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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. I am rooting for Grant Green to win that 2nd base job but he should be batting farther down the line up than second spot. I'd say he bats 8th, perhaps 7th. I still think Rutledge gets the starting nod at second base UNLESS Grant Green really tears it up in ST or if Rutledge LOSES the job -- ALL POSSIBLE. Scioscia's comments to the media the other day were telling -- he was quoted as saying he will likely play 'a couple of guys' which to me means Rutledge gets the starting nod, Green will platoon with him and I think if Green can perform up to the level he did during his few starts with the Halos last year, I think Green may be getting a majority of the playing time by end of May, early June. But Rutledge, Green , any of these guys will bat down the line up - if Gaviatella (spelled wrong) makes it, he might bat 9th for his starts -- sort of a second lead off guy second time around the line up.
  2. Where's Victorino these days? Boston? Is he going to get playing time there? Victorino might be an option for the Halos -- but they are probably going to wait to see how Joyce works out and how others already in camp perform before looking elsewhere. No need to over-pay for Victorino -- I'm not sure he has much of a role for the 2015 BoSox and not sure what sort of contract he has -- Red Sox might want to dump his contract. Victorino was once a pretty sold player for the Phillies -- got traded to the Dodgers a year or two back as sort of a rental and then ended up with the Red Sox and I think spent much of last year (or at least the second half of the season) on the DL. Solid player -- Allen Craig? He's more of a 1B / DH and weak glove OF'er........Cardinals dealt him near deadline time last year and I'm suspicious whenever the Cards dump a player who once played a major role for them...........Cards front office has a pretty good track record of getting the most out of players and then trading them just as they start to decline (we may have one of these starting for us at 3B last year and this year).
  3. A 1997 game -- summer game, after the All-Star break - must have been July / August. Halos were out of the race... back in the day when you could pretty much walk up to the ticket booth on game day and get pretty good walk up seats. Angels were playing Milwaukee........I went to the game with a long time friend from college days (the guy is a big Yankees fan, Jeter, Bernie Williams yadda, yadda yadda).....I am going on and on about Garrett Anderson (who wasn't in the starting line up that evening -- this is back when he was still in a platoon situation) and Gary DiSarcina.........Yankee pal I'm sure said 'shut up already -- about those guys -- several times during the game." "One's on the bench and the other's hitless in the game' game is pretty non-descript until the 9th when the Halos are down 3 to 1........GA pinch hits with a guy on and rams a single through second on the right side sending the runner to third. one out, DiSar comes up and hits a soft line drive (it certainly wasn't a rocket shot) that drifts down the left field line and wraps around just inside the left field foul pole for a three run walk-off game winning homerun..........had a lot of fun chatting up my Halos that night........DEEE SARE CINNNAAAA !!!
  4. good work - these are the questions most of us are asking....... potential salary and luxury tax relief here.
  5. If Shaikin is reporting that it's unlikely Hamilton is going to be treated as a first time offender, then Shaikin probably has some good sources to support that position. I am sure Hamilton and his agent/ attorney are taking that 'first time offender' position with MLB and seeking MLBPA support for it -- but it sounds as if it's not going to be a successful argument for them. sounds as if Shaikin's all over the story.........
  6. Green will get his shot -- I think Rutledge wins the job coming out of ST -- not that Rutledge is that great or the 'champ' but as the only guy in the 2B competition who has actually started at 2B at the MLB level, Rutledge gets the 'incumbent' or 'champ' like advantage -- you have to knock out the 'champ' to win the job/ title. so the competitors can't be 'as good as' Rutledge in ST -- they need to out perform him at the plate and on D in a significant way -- that won't be easy for this group to do. So Rutledge gets the nod and then may very well play himself out of starting role (and roster spot) by late May. Green is versatile -- can play 3B, OF - I wouldn't put him at SS but he could play there if really needed to finish up an extra inning game or something -- and perhaps 1B......he has some power and if given some ABs may even show he can hit for a decent average over the longer term......... I like Green and would like to see him make the 25 man roster.
  7. well, not defending Hamilton and his actions/conduct in the least -- but Halos did know Hamilton's history, the risk they were taking and what they were getting into when they signed Hamilton to the F/A contract that most of all (virtually every regular) at Angelswin.com thought was a BIG MISTAKE at the time it was announced.
  8. OK -- reading the thread makes it a bit clearer what's happening. Hamilton is confessing rather than getting 'caught' in a violation. There is a first time recovery rehab/ recovery program which is an incentive to self-report. this may avoid an MLB suspension and pursuant to the MLBPA agreement may supercede any 'conduct clause' language in his contract. i.e. he doesn't get suspended by MLB, but enters program (3 months? 6 months?) and is paid his salary while in the program..... Angels probably have some insurance for this although given Hamilton's history not sure what insurance carrier would have insured this risk..........
  9. well, sad to hear of this for Hamilton's sake. one aspect of this IF it's what many here think it is (and they may well be correct given the history here), is that the conduct which may warrant MLB's disciplinary action is likely in violation of a 'conduct clause' in Josh Hamilton's contract which may negate the 'guaranteed' aspect of the pay out during the time that Hamilton is / may be barred from playing for 'something other than injury'
  10. I thought Featherston was the best defensively but then read somewhere that none of the four are that great with the glove. Rutledge is average with the leather at 2B and has the advantage of actually starting at 2B for parts of two seasons at the MLB level........but the post comments here are correct -- Rutledge isn't going to remind anyone of Bobby Knoop.........none of these guys are. I think Rutledge wins the job out of ST (or, put it this way, it's his job to lose -- which he very well could -- and Grant Green's job to win - which he very well could). It' s going to be an ST where there are actual position player battles........I think Rutledge will be given the chance to lose the job in April and May and just might be able to achieve that.
  11. where is Chone? he played some for the Dodgers last year and I think got released or demoted to AAA late in the season. Always liked Figgins -- but the problem with a player with his skill set is that once they lose a step or two, they go downhill quickly. Figgy was an exciting player and played all out.....he was a speedster.........I remember when he signed with Seattle (a career ender for a lot a players -- being a big dollar F/A for the Mariners) and thought then we had gotten Figgy's most productive years and now the M's were over-paying for him. Is Figgy still sticking around some place or is he out of baseball.........the Dodgers roster these days seem stocked with MIF types and some of their discards will find MLB homes.......I don't see Figgy even making the depth chart over there.
  12. well, it will certainly make for an interesting Spring. I was impressed with Grant Green during his time with the Halos last year -- not sure if he's ready for an every day starting role at 2B, but I would be disappointed if he didn't make the 25 ma roster......Grant Green is versatile, can play 3B and some OF as well.......his glove at second may be suspect........he'll need to work hard at that work out infield field at Tempe.......that's a pretty amazing training field......used primarily for foot work on double plays and for infielders and pitchers practicing fielding bunts...... Rutledge is sort of the experienced vet in this field of 2B competitors even though he is still fairly young. Of course, who-ever wins the gig may be in for a one year tour as the Halos have that young top draft pick prospect (2B / MIF guy) waiting in the wings and who will probably be ready for a promotion in 2016. I think Rutledge and Grant Green come out of ST with an uneven platoon that starts out primarily with Rutledge starting and then Green taking over in late May, June.
  13. Rutledge probably gets the nod. Green will play there some -- more concerned about his glove than anything else. I see a platoon between Rutledge and Green with Rutledge getting most of the early season starts and Green slowly getting more playing time as the season progresses. not sure which of the four competing for the position has the better glove -- Green's is somewhat suspect. Dodgers seem to have a lot of MIFs in camp (and Rollins could go back on the DL, but Howie probably plays 150 plus games at 2B for the Dogs) -- there's that one guy they got from the Cubs 2B/ SS who has a pretty good glove and probably nowhere to play in LA (Burney? Barney? can't remember his name, something like that). He'd be good for a late inning MIF/ PR kind of guy,
  14. I'll say it again. The current venue and location in Anaheim is the site that makes the most sense on many levels -- fan base, transportation links (including the new Anaheim transportation center) etc. But it's not the ONLY option and the City of Anaheim is 'negotiating' with the Halos/Arte as if it is.........that's a mistake in dealing with Arte. And the City's conduct in extending a city approved offer (4 to 1, Tait opposed) only to yank it off the table after the Angels indicated they would accept it is reprehensible. as for a Lobbyist involved in the advocating for the City/ Angels proposed approved by the city? Reminds me of the old Claude Rains line in the movie Casablanca (ok, youngsters, the one with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, look it up on Google) -- the Rains law enforcement officer character (state police) sees the card table and exclaims "Gambling going on here, I'm SHOCKED, Just SHOCKED" whereupon another person in the scene hands him something saying 'your winnings, sir." I hope the City of Anaheim and the Angels get this done. The Angels franchise, history, tax generation (direct and indirect) and plain public relations value is vital to the City of Anaheim and the entire Orange County/ LA region extending out to the Inland Empire where there's a real battle for fan loyalty between the Dodgers and the Angels going on.......a few years ago I would have sworn the Angels were winning that battle, but the Dodgers with Kershaw are battling back hard........ The Angels staying right where they are with a new ball park being built right on the property makes the most sense -- I think there's enough room to accommodate that -- parking would be tight while the new ballpark is being built but it's possible........and giving the Arte an incentive to develop the property around the park? why not? The City (when it had a redevelopment agency -- which have all pretty much been eliminated now) had several tries at it and couldn't the get the "Golden Triangle" area or whatever they called it, developed. Empty lots still exist all around the area although some condos have been built (but apparently sitting empty/ unsold -- maybe sales have picked up lately)......... As for Disney buying the ballpark land and turning it into off-site parking?? I guess that could be done but now that it costs $99 for a DAY FEE to Disneyland, I gotta believe the parking needs may not be as great for a while.......I mean $99 per plus a $15 parking fee -- for a family of four that's a $411 day not including lodging and another $150 for food and drink inside the park!!! OUCH.
  15. nice Stadium Series win over the Sharks........seven in a row but the Kings hold on a playoff spot is still precarious. I'm sure you all remember last year when the Kings lost a key game to the Sharks (might have been last game of regular season) and with that loss essentially dropped from the third playoff spot to the 8th playoff spot.......... that actually worked out pretty well although I think we could have all done without the falling behind 0-3 in the San Jose playoff series........
  16. another guy who at least deserves a spot on the ballot for this 'honor' is Gary Gaetti. Remember Gaetti? We signed him as a F/A (or did we get him in a trade? I thought we signed him, anyway).. We got Gaetti to play 3B coming over from the Twins.......high hopes, good player, decent stats, all that. Might have been an All-Star for Minnesota. He joins the Halos and gets off to a below the Mendoza line start that drags on to mid-season -- by the All Star break he's hitting something like .147 -- just terrible. I think he lasted a season and a half with the Halos before they either just released him or dumped him in a trade.......... He later played for KC and St. Louis among other teams and actually had some decent seasons after he left the Halos.........he had some decent power and I think hit something like 27 HRs for KC a season or two after leaving the Halos........he played for St. Louis and kept his MLB career going for quite some time after Halos fans thought he was through............ He was pretty major disappointment for the Halos.
  17. well, whenever he comes back - a huge IF -- let's make sure that THIS TIME, he does an appropriate re-hab stint at AA and AAA rather than just being inserted into the starting line up. his 0h so terrible for 13 performance in the post-season series vs. KC still remains an indelible image of the Halos sweep.
  18. The article makes it clear, Arte really feels no time pressure to do anything now. what I read into his comments is that Arte and the Halos are quietly assessing other options (without really doing much to move on those options). meanwhile, City of Anaheim needs to come back to the table -- no matter whether you like or dis-like the prior proposal/offer extended to the Angels on a 4 to 1 vote only to be, apparently, unilaterally rescinded by the Mayor, -- it was a bad faith tactic by the City to pull back from a city council approved offer that the Angels were willing to accept. so, unless the City puts that offer back on the table, I don't see much hope for City/ Halos (Arte) negotiations. Now the NFL is getting serious about the Los Angeles region. And it looks as downtown Farmer's Field is going to be left out of the NFL picture. If I am Arte, I look to Farmer's Field as the future home of the LOS ANGELES ANGELS. Carson is wooing the Raiders and Chargers -- perhaps one of them winds up in Anaheim -- although, the Chargers are the prize and the Raiders are a team with a lousy current situation, a somewhat faithful Raider Nation fan base (and all the attendant problems that brings) and, really, no place to go. The Chargers bring money to the table. Meanwhile, Rams appear headed to Inglewood where the owner owns the property near the old Forum.
  19. I'm the only one to vote for Mo Vaughn? Memories are short. Of course, depends on how you determine 'most frustrated' by stats alone or by stats plus conduct. if you include conduct combined with performance, then Mo Vaughn managed to poison the entire organization. Vaughn actually had some decent stats on paper but was poison to the team. If it's stats combined with terrible contracts, then Hamilton, GMJ and Vernon Wells might be in a three way tie. Somehow I think if you carefully analyze the stats / performance output for these three........Vernon Wells would WIN the worse contract to performance contest.
  20. yeah, there was a lot of hype surrounding this guy and now he's missing his second straight year........ going to be real tough to come back from two years plus of inactivity......... I'd be surprised if this guy returns to be an every day player.
  21. I'm going to re-post this. If interested, e-mail me and list your e-mail address in your e-mail so I can send out an invite to this private league from the ESPN site. thanks.
  22. and if he flops and doesn't perform well in Spring Training? no harm, no foul.
  23. had some decent numbers for the White Sox the past two years.......ERA a little high (5.03) last year but in 2013 he pitched in about 36 games, 60 IP. he could provide some decent pen depth if he's anywhere close to that. His numbers with Baltimore and Arizona (split season) before that were pretty good. I think his best years were with Florida and then a year in Houston. hey, low risk, decent reward if he can be a bridge guy in the 5th-7th innings. That's an area that hurt us some last year. I like this move. Not a major headline move but could pay off nicely.
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