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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. ah, thought it might drop.....rats. weak half swing.
  2. Giavotella worked that walk....c, mon KOLE.
  3. Joyce vs. Hamilton --- maybe we could get a dual screen showing Joyce's AB's tonight with Hamilton's AB's in the playoffs vs. KC last year. pretty brutal.
  4. going quietly here is a bad way to start this series. ok -- lead off guy on -- we will take it.
  5. OK -- this is a situation where we need to make some noise in the 9th EVEN if we end up losing the game. it's important to stage some sort of rally here to gain some confidence trying to win at least two of the next three.
  6. nice throw -- good running play by A's runner. this is how you win games. of course, the Halos runner would have been tossed out. not sure if they kept these stats last year (am sure they did) but I think my guy DiSar's first season as 3B base coach resulting in Halos leading the league in runners thrown out at third and at home. what sort of throw was that by Joyce? GEEZ. A's manufactured that insurance run.
  7. yeah -- Victor launched into that 'it's early' talk stuff. It's early until it's not. the real problem with a slow April is that most of the games are against AL West teams so every game is a two-fer. you can find yourself 10 games back real quick.
  8. we need to at least split this four game series with Oakland......
  9. CALZONE - it's been a long dry spell for Canadian based NHL teams.........last Cup for them was your Habs in the McSorely Cup playoffs -- geez -- that's what? 25 years ago now?
  10. I wouldn't mind the non-production of runs so much if, at least, we were getting guys on base........... we need to get into position to at least manufacture some runs here.
  11. CALZONE -- yeah, I'm of the opinion that the Stanley Cup playoffs are the most exciting playoffs in pro sports these days. I might see maybe one or two NBA playoff games this year which is about how many I watched last year.
  12. Kole may have to be sent to the penalty box -- but then we have a number of guys who would qualify. that post listing our line ups batting averages was a sad thing to read.
  13. ah, its Stanley Cup playoff time -- and the Ducks are in it -- time to waive the posting rules to keep up with both teams..... I'm LA Kings fan but if they can't win it, I'm for the Ducks -- another Cup for them is good for S. Cal hockey and stokes the Kings-Ducks rivalry.
  14. last year during the Cup playoffs, I was at the Big-A while I think Game 2 of the Ducks-Kings game was being played across the street. listened to Kings radio broadcast during the game --- spilled some beer on the poor lady next to me (a Ducks fan, of course, but other members of her family were Kings fans) when the Kings scored that tying goal with just seconds left in the game to send it into OT......Kings won in OT that night (not much since)... a convincing sweep or even a 4-1 series win here for the Ducks can send them on their way........ Jets are pretty good team., every game in this series has been competitive and tough fought but no way the Jets can come back down 3-0 (the way the Kings did last year vs. San Jose). let's get some guys on base........Calhoun K's. Two outs. Got fooled -- looked bad there
  15. 5 to 3 game at home vs. a key division rival. this is the type of game we've gotta come back off the floor and win if we're going to be in the playoff hunt this year.
  16. was there any reaction from the Anaheim crowd when the Ducks scored the game winner in OT.
  17. Well, we could put Butera back in behind the plate..........remember, he's the second string catcher -- usually the one with better defensive skills but not much bat -- who as 2nd catchers on the roster do -- spelled Iannetta on Sunday (Sunday day game after a Saturday night game - regular catchers often get Sunday off from catching duties) and Iannetta had to be called in as Butera's defensive replacement in about the 7th inning......... so that's not going to work. DUCKS WIN DUCKS WIN DUCKS WIN !
  18. QuinlansMinion -- yeah --you're right but MAN, that one hurts......but you're absolutely right, The Halos had a decent record (above .500) in April last year and given the hole the Halos put themselves in with really bad April records in 2012 and 2103, the 2014 record was EXCELLENT. and we made the playoffs........quick exit, though. we just need to play at least .500 ball in April.........I'm pretty sure we were at the ,425 or below level in 2012 -2013 and about 12 games back.......that's a long road back. and we never made it back even after playing a bit better after the ASG break.
  19. we can't afford a bad April -- poor starts in April just killed us in 2012 and 2013 -- we did better in April last year. yeah, Ducks (Silberberg) got a late goal -- 2:18 left in the third to tie it up 4-4 -- game headed to OT. Ducks had to do a penalty kill the last two minutes of the game in regulation to get to OT. unlike my LA Kings - have a better feeling about a win when the Ducks go into OT. Kings were 3-15 in OT this year -- sort of like the Angels bad record in April in 2012 and 2013 pretty much putting them out of the playoff race -- the Kings would be IN the playoffs if they could have just played .500 hockey in OT games.
  20. Stoll had a slim chance of signing a new contract with the Kings for next year........ now it's slim and none chance with the emphasis on none. oh well.......if it's anything like MLB some team will sign him.......he played well for the Kings over his time here -- but his best years may be behind him. now he's facing these other issues, which, it's likely at the end of the day, the biggest impact of that incident will be to make teams less willing to sign him.
  21. Joyce "K/s" can't look at that with two strikes.......particularly when you're in a slump. nice apologetic tone by Victor and Gubi but that gets called strike three almost every time for a guy in a funk......... if he's hitting .350 and hitting the ball well, it's probably a ball...........seems to happen that way. in any event, can't sit there with two strikes and watch that........put the ball in play.......
  22. Trout safe -- looked like the throw beat him.........wow. nice tough slide.
  23. Star Wars night a the ballpark, really?? geez......... well, anything to draw in fans, I guess. I long for the back in the day time when the special promotion each game was the ballgame being played on the field...........
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