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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. as for the package we gave up for Freese -- it was PJB and Grichuk....... and we got Fernando Salas for the pen along with Freese. pretty even swap. Salas has provided some pen depth -- although was clearly ineffective at times last year. Freese started at 3B for us most of the year. PJB never really got going with St. Louis and then sort of fell into disfavor with management and with the fans -- something I find to be very unfortunate and sad for an all out hustle speedster like Bourjos -- I would have sworn he would become a fan favorite because of the way he plays the game but it didn't happen. Grichuk actually ended up being the better end of the deal for St. Louis and gain some playing time during the second half of the season.
  2. from the post above -- 'possibly extend Freese?' I say NO. he's 32 and going to get slower than he already is which is hard to do. we've got better guys in the system (for less!!) now and just acquired this 3B prospect from Atlanta. I'd say Freese days in a Halos uni, well, the countdown starts now.
  3. Freese's bat did come alive a bit in the second half -- and during the August/ September stretch run -- his offense contributed to the team's winning percentage during those months which lifted their record to the best in baseball........no doubt about that. But Freese started out slowly -- and is just plain SLOW. He's not very good at D down at 3B, is not only SLOW but a terrible base runner and his slowness leads him to being a constant GIDP rally killer with a guy on base. Now the trade we made for Freese sort of helped both clubs - and actually the other OF'er we gave up - Grichuck? -- he actually played more than Bourjos did down the stretch for St. Louis. as for PJB -- always a favorite of mine -- he started the season slow, had some sort of injury and never really re-grouped. Hated to see what happened to him last season - he did play enough OF to make some decent plays out there for the Cardinals but by the time August and September rolled around he was pretty much limited to some spot appearances as a PR and perhaps some late inning defensive innings - very few ABs....... Freese did better than that for us -- we didn't give up much (I liked PJB a lot but he wasn't going to play much with the crowded OF in Anaheim).......but Freese was not the player many of us thought we were getting.......his power numbers were marginal, his defense subpar and his base-running ability very weak combined with his just general slowness....... there's a reason why when scouts look at position players in a try out the first thing they have them do is run the 50 and have them timed......can't teach speed. Slowness is a death knell or at least a GIDP waiting to happen.......when he was off being a World Series hero in St. Louis, his slowness wasn't noticed much and his last of defensive prowess not highlighted (although Freese didn't like it when a very smart LaRussa would pull him for a Defensive replacement in the late innings -- much as Scioscia started doing with McDonald and then Beckham). Freese did an adequate job for us.....did not meet expectations......but sort of got the position filled in the line up card and got the job done -- sort of.
  4. well, Dave, as my family members like to say -- it's takes a whole lot of ATTA BOYS to make up for one "AW SH@T." you guys do good work and deserve our appreciation.
  5. great comeback vs. Nashville.......shades of the Frenzy on Figueroa....... sad to see the Kings lose it 18 seconds into over-time on sort of a turn over cheapy goal that got by Jones. Thursday's game vs. NY Rangers showed the Kings in opposite form -- strong start - 2-0 zip -- NO FINISH. NO POINTS. Ouch. Ugliest game of year still has to be that third period meltdown in St. Louis.
  6. other good books to read -- and I'm surprised there's not more of them with accompanying CDs of game calls and stories...... but get the auto-biographies of the announcers (mostly radio) who covered baseball. Jack Buck's book was great, Hank Greenwald (GIants) wrote a good one......Steve Stone's book about his booth pairing with Harry Carray had me laughing out loud. Being a S. Cal fan, I also got the compilation book of players/ writers/ others' comments about Chick Hearn - the book comes with a CD full of in game "Chickisms" which really bring back the memories.......the CD is worth the price of the book alone.......... Bob Miller (LA Kings) also wrote a short book of stories his work including a hilarious one about his being hired (by the very cheap Jack Kent Cooke). It's hilarious as are some of the stories related....... One DVD that should be prepared and packaged and put on sale is the Prime Sports (it was that long ago) joint interview of Chick Hearn, Bob Miller and Vin Scully..........three legends of the booth, three different sports, one very fortunate city/ sports region. If they would put this in DVD format and packaged it......I think it would sell fast. If Vin Scully ever did an auto-biography and then also read his own Book on Tape version........that book would be sold out day one.
  7. winning certainly helps (and the Ducks had that Cup run) but everything helps. Los Angeles helps nationwide marketing more than Anaheim does..........such are the facts, such is life. of course you can attempt to sing "I love Anaheim" cue up Randy Newman.........
  8. pretty much last chance with or without the new acquisition but clearly the new guy puts added pressure on. somewhat amazing how quickly players go from can't miss prospect to could have been has been. Brandon Wood, Dallas McPherson, etc. the list goes on.........
  9. gotta say the AW.com gurus have out done themselves with the reservation sign up link/ site - it's very user friendly and you get to print out the dinner tickets -- I mean, it's very Stub Hub like....... good work guys!
  10. just signed up for two tickets........think these are going to go fast. I also have tickets to the Saturday, March 14 game at Tempe -- ChiSox vs. Angels. no game Sunday -- which should be SELECTION SUNDAY BTW for March Madness.....
  11. wow -- some folks need to speak with some folks back East. perhaps years of social media and stuff have changed things --perhaps -- but when asked about California, most folks - not from the West -- relate to TWO cities as if there are ONLY two cities in California...........San Francisco and Los Angeles. Watch the national network news and when there's breaking news anywhere in California -- let's say San Diego or Redding or some place like that -- let's break to our correspondent in our Los Angeles bureau.......(maybe SF). reminds me of an NBA draft some years back -- can't remember which player was drafted -- might have been Chris Webber -- perhaps not, for the story here it doesn't matter. The guy gets drafted -- top pick of the Sacramento Kings.........gets congratulated - 'hey, you're going to California" -- the draft pick's response "I'm not going to California, I'm going to Sacramento!" exactly how folks from back East, not from here -- view California. The Los Angeles Angels name has benefitted the franchise's visibility, recognition nationwide and in doing so, helped the bottom line. Good move by Arte. He properly regained exactly the franchise that was granted to Gene Autry and the Angels by MLB back in 1961.
  12. OK . Will likely be able to adjust plans to fly out on Friday the 13th (OUCH!) Will we be able to pre-pay and reserve fan fest tickets other than by way of Pay Pal? Not a fan of Pay Pal. also when you get special room rates at the Fan Fest site, please post ASAP. thanks AW.com for all that you guys do.
  13. a book and film making the rounds these days -- that I have not read or seen yet but will -- is "The Battered Bastards of Baseball" about when Bing Russell owned the Portland AAA team as an independent owner back in the 70's.........several of my friends have seen the movie (in the form of a documentary) and strongly recommend it.
  14. John McDonald came into 2014 ST as a non-roster invitee and we had a few other infield guys invited as well. I thought, why invite these guys ? Especially the 38/39 year old McDonald......at the time we still had slick fielding Romine as a back up SS -- a guy whose D I really liked even if he couldn't hit much. We traded Romine in that deal to Detroit which turned out good for both sides because Romine actually got more playing time there than he would have gotten in Anaheim. But McDonald? Why this guy? Well - he worked his tail off in ST, displayed stellar D and on field as well as club house leadership......could do the little things well, like move runners along and seemed to have natural instincts on defense at all infield positions........ He made the team and more than that -- did everything the Halos asked of him - had a pretty good first half of the season -- even surpassing low expectations at the plate -- I got to the point where I thought McDonald should replace Freese at 3B on D no later than the 7th inning of every game........he sort of tailed off at the end of the season and the Halos acquired Beckham in a trade deadline deal that reduced McDonald's playing time down the stretch (and, to be fair, McDonald's offense had fallen off and he was pretty much strictly a D replacement guy by then). But McDonald did all the little things, was said to be a great teammate, a great clubhouse guy, I'd love to see him instructing infielders in ST and then perhaps being kept on for roving infielder instructor role for A and AA prospects. Perhaps something that would allow him to stick close to home (Arizona? Scottsdale/ Phoenix/Tempe) with reduced travel. I really became a John McDonald fan last year. I wish him the best.
  15. probably not going to get a mini-season ticket plan this year -- Too much of a hassle. will watch Victor and Gubi on TV.
  16. Updated Ball Four?? I red that years ago and then Bouton did a follow up book after that. the Ball Four activities seem tame compared to today's standards. Just read the book "Rickey and Robinson" about Branch Rickey and Jackie Robinson -- good read. Roger Kahn the author of the classic "Boys of Summer" authored the Rickey & Robinson 2014 book. Moneyball was a great baseball book. There was a book about the Cape Cod League that was written a few years back that was a good read -- I read it and then gave it to a kid playing high school ball. One of my favorite sports books was one by SI's John Feinstein about following NCAA basketball teams in the Patriot League chasing the automatic bid. Great read as was, I think it was also Feinstein book about following several seasons of Army-Navy football leading to the big game -- both of these books are dated now but good reads. If you want to read a book about some real good guys read the more recent biographies out on STAN MUSIAL and then the one on HENRY AARON. There should be an annual STAN MUSIAL Award for the Best Good Guy in baseball each year -- although none would live up to the ideals and character of Stan Musial. While I am at it, read a biography of Ted Williams a few years back that was a great read.......gave a rough edges and all account of Ted Williams from his school days in San Diego, his somewhat concealed Mexican heritage (his mother was part Mexican), his larger than life persona, his antics on and off the field and his somewhat troubled relationship with family -- the story extends to his final years and the bizarre battle at the end of his life between his son and daughter including the cryogenics controversy........pretty interesting read of one of MLB early mega super stars who is considered by many (especially himself) as the MLB's greatest hitter ever with the best swing ever.
  17. OUCH !! I thought fanfest was the 14th and made all plans around coming in on the 14th!!! might be able to make the 13th if you post the hotel information soon.
  18. geez. to me Smoltz in the HOF as a first ballot guy is a no brainer....... perhaps fellow HOF'er Dennis Eckersley -- but what other pitcher dominated as a starter (and Smoltz did so on what is arguably the best (ever) rotation in MLB) and then turns around and dominates as as a closer out of the pen? To me, Smoltz is a definite first ballot guy -- yeah, he gets in with Randy Johnson who's impressive stats are quite impressive and probably won't be matched by others --particularly in today's game. and Pedro Martinez? His 2.89 ERA says it all. Biggio --could be one of the best GAMERS of all time. Loved the way that guy played the game. 3,000 hits, 400 plus SBs and 291 HRs. HOF worthy stats, plus FOUR GOLD GLOVES and All Star player at three different positions........Heck he may be on the list of best catchers......that list of HOF guys isn't a big one........I'd rank him ahead of Gary Carter at the catching position. and for just plain TRUE GRIT -- this guy was a ballplayer's ballplayer.......could be number 1 of the guys in the HOF in that category (but might drop to second if Pete Rose ever gets in.......put aside the betting ban stuff, the stupid TV ads and the sad sight of Pete Rose hustling his baseball card and autograph across the country -- back in the day, Mr. Hustle played the game all out, every pitch, every out, every inning, every game, day in, day out -- sort of easy to forget that now).
  19. invite him to ST to work with the minor league infielders.........
  20. Haren has put Miami in a vice grip. They can trade him and get virtually nothing in return and perhaps the other team would insist Miami pay part of his $10 million salary. at this point, Miami should just put him on the voluntarily retired list and cut their losses -- they wouldn't have to pay a dime of his salary and if Haren did want to play in 2015 and is just using this 'I'm quitting' stuff as a ploy -- they've just thwarted his game playing. actually, these guys these days, Haren probably has enough money to retire on and doesn't want to spend half his season back East.
  21. What a thread. Couple of things. The Los Angeles name means more for nationwide marketing than regional. Ask folks back East about Los Angeles -- everyone knows LA - ask about Anaheim and they may not be able to place it in California, This is particularly true since Disney World was built in Orlando, Fla. The best place/ venue for the Angels to play ball is right where they are -- near the junction of the 57 and the 5 and near the 405 -- perfect location. However, the biggest obstacle to the Halos remaining in Anaheim -- the City of Anaheim.......they put a deal on the table and then ripped it away after Arte and the Angels essentially accepted it.........like the deal, don't like the, think it's a give away (as apparently the Mayor does) that can all be debated with points on both sides -- bottom line.......COA City Council should not have authorized offer in official action only to pull it back....... This has Angels looking for options -- all those competing NFL Stadium proposals (at least three) and arguably only one NFL team (maybe) means two of them will be looking for another professional sports team -- and there are the Angels -- stuck in negotiations with Anaheim, looking around for a better deal........ I think the COA should pay close attention to the stadium noise up North and get serious about locking down and in the Angels for another generation.
  22. as for Barry Bonds, you could actually make an argument that just based upon his pre-Roid (allegations) stats, he should be in. Bonds was on his way to the HOF without that nonsense.
  23. I don't think there's any doubt that it assisted in boosting the Angels recognition nationwide. just look at the numbers....... Los Angeles Angels is the MLB franchise that Gene Autry 'bought' into and paid dearly (to Walter O' Malley) for. It's the franchise they have a right to and when marketing guy Arte Moreno took over the team he understood the marketing advantages to the Los Angeles name immediately. I thought then and now it was a good call to change the name -- even if OC folks and the City of Anaheim didn't like it. Speaking of the City of Anaheim -- I hope they are paying close attention to all the NFL stadium building noise just to the north --- if there are several stadiums and only ONE (or even NONE) NFL teams......doncha think one of the ballparks can be developed as a baseball only venue??? Angels may be opting out of their Anaheim lease soon..........
  24. Piazza deserves in........if Gary Carter is in, Piazza should be in. Doesn't Piazza hold the all time record for most HRs by a catcher?
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