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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Wieters will be sought after -- apparently has Boras as an agent which means Wieters has probably already turned down an O's offer to extend and probably won't entertain an extension offer during the 2015 season. as for Ianetta - let's see how 2015 goes -- he's been hurt (DL) quite a bit during his career and during 2014........if he can have an injury free 2015 and catch 130 games or so -- then look at an extension/ signing -- perhaps a 1 plus 1. no long term deal for catchers.........unless they're named Buster Posey or Yadier Molina.
  2. It's FLB sign up time again. We have an ESPN private league entitled "Light the Halo" that's been in existence some ten (perhaps longer) years or so. It's an 8 team KEEPER league. We have ONE team owner who has indicated he will NOT be returning in 2015 so we have ONE spot open. This ESPN league is designed for folks who want to play FLB but are not obsessed with it. We have an auto-draft (set for March 22) that ESPN conducts. There is no need to present, on-line or on the phone to participate in the draft, You merely rank the players (you also select FIVE keepers from last year's roster) and ESPN does the rest. Again, this league is for folks who want to participate in FLB at their pace on their time -- no live draft, no need to physically be somewhere to phone in your picks etc. This can literally take as little as about five minutes a day or even every other days or so of your time on your own schedule. The one thing we do ask is that ALL team owners play ALL season long right to the final out of the final game of the season. Last year in our league it went to the final day of the season (I know because I was leading most of September only to lose on the last day!)........each team's stats affect all other teams in the league so even if you're mired in the second division and out of the title chase, it is important to play right to the end. If you want IN, please e-mail me and provide your e-mail address in your e-mail text. I may take a day or two to get back to you but I will. Draft is March 22, Keeper deadline is March 14.
  3. My favorite -- and a game I was at -- was when we eliminated the New York Yankees in the ALDS in 2002.......in Anaheim. This was the start of K-Rod's time in Anaheim -- he was an 'injury' replacement (could have been Wally Post LOL!) for some injured pitcher.......Yankees and others cried foul.....K-Rod --a September call up -- was added to the post-season roster and just blew away the hitters. I was able to get some great Terrance level seats -- in the overhang shaded area behind third base closer to the plate than third -- K-Rod's family members were sitting nearby and were relatively new to all this -- the atmosphere in the park was electric........and when the Halos won the game the general feeling was -- THIS IS IT - We're FINALLY going to win one for the Cowboy -- even though he had left us and his family no longer owned the team.......they played Back in the Saddle on the jumbotron afterwards and the feeling was just 'hey, we just beat the Yankees -- we're going ALL THE WAY" I attended Game One on the World Series vs. the Giants that year (not quite as good seats as the Yankees game) but I'd rank that game as really a highlight.......Longtime frustrated Angels faithful fans were pretty much weeping with joy after that win -- it was just known right there, right then, a Halos World Championship was meant to be.
  4. "Venmo could be an alternative to Paypal" thanks -- but to illustrate/ highlight my complete lack of computer/ electronic/ IT literacy here -- I have no idea what "Venmo" is. but then most of my computer issues can be traced to the same diagnosis/ problem area: "Operator Error"
  5. what's the strike zone now? Do the umpires even know what it is? I did NOT like the switch to the so-called HIGH STRIKE -- which wasn't called much (or called very inconsistently). the strike zone should be from just below the shoulders to the knees. but whatever strike zone is chosen -- it needs to be called consistently -- gotta say last year (and I probably say this every year the past five years at least) it seemed to get WORSE -- the consistency of the calls..........whatever strike zone the plate umpire uses in the game -- USE IT THE ENTIRE GAME FOR BOTH TEAMS.........how many times do we see inconsistent calls......something that's a strike on one hitter gets called (same location) a ball on another........then hitters start to adjust -- not to the pitcher on the mound -- which is fine and normal -- but the hitters start to adjust to the UMP -- which is terrible.........most MLB hitters are professionals -- play lots of games, lot of ABs over their career........they don't complain about balls and strikes (because you can't and it's an automatic fine) but when I see an MLB hitter complain, it's usually not about just that call -- it's about consistency........ sort of like fouls in basketball games......if it 's a foul early in the first half (college games) or first quarter (NBA games)......it's a foul late in the game as well...........and vice versa.
  6. Angelswin.com does a great job. No need to change anything, really. Suggestions ? -- last year (was it this past year) when there was some talk about blipping (censoring) some posted comments; I'm not in favor of that unless they are really way over the line. This is a free flow of ideas here -- some good, some terrible, but everything and anything goes. Most reg posters have thick skins (otherwise they would have left long ago). So, my take here is for the mods to adopt a live and let live attitude towards posts (and, for the most part, they have -- there was that one period of time that some of the blipping got a little much). -- figure out a way to participate in purchases, contributions, ticket exchanges without requiring a Pay Pal account. I don't have any answers here and maybe it can't be done (which is fine -- things are good here as they are) but some of us don't use or like Pay Pal. I personally would like to use the ticket exchange feature more. -- on certain events (games) at the ballpark -- if it could be arranged to have some group seating (doesn't have to be a large group either) but sometimes AW.com member can make a game (often on short notice) and would like to have other posters join up a the game.........just a thought. More so in past years (because I've stopped getting the mini season ticket package) I would have an extra ticket or two for a game that could have gone to a AW,com poster..........oh well. Again, the above are mere suggestions because there's that old adage that applies : 'if it ain't broke,............"
  7. CHUCK -- bar tabs?? That's OK -- doesn't matter how Angelswin.com spends it -- as long as there's a donation opportunity at FanFest.........
  8. Chuck -- not a big fan of Pay Pal for various reasons -- do you plan to have an Angelswin,com donation bucket at FanFest in Tempe??
  9. VLAD Number one - not too much debate about this. BAYLOR a close second -- wasn't a Halo very long but what an impact during his time here. GRICH -- turned out really well. HUNTER -- solid each year for the Halos ORLANDO CABRERA -- wasn't here long but won a Gold Glove and played well for us. Honorable mention -- Bartolo Colon -- he did win a Cy Young Award during his time here. I think we only have two -- Dean Chance and Colon (No Nolan Ryan?? That's hard to believe).
  10. I'd take Weeks over what we have now..........I mean, he was once really pretty good -- has his skills deteriorated that quickly? What's his contact status -- he's a F/A? some one will pick him up.......... he once had decent speed, better than average power, sometime had trouble keeping his BA up and probably struck out a lot ----average glove, not great but decent at 2B. worth a flyer if he's not getting offers elsewhere -- I wouldn't over - pay for him but if he's anywhere close to what he once was......he's probably better all around than are options at 2B now.
  11. Turner is pretty versatile as well.......perhaps Dodgers would use him a trade bait........ I wouldn't rank him better than Rutledge -- both guys are pretty much average glove for MIF types -- D. Barney, to me, may have the inside track on bench depth MIF position for the Dogs simply because he's a top quality defensive guy -- can run a bit -- so Dogs might feel better with him backing up at 2B/SS but then again, with Rollins at SS and Kendrick at 2B -- guys who don't miss many games (unless they're on the DL) -- and don't need late inning D replacements really -- you can stash Barney down at AAA and keep the versatile Turner up -- Barney probably more used to being in a back up role -- Turner played quite a bit for LA last year and has some power (better than average for a MIF). So it's hard to say who wins that battle for that spot with the Dodgers.
  12. Mike Richards was invited to attend White House ceremony but having been sent out to Manchester, declined the invitation. not shunning anyone - but Richards must have felt that since he was at Manchester and no longer up with the Kings, it would be have been awkward.......Richards' choice.
  13. nice win against a conference leading Tampa Bay........ Kings seem to have trouble 'closing' games in the third period........ really need to go on a run here or the Kings - reigning Stanley Cup Champions -- could miss the playoffs -- am sure that's happened before -- where the defending champ doesn't even make the playoffs the following year -- but not often......... of course, the Kings were a number 8 seed last year weren't they?
  14. as for the pen -- we have better pen depth -- but I would pick the Dogs' closer over Street -- let's call the pen even up between the two teams. GEEZ - Dogs have a lot of depth in the OF and MIF positions.........the Dogs have Jason Turner and D. Barney (good glove weak hit) both of whom have and could play full time for an MLB team. Not spectacular but probably stack up even with the guys we have vying for 2B job in ST. Turner or Barney will likely get cut, demoted or DFA'd at roster cut down time -- might be some MIF depth options for Halos. Andre Eithier (spelling?) is a good OF'er/ ballplayer -- looks like he'll have a platoon / bench role with LA (just waiting for Puig to implode and do something that gets him suspended --might not take long so Dogs may need the insurance)........but wasting Eithier on the bench does seem like a waste. Taking a second look at the Dogs starting rotation -- you've got Kershaw and Grienke and after that (Ryu, Brandon McCarthy) it's not that great and overall we stack up well/ evenly with them with our rotation but our number one -- regardless of whether you say it's Weaver or Richards (some may even argue Shoemaker) isn't close to being at Kershaw's level..... but the rest of our rotation stacks up well against the Dodgers' rotation
  15. Madison Bumgardner may have had the best World Series for a pitcher in W/S history (fans of Mickey Lolich, and I am sure there are others, would argue the point). His 2014 World Series MVP run was remarkable......(almost like Giguere's shut out run in the post-season on the way to the Ducks' Stanley Cup championship a few years back !) But I'd still take Kershaw over Bumgarnder........ Kershaw is the best pitcher in MLB today and stacks up fairly well against/ with the greats of other MLB era's. Dodgers pen over the Angels right now?? Yes. Mainly because I like Janssen closing more so that Street. Just my opinion. Halos pen pretty good.......Street came over and made it better last year......let's see how he does in year 2 in Anaheim.
  16. Is Victor going to be at Fan Fest this year???
  17. now watch Texas whup us. two season back when Houston was worse than terrible they beat us in the season series something like 13-5. Terrible. I still remember the Halos losing a three (or was it four?) game series at HOME vs. the Astros that season. and the Astros were the worst team in MLB with the worst record........ however, as was pointed out, when you lose a (I think it was a FOUR game series) FOUR game series to the WORST team in baseball -- YOU ARE THE WORST TEAM in BASEBALL !! Hope that doesn't happen to us again either vs. Texas or Houston in 2015. In 2013 it was the difference between us being a contender in the West vs. a third place also ran.
  18. gotta give the edge to the Dodgers right now...........Kershaw is perhaps the best pitcher in the game today and stacks up well against other greats from other era's. Dodger rotation is better and they've significantly improved their infield -- I give the LA Dodgers the edge at second base over the LA Angels. HK !! I think the Angels still need to make a move or two to get to season ready. Still concerned about 2B situation. Hamilton injury actually makes me feel better about the opening day line up -- couldn't afford another 13 ABs to start the season like the 13 ABs Hamilton had in the 2014 post-season. I give Dogs edge in rotation and bullpen......I give the Halos edge in OF (Trout)......but overall, gotta give the edge to the Dogs right now. Hate to say that.
  19. Not sure, but I think the Angels played in Dodger Stadium from 1962 to 1964 and then Angel Stadium opened in '65. I think that's right.
  20. good catch -- St. Louis did lose the Cardinals (football team - remember QB Jim Hart?) to Arizona......so they've lost the St. Louis Browns, they lost an NBA team as well -- St. Louis Hawks(?) they moved to Atlanta -- the St Louis Cardinals (football) and now the St Louis Rams are above to leave. KC lost the Kings to Sacramento and the A's to Oakland.
  21. Los Angeles Angels were the 'second' LA franchise in MLB. O'Malley owned the rights to the PCL LA Angels and Autry paid dearly (to O'Malley) to infringe upon LA territorial rights. In 1961 the Angels played in old Wrigley Field in LA and then moved to Dodger Stadium the next year where O'Malley and the Dodgers got all the concession revenue and all the parking revenue.....the Angels only received ticket sales revenue and the media rights contracts were no where close to what they are today......in any case, Autry owned KTLA and I think KMPC 710 -- and Autry --always known to be a bit tight with a buck -- wouldn't have his stations pay much for them anyway and it would have been in one pocket and out the other for him...... But Autry intended to place the team in Anaheim Day One -- so I wouldn't say LA 'lost' the Angels. As for the LA Express and the California Sun (they also played in Anaheim Stadium -- still remember of a photo of Anthony Davis in a California Sun uni at Anaheim Stadium) -- I wouldn't say LA necessarily 'lost' them -- the league(s) folded (although I guess the Sun team did move to Anaheim).
  22. Seattle lost the Seattle Pilots (1969) and (much) later lost the Seattle Supersonics (to Oklahoma City which has turned out to be a great NBA town for them). to me the most mystifying 'loss of a franchise' in any sport (well, the LA losing the Rams was pretty bad) was Minnesota losing the North Stars to Dallas -- I never understood that. Speaking of Minnesota -- years prior to that (losing the North Stars) they lost their team to Washington, D.C. which then lost that team to Texas. But a hockey nuts place like Minnesota losing an NHL team to DALLAS??? One of the reasons given for it is that Minnesotans were too busy with youth hockey leagues/ travel teams, high school and collegiate hockey and pick up game on the lakes hockey to go to NHL games.......
  23. well St. Louis is about to -- they 'lost' the St. Louis Browns (to Baltimore) and are about to lose the Rams (back to LA/ Irwindale?) can't think of any others........unless you count New York losing the Giants and the Dodgers and then getting the NY Jets.........that's certainly a losing football team........
  24. The current lease was a deal with Disney but you need to remember, Disney pumped a lot of money to renovate the ballpark -- that was the trade off. For Anaheim to lose the Angels would be a terrible PR black eye for them -- in fact, Disney bought the Angels mainly to stop that (Angels moving to another city) from happening.......at the time, Disney thought that Anaheim losing the Rams and the Angels within ten years would be an irreversible black eye for the City and would cause problems for the Disney brand in Anaheim........so Disney bought the ball team, financed a major renovation of the ballpark and actually won the organization's only World Championship (despite or maybe because of Disney neglect of the baseball side operations). The studies that show that the City could do better with a Disney parking lot on the stadium property is flawed and designed as a defensive tactic in the event the City finds itself defending a lawsuit from the Angels after the City took back it's city council approved official offer to the Angels organization which Arte was ready to say YES to. oh well. If the city of Anaheim loses the Angels they will rue the day........
  25. GEEZ...........actually not that bad of news in the short run -- gives some other guys some hope during ST. at least this time with Hamilton, let's give him a full rehab assignment in AA or AAA and let him get game ready....... he wasn't anywhere near ready when he was placed in the 2014 post-season roster and inserted into the line up.
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