calhoun got to a 3-1 count and they kept the bunt on -- wouldn't have done that -- Calhoun popped out to 3B on a weak bunt effort. Other than that -- zero complaints about the starting pitching.......the offense has been stifled -- but then the Royals (particularly the OF) has played some lights out Defense. That ball that Howie hit and got caught by I think it was Aoki, might have been Cain -- anyway -- that ball could not have been hit harder. Royals are schooling Scioscia and the Angels on how to REALLY play small ball -- the greyhounds (Dyson and Gore) they have for the late innings certainly help. What those guys do is rattle our pitching so much, the hitter at the plate is getting better pitches to hit because the pitcher is falling behind on the count worried about the runner.
  15. What is Hamilton in the series so far? 0 for 8? put Hamilton's ABs from Games One and Two on a video to be watched one after the other........ have folks watch that video -- and then ask the folks who watched the video if Hamilton should start Game Three Sunday -- regardless of who is pitching for KC. I don't think there's been a player who has had a worse series of ABs in a playoff series than what Hamilton has shown in Games One and Two. Part of the reason there's not much history with this sort of weak effort at the plate is because a player with ABs like that is usually pulled for a PH before his last AB in Game One and then finds himself on the bench for Game Two.
  16. I don't care if Hamilton is 25 for 25 against Shields.......the way he's looking at the plate the first two games -- he can't hit any body. I don't play him but let's see what the starting line ups look like.
  17. CJ Wilson -- our most inconsistent and unreliable starter for most of the second half (if he was consistent at all during the second half, he was consistently bad -- he did have that one gem of a game the week we clinched) vs. James Shields, the KC ace who has pitched well for them this year. also their pen has been lights out -- we've had good post season performances from Grilli, Smith and Street but once we get past those guys, our pen depth is worrisome. gonna be up hill. Knew we were in trouble if we wasted a quality Weaver performance and lost game one........and that's where we're at. Good news -- I thought Shoemaker looked good and pitched well coming off his arm issues........
  18. well, not a fan of Hamilton this series (or ever really -- don't think anyone on AW.com liked his signing the day it was announced and things certainly haven't gotten any better since). but I don't blame Hamilton for all of this (even if his attitude seems really poor). I blame Scioscia for putting him on the playoff roster for the ALDS and then putting him the starting line up. Halos offense did just fine during September WITHOUT Hamilton and was clicking on all cylinders......why mess that up? so I would have kept Hamilton off the ALDS roster and had him do some extended work outs and simulated game ABs during that time (of the ALDS). I certainly would not have put him in the line up if he were on the playoff roster. Hamilton's ABs looked even worse than some of his ABs during his lowest (biggest slump times) moments during the regular season and those were pretty bad. He looks just awful at the plate -- like he's sleep walking through his ABs and through these games..........it's terrible. and then, of ALL people, to get called out on it by GARY SHEFFIELD??? that's like GARRETT ANDERSON ripping an outfielder for not sprinting all out to catch a fly ball..................
  19. hey, what's going on here with this ? it's automatic, he takes the first pitch and all the opposing pitchers know it and groove one down the middle-- strike one. might as well skip all that and just start with an 0-1 count when Trout bats. OK, you're in a slump, you strike out a lot -- so you automatically take strike one every time and start your AB with 0-1 count? HUH?
  20. SCHEDULING/ PROGRAMMING NOTE FROM ANGELS STADIUM: The RV and Boat Show starts Tuesday, October 7 at Angels Stadium. Gates open at 11 AM. Those with ALCS game tickets will be permitted to sit in their assigned seats to view the show. IF you have assigned seats, Josh Hamilton may be sitting next to you as he has been directed to BUY seats to three days of the show to pay back for the three seats he took up in games 1, 2 and 3 without paying for them. Have a good time........financing available on premises for either Boats, RVs or next year's season tickets (as prices have increased). Have a good day.
  21. yeah, I also had issues with the 3-1 count, Calhoun bunt deal -- didn't make sense to me -- but then any player, from little league to MLB -- it never makes sense to me when a ballplayer can't get a bunt down....... you either get the bunt down or walk because the pitcher gives up pitches up when he sees you squaring to bunt (which is something else, should always WAIT to square up and WAIT until the pitcher delivers the pitch........
  22. I think Scioscia did ok -- only thing I would change is that Hamilton would NOT have been on post-season roster........ offense was doing OK without him and I would have given him at least another series to 'recover' and re-evaluate IF and WHEN the ALCS roster decisions needed to be made. I agree with Sheffield's comments on the TBS post game show calling out Hamilton. Sheffield calling out a player for dogging it, lacking interest -- now that's LOL!!
  23. hot evening in Anaheim.......hey, we all know the crowd -- this is how they roll..........
  24. Losing Game ONE puts us in trouble. Weaver pitched great. We have rotation issues. We really need CJ Wilson to step up now and need to shorten some games. KC can shorten their games -- although Herrera going down and possibly out for at least the next two games of the series could hurt them. When Salas came on to pitch - I knew were in trouble.......I mean, we escaped Jepsen's inning we can't escape both Jepsen and Salas' innings.
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