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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. but Boston's Rask is usually on his game.......Kings need to turn things around. I think they're one place out of a playoff spot right now.......they need to pick it up. Kings at White House today -- perhaps Coach can put a good work in for the Keystone Pipeline..........it would benefit Canada and Sutter's hometown quite a bit with an economic boom. ah well, I will never understand the Administration's position on Keystone or a lot of other stuff but GO KINGS.........!
  2. Hey, wonder what the scene was like in Las Vegas -- all these guys counting their winnings from the Seahawks back to back titles when Pats' Butler makes the interception......... pandemonium erupted I'm sure......... can't you just see some of the Seattle 'winners' starting to que up at the cashiers to claim their 'winnings' ---- INTERCEPTED.
  3. worst play call, perhaps, of all time. certainly worst play call in Super Bowl history -- what was Pete Carroll thinking? GEEZ, Marshawn Lynch probably sleep walks in on second and goal at the one and if he doesn't make it on second down, he makes it on third and one and if not then , maybe you have to pass on fourth and one due to time pressure -- but even then you might have time to run Lynch. incredible........oh well that prior gift of a reception when the ball dropped into the Seattle receiver's stomach while he was on the ground, on his back was as fluke of a play as any seen in a Super Bowl -- give the receiver credit for being able to focus in that moment and have the wherewithal to control the ball......... and then there was Pete Carroll's call at the end of the first half -- that WORKED!! -- going for the TD to tie the game instead of the sure three......I would have gone for the three.
  4. so much for the turn around-- the Boston game wasn't so great.
  5. give that Butler kids from New England credit for that interception -- heck of a play............even if Seattle's play call was worse than terrible. Marshawn Lynch -- second and one, third and one , fourth and one -- I mean three shots for one yard and Lynch scores.
  6. gotta say, a pretty good ballgame. GEEZ -- Pete Carroll makes that gutsy play call at the end of the first half going for the TD instead of the sure field goal for three -- I would have settled for the field goal but he goes for it and the game is tied at half time. and then Pete Carroll makes that terrible play call at the end of the game -- after that gift reception that fell into the mid-section of the Seattle receiver on the ground on his back -- (the guy did an incredible job to focus and then control the ball and bring it in).........after that, Marshawn Lynch almost goes in for SIX and then you PASS the ball only to have in intercepted. I mean, EVERYONE KNOWS Marshawn Lynch, second and one almost sleep walks into the end zone a yard (or less) out........and if he gets stopped -- you have tow maybe three more chances. PETE CARROLL for all his success is going to go down as costing Seattle back to back Super Bowl Championships with that play call. TERRIBLE. Sort of poetic justice, though, given the fluke reception catch that preceded it......
  7. yeah, the PRE-GAME Super Bowl hype and propaganda along the type Notti describes in his earlier post is truly over-the-top and a new low at the same time. But no need to complain, just turn the channel, turn it off....... actually, the best pre-game show the NFL could have that people might actually watch rather than just have on in the background, would be a re-play of the AFC and NFC championship games......... the AFC game may have been one of the best ever with the amazing Seattle come-back and the Green Bay collapse on defense. the NFC game re-play could include inserted commentary focusing on when the footballs were arguably deflated and when they weren't. anything would be better than the pre-game drivel on now. Meanwhile, for better or worse for us baseball folks, the Super Bowl remain the premier, most watched sporting event of the year that just sucks up all the advertising dollars and keeps the NFL -- despite their problems and issue -- ever popular and just completely awash in so much cash they don't know what do with it all......(well, the owners and players do quite well)..... I think the second most watched is March Madness rounds one and two (the first Thursday and Friday -- viewership tends to taper off as teams get eliminated)....... The World Series has fallen to third or even less as any NFL playoff game probably has better ratings and I would think that a number of regular season NFL games may get higher ratings than sever of the World Series games -- hopefully not games 6 or 7.
  8. valid point on Trout -- players don't seem to forget the way a team treats them when the team takes them to arbitration. arbitration just ruins any potential of a long term relationship between the player and the team because to protect its interest (pocket book/ payroll budget) the team presents a position at arbitration which essentially trashes the player's abilities and potential.......tends to sour the relationship big time.........the player (and the player's agent) comes out of the process with the mind set of "so that's what they REALLY think of me........I'm OUTTA HERE ASAP"
  9. well, it's certainly good news that they avoided arbitration....... usually when a team takes a player to arbitration, it means they won't be able to sign him long term and the player 9.9 times out of 10 elects to pursue free agency as soon as the player is eligible to do so. If Richards can pick up where he left off last year right before the injury....he's destined to be either an ace or at the minimum a top tier rotation guy. $3.2 million this year and if he is healthy with no ill effects from the lay off and perform as he did last year - then the Halos should get an extension done before trade deadline time.
  10. well good news on this Saturday of Super Bowl weekend. as I was out and about today drove by a local school which also serves as the home field for one of the Little league divisions here. there was a traffic jam and cars parked everywhere --- Little League try outs.......lots of kids and parents. On Super Bowl weekend -- PERFECT. reminds me of back in the day when I insisted on taking my then Little League aged kids to the local ballpark for batting practice on Super Bowl Sunday...........
  11. Ianetta isn't terrible on D........he's OK, not great (he's certainly no YADIER) but he's not Napoli on D, either.
  12. Texas Tornados? that's Doug Salm, Freddy Fender, Flacco Jimenez, Louie Ortega etc, "Mendocino"
  13. shortstop?? that threw me for a loop........ he looks more like a OF-PH type of guy. shortstop?? of course, he backed up Jim Fregosi who played 9 innings of 162 games.........of course he was a shortstop.
  14. .......it's two weeks away from pitchers and catchers reporting..........
  15. either three years or a two plus one with a club option. While the shelf life of closers can be short and it's not uncommon for a closer's skills to deteriorate quickly - even after putting up good numbers (one example is Fieri -spelled wrong -- while he was never quite a top tier closer he put up good All-Star like numbers for close to two seasons and then his skills plummeted to where at the end of his Halos time, it seemed like he couldn't anyone out and shortly after being traded was designated for release) -- Street should be solid for up to two seasons and can always be used in a set up or pen depth role if he's moved out of the closer role. Street really helped make the Halos a better team last year after he came over.
  16. well, I thought we got pretty much out-played during the first two periods and then played them even in the third and were fortunate to get the tying and game winner within five minutes of each other. Any win is a 'good' game but as far as being a game that helps turn the season around at this point -- don't think so. And let's face it, the LA Kings for the 45 days prior to the All Star break were not playing very well and during that time were not a very good team. I am hoping this 'breaks go our way' win over the Blackhawks helps spur a second half turn around for us..........we've done It before.
  17. well, another April/ May like last year and Freese will have earned the 'Deep Freese' moniker.
  18. chances of Freese getting off to a quick start at the plate????? they don't call him deep freese for the long ball..........takes a while for his bat to come out of hibernation.
  19. geez -- things go our way for a change........ we pretty much steal a game I was sure was going to go the other way........ screened Crawford on a goal that had a chance of being waved off.......but wasn't. 'bout time the puck bounces our way. did you all like the way the Blackhawks battled the entire game and with less than 15 seconds left (extra attacker, true) they drove the net and had a great scoring opp and prior to that I think they hit the post.........Blackhawks just don't quit........they're tough...........nice to come out of this one with two very needed points to start the second half........ not sure if was the 'turnaround' game for the season -- in fact it wasn't -- but at least we won this one -- the past month this is exactly the kind of game that we ended up on the short end of the score...... two games from the first half stick out to me (why is it always the bad losses and not the wins? oh well) -- that debacle third period melt down in St. Louis and then that more recent game vs. Calgary where I think we had them out-shot them 30 to 9 or something in the third period and wound up LOSING the game...... We'll take this win over the Blackhawks -- but honestly -- can't say the better team won tonight.
  20. none of the guys mentioned can really man the SS position for anything other than late game replacements in a blow out game. Rutledge probably the best bet and as pointed out on a prior post -- he really didn't impress on D when the Rockies played him there. Green is an OF/DH trying to win a roster spot as a MIF/ corner guy -- his best infield position is probably and he's not great there and he played some 3B for us last year. Gaviatella (spelled wrong) is a 2B with no arm........when he got his shot at KC -- I thought he came up as a speedster type who had trouble hitting his weight with a lot of references to the old adage "you can't steal first base' -- of course, 'you can't teach speed either' -- not sure how much of that speed he has left -- if he can play 2B at all, he's worth having on the roster as a late inning D guy who can PR for the likes of Freese in the late innings. Ought to an interesting ST with this battle at 2B -- they'll cut the four guys down to three or two the first two weeks I imagine. I agree that Rutledge, because of his experience, is almost a lock -- he's going to have to play himself out of the line up and off the roster in ST while the other guys need to perform to earn a roster spot.
  21. Patrick Kane / Blackhawks -- geez -- they are tough.
  22. Hoping tonight's game vs. the Blackhawks can spark a second half turn-around. GEEZ, the LA Kings really stumbled into the ALL STAR break. almost tough to look at the title of this forum '14/15 Stanley Cup Champions --- Kings certainly have not been playing like defending champs the past month plus.
  23. don't know much about Featherton --assume he's a solid D no hit type of player........but no SS experience -- how about at AA level? I agree with the comments at neither Rutledge nor Green are realistic options at SS.
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