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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. SCOTT T - I highly doubt MaddEn will manage the Chicago Cubs. He'd have to travel on airplanes..........." LOL !! Good one, there.
  2. Aybar should be a finalist - actually going down the roster, he's the best bet for a Halos GG and he's not even a finalist? KC Hosmer wins it at 1B. Anyone else think that Trout's (critical) dropped fly ball in the playoffs cost him a finalist spot?
  3. Hosmer wins this at 1B -- what NO Aybar at SS??? I would place him as the number one Gold Glove possibility on the Halos -- and he doesn't even make it as a finalist? Anyone else think Trout's dropped fly ball in the playoff game cost him a GG finalist spot?
  4. I think he's a pretty good ballplayer and very good OF'er..........and he can throw as well. no knock on Cain -- he's been a key guy with his defense in CF and RF during the playoffs.......... When they have Gordon in LF and then two CF's out there (Dyson in CF and Cain in RF) may be the best defensive OF in baseball. as for Cain, he's GA like in getting the read, but unlike GA, he runs hard after the ball and leaves his feet..........
  5. Chicago Cubs next stop for Madden -- give him three years there -- the Cubs will get better but won't make the playoffs and then he'll be in Los Angeles with the Dodgers.
  6. Well, I like these teams and their NL style of play - but that's old time baseball -- pitching, defense and speed........those things win playoff series. This is Bud Selig's last harrah -- and I have to agree with one thing about the title of this thread -- I don't see this World Series doing very well in the national ratings. The Wall Street Journal ran a story last month about the NFL's advertising dollar dominance and market penetration.......noting that the recent 'controversy' with suspended NFL players probably won't have any impact on attendance and, more importantly, viewership and then noted that the NFL is just an advertising juaggernaut that cuts across all demographics, old, middle-aged, young, men, women, conservatives, liberals etc.......and that the percentage of female fans is about 35% or so which is just an amazing stat for sports.......one of the more amazing stats that put everything in perspective was that last year's NFL Pro Bowl (and after the season, almost forgotten after-thought of a game) OUT DREW the 2013 World Series in the TV ratings......... So you can imagine what this year's KC-SF match up is going to look like on the Nielsen's...........Bud Selig's swan song -- although -- Kudos to Selig because despite this, under his watch MLB's TV contracts and take of media dollars has increased significantly.......... one reason for this is because TV advertising over all is down as Millennials are forsaking traditional media outlets and becoming 'unplugged' with electronic devices being the medium of choice -- this means advertisers have to chase a different (older) demographic and the folks they want to reach there are also forsaking the nonsense on TV these days and pretty much watching NEWS and SPORTS........
  7. Remember when the Phillies had that 'best rotation in baseball' (or best rotation money could buy) a few years back -- they spent a pant-load to land top flight rotation guys (Hamel etc.). Now a few years later they've got Jerome WIlliams who pitched for AL West bottom dwellers Texas and Houston this year as a low cost rotation guy for next year. I mean, I'm, too, any happy for Jerome Williams (who some may forget pitched for the SF Giants way back when) who worked his tail off when we had him and did pretty much what we asked of him. You have a lot of guys with significant physical talent and often poor attitudes and then you have a Jerome Williams -- not the best talent but a guy who works his tail off to get the most out of the talent he has and maintains a positive attitude........Good for him, good for his family. Although, this signing is a pretty good indication where the Phillies are as a franchise right now and for the 2015 season.
  8. I don't see the Halos seriously making a bid for any of these guys -- perhaps Shields -- but after KC's post-season run, I don't see how the Royals don't do what it takes to bring him back on a one plus one type deal....... Scherzer is looking for Grienke/Kershaw type contract and I don't see the Halos doing that and I don't think they should......that's a lot of money tied up in one player, a rotation guy -- if the KC Royals and even the SF Giants match up shows anything -- it's that it is more about team chemistry than big contracts.......Halos have enough big long term contracts......they should shy away from any more. I don't see Lester staying on the West Coast -- I think he returns to Boston - would make the most sense for him -- these guys make enough money with all these contracts, I think with a guy like Lester it is more important to go some place where he is comfortable with the surroundings and can pitch well...........Boston is the place for Lester. If I were the Angels, one guy I would really try to sign this year would be Wade Davis -- before KC's late season/ post season run, it was just assumed that the Royals would not pay what it would take to re-sign-- now they might -- but Davis signed for rotation type money for his last contract (two years ago?) and has been converted to a set up/ pen guy (and a very successful one). So my take would be this -- we don't have the money or the desire to sign a top flight rotation guy -- let's go with the best we got in the system (Shoemaker should be back, hopefully Garrett Richards will be back by June/ July -- but we can't count on him -- Weaver's back and I have to believe that CJ Wilson has something left even if its just the first half and perhaps as a fourth starter, five / six inning pitcher --) I would try to boost the pen as we had some late season success with that formula -- (and KC, among others, has shown that when a team can shorten games, they win games) -- so what's Street's situation, we need him back, Smith is back, we need to add some quality pen arms -- so, I wouldn't go after Sherzer, Lester -- maybe Shields -- but I think the Royals front office would face an uproar if they let Shields get away -- regardless of the W/S outcome.
  9. Chuck -- may do that -- I usually try to time ST in Arizona with first two rounds of the NCAA March Madness..........so we'll see. Might want to make sure this early notice thread stays up 'above the fold' and stays at the top of the board........
  10. As Casey Stengel once said, 'you could look it up" and I did. Dave Hansen is the All Time LA Dodger leader in career pinch hits -- 110. I sort of vaguely remember that he passed another great Dodger bench guy/ PH -- MANNY MOTA. Manny Mota was incredible........he was the Dodger coach down the stretch run in something like 1991 -- when rosters expanded in September the Dodger activated him and used him as a PH in the late innings of their pennant stretch run -- first time up he knocked a two run single up the middle.......and then he did it again a day later in another critical game vs. Houston. So Hansen passed up the guy most people associate with pinch hitting and the Dodgers - Manny Mota......so that's GOOD.
  11. Dave Hansen and Sosh were Dodger team mates. Hansen was a pretty good bench depth guy for the Dodgers and even if he had a .260 lifetime BA, was pretty good as a PH off the bench. He played for the Dodgers (maybe two different stints) for a number of years and also played for the Chicago Cubs. Not a bad choice -- Baylor is getting up in age -- isn't he 65 plus? has had some health issues and is probably looking for a different position within the organization where he doesn't have to travel as much. Makes sense.
  12. hey, thanks for the early notice on this -- that's really appreciated. I was planning to fly out to Tempe on St. Paddy's day but may adjust the schedule now. CHUCK -- sounds like you have quite the three week plus long trip planned !! I am also planning to make it to Florida in March (to see my son and perhaps a ST game or two). He's in and about the Orlando area......I think I'm going to Tempe first and then Florida later in the month -- have not planned it all out yet -- may make it ONE trip and just leave from Phoenix and fly right to Orlando and then taking only one real long flight -- the one back from Florida. Not a big fan of flying (especially now). No fear of it, it's just such a hassle these days.....I find it better usually staying put. The one hour flight from here to Phoenix I can handle. Again, thanks for the early notice -- I have to make some schedule adjustments to make Fanfest and may be able to so. The early notice really helps.
  13. Tough to watch Cardinals without their heart and soul -- YADIER.
  14. Caminiti -- he had demons before he had steroid demons -- remember seeing him play that MVP year he had with San Diego -- but he was a poster child for steroids -- and something was fishy back then but Bud Selig and everyone looked the other way. I mean Caminiti was a 3B with some pop who turned into a monster --- folks had to know when he was on something. Makes one wonder about other one year wonder stat guys -- Brady Anderson comes to mind. another one year wonder guy from WAY BACK (not sure if they even had or heard of steroids back then) was Davey Johnson -- remember when he hit 42 HRs as a 2B for Atlanta? I don't think he hit 20 in any other single year of his career........He hit 42 -- had to be in the 70's -- probably shortly after they lowered the mound after 1968 when Bob Gibson had a 1.12 ERA and completed something like 30 games -- unheard of today.
  15. Phyz is back home in KC......was pleased to see him get that gig post-Halos and with Hud, too. still, without disliking Phyz or anything, think Halos did the right thing bringing in Victor Rojas (although, we all know, it was going to be Just Another Halos Victory but tragically that didn't happen).
  16. Was Ibanez on the ALCS roster for KC? Not sure if he'll be on the WS roster. still, nice to see him finish out his career with KC this way. Always liked Ibanez -- even if he didn't perform that well for us this season - he was a good guy to have in the clubhouse.
  17. wonder how much 'broke fan' sold the tickets for.......... nice thing for Finnegan (TCU guy) to do, though...... KC team -- sort of like Milwaukee -- smaller market team -- places where there's almost a college team like affinity by the fans for the team and its players. don't get that in the big markets so much. Finnegan was pretty good down the stretch for KC -- he'll either be in the rotation next year or may take Wade Davis' spot in the pen. speaking of pen depth -- Wade Davis' contract is up and he's probably not going to be re-signed by KC (although they should reconsider that position based on where the pen has gotten them this year).......but if he does become available -- not a bad guy to have in the Halos pen.
  18. A's final game was a microcosm of their season. Huge lead early, stretch time collapse, terrible finish.
  19. Series was over when Yadier went down. Cards not the same team without him in the line up. Halos fans' favorite AJP started behind the plate for the Cards today........ sort of hard to watch the Cards without Yadier. Oh well, next year.......meanwhile KC Royals look like team of destiny........ only question is will they sweep Baltimore or win it in Five.
  20. KC looking like a team of destiny....... SF probably in World Series now that Yadier is out.
  21. I know its the Edmonton Oilers -- but tonight's game at Staples kinda of a fun one for Kings fans........ OK guys, save some of this for the rest of the week's games....... 5-0 Kings right now - just scored two goals about 25 seconds apart in the second period.
  22. haven't read all the posts on this thread -- headline seemed too good to be true-- which means it probably is. New York would be a disaster for Hamilton but who cares? If we can dump his contract (we would have to pay part of it to be sure) -- I wouldn't mind getting mid-level pitching prospects in return. we'd be net ahead...........
  23. Another plus for the Cards is Matt Carpenter playing 3B instead of Freese. for 2014 that's been an upgrade. and now, Matt Carpenter has been hitting up a storm in the post-season. deal worked ok for both teams -- Bourjos wasn't going to play here (and apparently not much in St. Louis either) and Grichuk is now started at time for them. Freese was not quite the player at third most thought he was (slow defensively, not a great glove at 3B and very slow base runner/ Mr. GIDP) although his bat seems to come alive about mid-August............Salas provided some pen depth for much of the season but also proved to be unreliable down the stretch and in the post-season...... Feel bad for Bourjos -- thought his style of play would make him a fan favorite but he got off to a slow start, then got hurt and, not sure why, but the fans sort of turned on him........had some moments for the Cards but never seemed to be able to provide them with what they needed.........now he's sort of invisible during the playoffs.......
  24. I take Grant Green over Beckham for the bench depth role. Green can also play some LF (saw him make a pretty good catch out there in a game he started in LF)........in addition to MIF. he has some pop as well.........Green over Beckham and likely less expensive as well.
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