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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. I like those postings -- if it's something interesting, I check out the link and read the story, if not, I don't. like others have mentioned in this thread, I don't have a lot of time for this stuff so I like all the information in one place and enjoy, in particular, the OCR feeds especially since Fletcher's stuff is often there and he posts on this site...... so no complaints about the current set up. I think AW.com is great as is.
  2. just give them Hamilton, we'll pay this year's salary pursuant to his contract and they get him and the rest of the cost of the contract. Done. If you need a player for appearances sake, trade a low level single -A prospect.......Doesn't even have to be a pitcher. A first baseman who throws and bats right-handed, they're a dime a dozen........Done.
  3. the pitcher Ventura incident (stare down with Trout) that led to the benches emptying is not a good thing for the Royals. They'll have to deal with that (his immature attitude and dumb hot head reaction). interesting contrast of youngsters today -- Ventura's conduct vs. another young athlete who stood before the world in a green jacket after winning the Masters at age 21 and gave just an impressive impromptu acceptance speech at Augusta (Jordan Spieth).
  4. hey, guys -- the Royals are playing well and have since the middle of last season -- but don't be fooled -- I know a fair number of Royals fans and follow them somewhat closely (a kid from my hometown and old high school is in their rotation) -- last year --right before all the success -- and for some time before that -- there were a lot of calls (by Royals fans) for getting rid of Ned Yost who did seem to make one bone head move after another managerial move despite his talented team of players. now all that is forgotten and Yost has a contract extension and is just the best manager around......... it's early yet -- Royals are hot, have a good team, they'll have their days -- for some reason I don't think the Royals pen is as deep as it was last year..........we'll see. congrats to them on another sweep of the Halos -- let's go out an concentrate on winning the next series.
  5. SoWhat -- we shouldn't be hating on the Royals --- we should be emulating them..........pitching, speed, defense............I like the way the Royals play baseball.
  6. SOTO -- who locked Suter out of the Kings locker room? The KINGS or the Staples folks?? haven't heard about that until your post -- that is WILD. Dis-like the Royals? WHY? They're a good club with a bunch of good kids on the team. Pitcher Ventura is young & dumb (with a live arm) -- his catcher Perez was giving him the business about that amateurish move with Trout and I'm sure one of Ventura's mentors (Pedro Martinez) will have some more to say to him about bush league tactics -- knock it off......the rest of the Royals a pretty good group -- don't begrudge them because they execute well. hey, the big news in Sports is this kid winning (Spieth -- spelling?) winning wire to wire at the Masters -- that has seldom happened before (I think once, maybe twice - wire to wire) and then he misses that final putt otherwise he's 19 under and beats Tiger's record. 21 year old Masters Champ -- about to put on the green jacket.
  7. am sure many of you saw that Clint Eastwood directed film "Trouble with the Curve" from a few years back......pretty thin plot. well, the prospect hitter in that film could well be CJ Cron.......
  8. mancini79 -- thanks.......Kings did it to themselves and that's what hurts most of all. When you either force or are forced into more OT games than any other team in the league and then go 3-15 in shoot outs.....it's no wonder they're taking a seat on the couch for the Stanley Cup playoffs........ five years ago if some one would have bet you that in 2015 the only post-season games being played at Staples were the LA Clippers playoff games.........well, I think every one of us would have taken that wager..........
  9. kids being kids and liking the same team as their school classmates? c'mon........no news here.........let's move on -- Hamilton makes enough news right now (without even saying anything) so don't drag his kids into it........
  10. 9 to 2 game -- wonder if KC will bring on a new pitcher for the 9th -- how about a guy who missed all of the last (two?) seasons and who made their 25 man roster -- Ryan Madson. Can't you just see Madsen getting the final out of a 3 game KC sweep........OUCH. also -- another OUCH -- not that I am anti-Ducks but all the talk by Victor and Gubi about the Ducks Stanley Cup playoff cup chase starting at the Honda Center this week sort of is rubbing salt into a still every raw wound............I would have preferred even a (Jonathan) QUICK exit to the playoffs than no play offs at all (thanks to losses to folks like Edmonton and a 3-15 OT record).
  11. It's the 8th inning and it feels like we're back in Tempe for the 8th and 9th innings.
  12. Royals had that big inning after that double play ball to Freese that became an E-5.......I assume it was an E-5 (VIctor and Gubi are fine but I wish they would immediately report what the scoring is on a play like that -- Scully always announces the scoring when its first announced -- I notice Victor doesn't seem to come back to it ......I assume it was an E-5 but Victor never told us -- he mentioned the RBI not being credited to the hitter and later indicated the batter was given an RBI but never announced the scoring on the play -- I think it was an E-5 and with one out you CANNOT assume a double-play (even if it's a hard hit tailor made GIDP ball) so the scorer thought the run would have scored on a force play at second and gave it an E-5 with an RBI for the batter -- of course that was 5 or 6 runs ago for KC). Having mentioned something I don't like with respect to Victor's call of the game (and I like Rojas -- think he's pretty good) let me state something I do like -- he called out CJ Cron and one other Halos hitter today as to not having a clue at the plate against Ventura and suggested Cron and the other hitter should just wait on the fastball and take everything else until there's two strikes.........I liked Rojas mentioning that -- no HOMER type call here.
  13. the left side with Freese at third and Joyce in left a bit suspect with the glove..........oh well. a least we have Aybar at short.
  14. 9 to 2...... not sure if it's the Royals pitching, speed and defense today or the Halos lack of those things today......
  15. watching on TV -- what the heck was that all about ?? the starting pitcher is a young guy in his second year, he's been breezing through the line up most of the game, gets into some trouble in the 6th, Halos mount a mini- comeback and get guys on base.........score a run.....then the young pitcher shows he's an immature hot head and for whatever silly purpose/ reason, gets into with MIKE TROUT (really?) -- so tempers flare the teams have the obligatory benches empty and guys running in from the bullpen at a speed slow enough to make sure any real brawl is over before they get there..... so things calmed down..........possibly rattled young pitcher back on the hill, Halos down by five runs but now with a mini-rally and guys on base ------ so Pujols tries to steal third and gets tossed out by Catcher Perez (he's not Yadier Molina but pretty close).......I mean, how dumb can this be?
  16. this whole Hamilton thing is just lousy........ but as other posters have pointed out -- what were the Angels thinking (or NOT thinking at all) when they signed him to that multi-year contract with all his history? Hamilton is a guy who IF you sign him -- gets a one maybe two year deal with low base salary tied to incentives.......like extra money for every game he plays..... my enduring image of Hamilton is any one of his 13 ABs vs. KC in last year's playoffs.......all were awful.
  17. guess I'll be rooting for the Ducks this post season............oh well. yeah, I'm not one of those Kings fans that says, 'hey, we didn't make it, screw the Ducks, hope they lose' I want the S. Cal team(s) to win because its a good thing for S. Cal hockey over all. the Calgary loss did add a bit of an extra punch though, when it was Jonas Hiller who beat us in net for the Flames win.
  18. when my pen guy walks in a run, well, then he becomes my pen guy at SLC or even AA. OUCH. that's terrible. yeah, let's walk across the insurance run for the other team.......great. next thing you're going to tell me is that last year's Stanley Cup Champs didn't make the playoffs...........
  19. you and Scoscia might be the only ones tracking Napoli's troubles at the plate. let's move on.
  20. Santiago actually had a decent outing tonight......better than I expected.
  21. great -- he'll likely be starting in Anaheim by mid-May if not sooner.
  22. sort of a miss there -- the highlight reel showed Pujols and Trout -- Bob Starr was long gone by the time those guys joined the Halos. nice to see Bob Starr introduction of the broadcast there even if was only for a moment. KTLA is sort of like the Time Warner situation -- my cable outfit carries KHJ - Channel 9 but not KTLA and the silly programming they have (other than sports). I say NO to KTLA - 5 --- let's stick with what we have which is the ability to tune in Victor Rojas and Gubi each night.
  23. we need to shorten this game, take the win and get it over......... no late inning break down stuff like we saw during the first part of the season last year and then all of the 2013 season.
  25. what did Dandy Don Meredith used to sing on Monday Night Football so many years ago ?? yeah, you all know the tune..........Good Night, the Party's Over....... might need to change the same of this thread --- OUCH - the OILERS? Really?? Five years ago if someone said the only playoff team at Staples would be the Clippers.......well........ good night. this one hurts....... of course if we got that tying goal in the final two minutes -- then we'd go to over-time and what's our OT record this year??? 3-15..........
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