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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. well, that was Zito the past seven years -- some really good quality outings followed by an outing where he gets shelled. after he signed that seven year multi-million deal with the SF Giants -- he never lived up to the contract hype -- although -- on occasion -- he would just pitch a gem and folks would think : "he's back" he really did not pitch well for the Giants most of those seven years to the point he spent the final two/ three years as a long reliever and for one of the SF Giants playoff runs the running joke was "what's the most expensive seat at AT&T for the World Series this year?" The one that (not on playoff roster) Barry Zito is sitting in. But then in 2013 Zito pitched well in several of his starts down the stretch to help the Giants make the playoffs -- and actually pitched pretty well that year -- not sure but he may even have pitched a pretty good game against the Cardinals in one of the playoff games when he was on the post-season roster for that series....... hard to say if he sticks with Oakland or not......probably should have a couple of starts at triple-A but he likely won't agree to that.
  2. Las Vegas (Bill Foley) making a full court press......... getting a major league team in Las Vegas I think would break open the dam and other major leagues would follow. I think the NBA might be next; not sure about MLB -- Cashman Field certainly isn't a place where a regular season MLB could be played (they've had major league weekend games there over the years -- the Cubs/ ChiSox game of a couple of years broke a stadium attendance record there). NFL would be HUGE in Vegas -- Oakland Raiders should go there instead of this talk about sharing a stadium with the Chargers in the LA area (Inglewood?).
  3. Blackhawks game -- OUCH........OUCH. need to really crank it up big time to make the 8th spot now. OUCH. hey, is it just me -- or what? -- when you're down 4-1 in a critical game and its third period - I think you start thinking about pulling your goalie a bit early (perhaps the 5/6 minute left mark) to get back int the game??? Wasn't done. Perhaps Daryl S. thought the Kings defense was so porous (and depleted) that the Kings would just be giving up another goal by doing that........ oh well. Kings in trouble.
  4. the humidor in those places also provides (arguably) a better atmosphere for analyzing how they'll do at the next level. these pitchers get knocked around at high altitude places and have high ERA and terrible stats/ pitching lines and those stats don't really assist the front office (and others) much is assessing a player's progress. same thing with hitters, they have these great stats and then literally come down to earth when they hit the bigs and all the HRs turn into fly ball outs. Dodgers had that problem for years -- a bunch of Triple -A sluggers at Albuquerque who never quite matched their minor league stats/potential in the bigs -- Paul Konerko spent three years at Albuquerque and was Triple - A player of the year back to back or something and his success never translated in LA -- they moved him to Cincinnati and then to the ChiSox where he become a fan favorite, near icon and hit 400 plus HRs there. Another one was Mike Marshall (the 1B guy not the pitcher) and others. humidor down at those places, a good idea IMO.
  5. Heaney was an LA Dodger player as much as Napoli was a Toronto Blue Jay........remember that one? Napoli was headed to Texas before the ink was dry on the Halos deal.
  6. Again, Fletcher has this analyzed spot on. the GM would be committing front office malpractice not to do what the Cubs are doing here. and folks on another thread are saying the delay in the Hamilton decision is no big deal (I disagree with that assessment) because he's not playing etc. well, this Kris Bryant decision means he's off the roster for under TWO weeks. A real no brainer given the stakes. as for MLBPA being upset and guys like Boros complaining -- well, isn't this (this aspect of the MLBPA) what they bargained for? have to take the good terms with the less than good (as in bad) terms.
  7. I think Alvarez gets the spot start on April 14 and potentially a second start if that one goes well.........he may be able to cancel his trip to SLC with good performances.
  8. Well, from my stand-point, I think it may make a difference on the 25 / 40 man roster if suddenly you going to have to deal with making a decision on Hamilton in 30 days, six months or one year. it may make a difference how the Halos treat certain players on 'the bubble' of both the 25 man and 40 man roster. guys like Cowgill, perhaps Krauss, maybe Cron -- some of the other OF'er / DH folks. I just think it's better to have that information (Hamilton's status for the 2015 season and potentially beyond) now when making cut down decisions than later.
  9. Gray is pitching in minors (and I think Weaver has done the same) because the ST minor league rules allow teams to make sure their rotation guys get X number of pitches and X number of innings. I think they even extend the inning and give a team four outs if the pitcher needs more work........ so that explains that......... If I'm A's (Billy Beane) I keep Zito has a pen depth guy and spot starter -- if nothing else than to keep him away from other AL West teams that need rotation help.
  10. SLC rotation will include Tropeano and Heaney
  11. I think Cespedes is a really good ballplayer -- that mid-season deal by Billy Beane was SO UN-Billy Beane like (so was the signing of Billy Butler) that Billy Beane may no longer be following the Billy Beane blue print...........I am still trying to figure out the Cespedes trade by the A's -- MAKES NO SENSE -- I thought Cespdes might be in the position Josh Hamitlon is now and that might explain it but that hasn't happened. Angels traded HK one year too soon instead of one year too late -- so its difficult to fault them for that -- Fletcher's analysis -- as usual -- is spot on -- the trade of HK made them worse for 2015 but the Halos felt that could go with a stop gap a field at 2B in 2015 and other bats would fill the hole in the line up.........it's proven to be more difficult than that........and now Heaney looks like he's not ready for prime time (even as a 5th starter) for 2015.....the good news is that Heaney can work on some things, develop at SLC and remains under club control for another 4 or 5 years.......... meanwhile, no doubt, HK is going to help the Dodgers and, actually, will hit even better in that line up over there.........he'll play 155 plus games and get about 600 ABs. He'll be solid a-field -- not sure what his status is for 2016 but likely to get extended.......Dodgers have this young 2B Guerrero knocking on the door, though -- presumably he could play 3B as well and is said to need work on MIF D.
  12. yk9001 says essentially: "the only ones to screw the Angels organization is the Angels organization by signing Hamilton to that F/A contract in the first place........" well, it's hard (impossible, really) to argue with that comment. but MLB is making the Halos situation worse by stalling on this decision -- whatever it is -- someone is going to be unhappy -- but the Halos should know NOW -- not next week, not next month,.
  13. didn't Zito pitch well in ST for Oakland? I think he stays there. As for moves -- looks like both Rutledge and Green start the season in SLC and by June the Halos will have made a move and have some one else. question -- can you trade a Rule 5 guy or does he just revert back to his former team? I will throw the question out again -- Does Rule 5 guy Featherston play such a vital role in the Halos plans for 2016 and beyond that its worth essentially freezing a roster spot for him in 2015 during which he may see 150 ABs and play 3B in the late innings for Freese as a late inning D guy for which, really, Featherston's D is not that much of an upgrade? I guess the question is -- why don't we just send him back to Colorado and keep Grant Green on the roster and have Rutledge as a 4-A player at SLC? and then there's the question whether former Gold Glover Darwin Barney makes the Dodgers roster -- I'd rather have him behind my pitchers at 2B in the late innings than any of the 2B guys we have in camp...........
  14. the delay on the decision here is inexcusable. the decision may be whatever it may be -- but the Angels are entitled to know (about at least two weeks ago IMO) to allow them to prepare/ plan their line up and roster for the season. If Hamilton is suspended until June --so be it. at this point - even if gets like a 30 day suspension -- with minor league rehab schedule and assignment -- he won't be back until probably June 1 at the earliest anyway. why do I get the feeling (based on nothing more than an outsider's perspective with ZERO inside information) that MLB is going to essentially totally screw the Angels organization with this decision in every way -- from the delay in announcing it, to the timing in announcing it, to the decision itself......
  15. I agree -- Grant Green could be dealt but it might be a week or so after cut down day -- after he is shipped to SLC. I don't think Rutledge makes the team and unless we are just stocking SLC with players -- I really don't see a role for him with the Halos this year expect to be a 4-A player for them at SLC and a 4-A player who may not get the call up all season -- until maybe September 1. Featherston is an interesting situation -- he's a Rule 5 guy -- we either keep him on the roster all season or lose him...... He's been playing a lot more of 3B lately which tells me they are looking at him to spell (and PR) for Freese in the late innings of games........I think the big question with Featherston is where does he fit in with the Angels plans for 2016 and beyond -- because unless he's pegged to be a starter for them at 2B or some other position - I would question why we're spending a 2015 roster spot on him. I would probably keep Green over Featherston and use Green as an all around utility guy at OF, 3B and 2B as well as PR/ PH/DH. The problem is Green does not give you much in the way of D -- but from what I've seen, Featherston isn't that much of an upgrade w/ D and Green has a better bat and some pop -- but I think the Rule 5 guy prevails and Green is moved elsewhere. Krauss -- despite his impressive ST, gets sent out. the new Cuban SS / MIF -- Bac- something - I see him at either AA or SLC and if he can get up to speed on D -- I could see him in Anaheim by mid-year which raises the question again -- do we really need the Rule 5 guy and have to freeze (no pun intended) that roster spot? Garrett Richards should be back in the fold by May 1 -- think Halos will start Jose Alvarez for that April 14 start and if he does well, may get a second start.......Halos are going to be very cautious with Richards -- he could probably go out and start a game for them right now. Giavotella has gone from number 3 or 4 on that 2B list to number one..........Happened fairly quickly, too.
  16. well, true, Heaney isn't Wacha -- but he may turn out to be a regular member of the Halos rotation -- if not this year then next year. Wacha had some learning curve issues -- of course -- Wacha is pitching to the best catcher in baseball. If he spends the rest of this time 'under club control' as a member of the Halos rotation at any spot even 4 or 5 -- we win the trade or at least break even. HK is going to be solid for the Dogs this year -- (is this his contract year?) -- (they may extend him but they have that young Guerrero kid coming up) -- he will play in 155 plus games, get 600 ABs - bat about .285, hit 15-20 HRs and 60-70 ribi's (not sure where they're having hit in the order) and he will play solid D at 2B.
  17. Heaney to SLC to work on some things -- he's young -- he can turn this around -- just not ready for prime time yet. could be part of the rotation later this season and will get another shot at it for next season. we weren't going to extend HK so trading him this past off-season made sense............Heaney was a top pitching prospect for (as it Miami?) and he pitched as a September call up last year. this trade could still work for the Angels.
  18. forgot about Krauss -- not sure he makes it this time around although -- if you based it solely on ST performance...........
  19. The 12 pitchers announcement is probably very good news for Rucinski and Rasmus (who seemed to almost pitch his way off the roster this spring) if those two are the last two IN. the other TEN locks are the four starters: Weaver, Wilson, Shoemaker, Santiago and then the pen guys (6): Huston Street, Joe Smith, Mike Morin, Jose Alvarez and then two who could also be 'bubble' candidates: Salas and Pestano. That's 12 pitchers with Garrett Richards looking stronger every day and likely to be off the DL by April 15 or there abouts. Have not heard much about where Tyler Skaggs is at this point.......so June may be the earliest for his return. then the 9 in the line up: (9): C- Ianetta, 1B- Pujols; 2B- Giavotella; SS- Aybar; 3B - Freese; LF - Joyce; CF- TROUT; RF- Calhoun; DH - CJ Cron 12 plus 9 = 21 - FOUR SPOTS LEFT: Butera as back up catcher has ONE locked; Cowgill as 5th OF'er sometimes DH has the second spot; Featherston MIF- Rule 5 guy; ONE SPOT LEFT: Navarro (I think he deserves to stay up -- will have t battle for ABs though); Grant Green, Rutledge all battling it out. If the Halos keep 11 (instead of 12) pitchers -- two of these guys make it...... I think the decision on Rutledge has already been made -- he's being sent out; so it's down to Grant Green vs. Efren Navarro.......Green is more versatile and can play OF, 3B and MIF (not great there but adequate as a sub) It may come down to whether the Halos think Pujols is looking healthier and seeing the ball well -- the thinking being that Green's versatility adds more to the team than Navarro's bat and D at 1B and if Pujols doesn't need to be spelled at 1B as often (particularly in the early season).......the need for Navarro is not as great. But the decision to go with 12 pitchers NOW and keeping that rotation spot for a pen guy instead of a position player -- makes the cut down tough on the 2B guys.
  20. well, I thought they'd go with 11 pitchers -- particularly because they don't need a fifth starter until mid-April or so.......so when I read 12 pitchers -- 4 starters and 8 pen guys I thought it took away a position player spot -- 4 starters, 7 pen guys, 9 starting position players including the DH, so that would be FIVE bench position player guys -- by adding that 8th pen guy (instead of the fifth starter) you're at 12 pitchers 9 starting line up players (including the DH) which gives you 21 -- so only FOUR spots left. start listing the 9 line up starters (including the DH) and with the last four spots (one of them is a back up catcher and the other is Cowgill in OF -- he makes the team) so now you're down to, really, TWO spots and, apparently, rule 5 guy Featherston has one of those........so ONE SPOT.
  21. OK - we can solve all these problems now (based on the posts above). place the following guys on the 25 man roster and let's correct from past wrongs and go get 'em: Nolan Ryan Troy Glaus Jeff Mathis Bengie Molina OK it's all fixed now........ Was it Bavasi who said of Nolan Ryan when he traded him away from the Angels -- 'well he was 14-12 last year, I can replace him with two 7-6 pitchers..." Of course, Bavasi shouldn't take all the blame despite the silly comment -- the plain fact was -- Gene Autry -- a great American and great icon -- was really cheap and didn't want to spend what it would have taken to sign Ryan. Bavasi was just covering for the Cowboy.......
  22. Halos to carry 12 pitchers -- 4 starters and 8 pen guys -- so both Heaney and Tropeano start the season at SLC. as for not giving Rutledge the choice because he has options -- that's likely what will happen the thinking otherwise is this -- it appears from his ST performance that Rutledge can't help the Halos much this season and is not part of their long term plans -- he was brought over to compete for a stop gap situation and he's running third or fourth in the competition and isn't going to make the roster. Giavotella and Featherston figure to make the team -- Green gets sent back out to SLC -- with some hope he can be called back up during the season -- Rutledge would be pretty much a 4-A player at SLC who's only hope for MLB playing time being ineffective performance by Giavotella or an injury to Giavotella or Featherston........Rutledge isn't some prospect kid trying to break into the bigs -- he was a starting 2B for Colorado for a season and a half........if he can help some other team and get some MLB playing time -- why should the Angels just stash him at SLC when there's not much hope he will be playing at the MLB level with the Angels any time soon, if ever. I don't see Rutledge making the club -- and the bad news may come as early as today/ Monday.......I assume cut down day is around the corner.
  23. Going to carry 12 pitchers to start the season -- so while it provides one or even two more spots to make those tough pen depth decisions -- it means 13 position players -- so only five bench guys. bad news for the 2B candidates. Means at least two of them won't be heading West to Anaheim. Angels released P Matt Lindstrom early so that he could possibly catch on with another MLB team during this final week of ST. Wonder if they've had that talk with Rutledge and Grant Green -- 'hey, guys, you're not making the 25 and will be starting the season at SLC -- no guarantees on anything beyond that -- do you want to be sent out or something else -- something else meaning being traded, DFA'd or outright released...........?" I still think Rutledge and Green can help some MLB team and should be given a chance to do so if they're not going to be up with the Angels to start the season.
  24. if he can play D at all -- I agree -- give this guy the 2B job and see how it goes.......... saves a lot of questions on the other guys let them all go with the exception of Featherston who can be the bench depth guy and I assume this new guy can also play 3B and spell Freese over there on D in the late innings. so this guy plays NOW and when Aybar is gone, he takes over SS.......I sort of like this plan a lot better than the stop gaps we've been discussing at 2B.
  25. Hey Fletcher -- Dodgers started J. Turner at SS and Darwin Barney at 2B -- the Dodgers have some tough decisions to make regarding MIF bench depth guys, some of us on the Angelswin.com site (well, me, anyway) think Darwin Barney is better than anything the Halos have in camp (on D anyway) competing for the 2B spot. what's going to happen there? Some of us (well, me, anyway) are also convinced that the Dodgers acquired Barney when they did just to keep him off the SF Giants roster who were looking for a 2B at the time. what say you? where does Barney wind up? Halos have Giavotella who has taken the 2B starting job lead, Rule 5 guy Featherston who will likely stay and then Grant Green (who's playing a lot more OF these days hoping to stick on the 25) -- and poor Rutledge who came into camp the odds on favorite to be the starting 2B and now is looking at either SLC or perhaps being released -- heck, Rutledge could probably go back to Colorado and be the starter there on opening day...........
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