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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. nando714 -- yep -- and it showed. Kings would play well and then have those defensive break downs. gave Ducks a lot of chances and more chances........gotta clear that puck out of there. oh well -- bottom line -- we go to Anaheim and pick up a point (and lose a point in the standings to the Ducks).
  2. LaBarbera comes up big in shoot out. GEEZ -- want to say the Kings let this one get away -- but it was a see-saw game throughout. Kings really missed an opportunity and Ducks took it -- geez. Kessler is tough.
  3. OUCH -- we had this game one -- and La Barbera saves it for the Ducks. nice win for them. this one got away from the Kings.
  4. Gaborick !! Ducks answer --- La Barbera save on Carter!
  5. 3 on 3 would be real tough after three 20 minute periods........geez........ 4 on 4 is fast enough. shoot out time.
  6. yeah -- Cowgill could easily fill that type of role as well. good point.
  7. gotta love this 4 on 4 OT stuff.......
  8. Kings really let the Ducks stay in the attacking zone and get chances at the end there. can't repeat that in OT or it's over. Ducks kept shooting and an unlikely shot went in -- here we are 5-5.
  9. 5-5 game.........OT baby! shoot out coming up??? five minutes.
  10. On the 3,000 hit milestone for Ichiro -- he has 2,844 right now and needs 156. after that run of 11 years or whatever it was, straight years of 200 hit seasons, Ichiro hit totals have been 178, 136 and 102 the past three seasons, a three season average of 138. as a platoon player, he'd need two seasons to get to 3,000. still, I think he's worth a look -- am sure some other teams thinking the same thing.
  11. some good play tonight at times but also some real sloppy stuff.......Anaheim net minders have given up two pretty weak goals. neither team here is 'playoff ready' it seems. Kings need to hold on here and escape with a win. Ducks taking over the game right now.
  12. nice wrap around there........this thing could go to a shoot out.......
  13. sat out all last year -- if he wanted to play he should have gone to Spring Training as an invitee somewhere. he actually had some good starts for the SF Giants his final season.......am sure someone will take a flyer on him......perhaps the A's -- they need someone to replace rental Lester.
  14. Ichiro looking for a full time gig?? Don't think that'll happen - he platooned last year for the Yankees...... having said that, I sort of like the Ichiro move if it happens -- the guy can still play but can play 162 games or even 145 -- but he Is insurance for a guy like Hamilton and still plays good D and still has that good arm from the OF. I think a lot of teams have watched the SF Giants and KC Royals success down the stretch and into the post-season playing old style small ball and a classic game -- Starters who can go five, six, a pen that shortens games, solid D all around and speed.......... Ichiro could fit that plan as a late inning PR and defensive replacement and he can still knock out base hits. I kinda of like this, if it happens - of course, I've always like Ichiro, class act, good ballplayer........HOF'er in Japan and the US. Why not end his career in Anaheim?
  15. geez. tough break for the Ducks -- bad goal there just as the Ducks seemed to be gaining the edge in momentum in the game. and then that Anderson bad goal and now former LA King Jason LaBarbera is IN.
  16. bad goal given up by Anderson and now he's OUT. Jason LaBarbera is IN -- I think we all remember him!!!
  17. well Sosh did a fine job this year and the Halos certainly suffered set back with their rotations....... but a lot of folks pre-season were talking about an all - S. Cal World Series -- so there were expectations out there that the Halos would certainly be in the hunt. I don't think many folks had Baltimore running away with the AL East and having the best record in the AL (and MLB) for most of the season before the Halos over-took them with a red hot stretch run from mid-August on........... Sosh deserved and would have been a solid pick. IMO, Showalter's work this year was more deserving of the award.
  18. miss Bob Miller and Bob Fox as well as having a clearer picture on FSN. Nice first period for the Kings -- seem to have spent most of the second half of the first period at the Ducks' end. 2-0 Kings!! Need to keep the intensity up. in these Kings-Ducks games the momentum can shift quickly..........
  19. Good first period for the Kings -- being playing at the Ducks end for most of the final five minutes of the first period........ 2-0 Kings!
  20. Going to be a good one tonight --- first game since the playoffs..........we need this one!
  21. Scherzer is going to take a lot of dough - I mean he turned down a contract extension deal with Detroit during the past off-season that was a whopper of a contract. he's going to demand more than that now..........not sure if we want to be part of another huge, long term contract deal. I don't mind the ones we have (minus Hamilton's) but don't think we should take on another one.
  22. either Sosh or Showalter a solid choice in my book. Showalter gets the nod because, unlike the Halos and their payroll and team, not too many folks picked the O's to do much this year and they pretty much ran away with the AL East all season long.
  23. Have not read all the posts on this thread -- seen some -- I'm with those who say --stay away from the Panda. Look, the Panda had a pretty good post -season but was pretty much hit and miss (particularly the first half of the season) -- he also was on the DL for a spell. He came on late and then in the playoffs and his F/A value went up plus it puts pressure on the SF Giants to retain a fan favorite and keep selling those Panda hats/ ear muffs --whatever. as for us -- I am not a great Freese fan (as those who read my posts this past year are aware) -- but I am also not in favor of following up one bad contract (and, actually the Freese trade and contract isn't all that bad -- we all know we've had and have (Hamilton) worse) with another. stay away from the Panda.
  24. Hey, I have been away for a while so there may have been a change on this -- did you guys do away with the AW.com GOD forum where we extended prayers and well wishes to others -- it was a source to get updates on the health condition of AW members and their family members -- I tried to check it tonight (because I had missed some of the earlier Percy news) and couldn't not locate forum........I know it wasn't getting a lot of traffic and I had posted there a few times just to bring a particular prayer thread up to date..........any news on this would be appreciated. ALSO -- saw Chuck's post above about the merging of the two Percy threads and his comment has some merit -- but having said that -- you know it was very therapeutic to read the Percy thread from start to finish (which I and a lot of others have done now) and I cannot think of a greater tribute to Percy than the AW.com community love and support poured out in that thread........ So while I understand where Chuck is coming from on this, I also have to thank Eric for doing that because it really shows that this AW,com community is the best of the best. Prayers to everyone out there in mourning this loss -- I met Percy a few times but was not close to him as, it is obvious, many here were.. Through Eric posting that entire thread -- I really feel their loss. I don't know what Percy's family situation was/is -- when I spoke with him I got the impression he didn't have much family around and that AW.com was actually a big part of his family....and the posts on the thread over the past three plus months sure shows how true that is...........you're all the best.
  25. So sorry to hear this -- I have read this thread from start to finish. I can think of no greater tribute to Percy than this thread -- the AW, com community is truly amazing. I was there at the Fanfest a few years back when Percy reconnected with his former softball teammate from years back -- I remember them talking about it -- they hadn't seen each other in ten years or something like that and then reconnected like they just played a game last week. RIP to Percy. Prayers out to all the AW.com family. You folks are the best of the best.
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