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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. yeah, now Vogt -- he is sort of this year's Jasso vs. us.
  2. well, Butler was KC 'power hitter' for a number of years......heck he can't run and is not that great at 1B....so he's definitely a DH. place him near the top the of line up these days and he's Mr. GIDP -- which is why KC moved him down in the line up last year. he was long a fan favorite in KC and was their only ALL STAR player when they had a lousy team/ record. oh well. Butler's bat seems to come alive vs. the Halos.
  3. well, Butler?? yeah he hit vs. us -- but I still can't Beane's signing of a one dimensional player like Butler who's power numbers were declining in KC (which, true, is more of a pitcher's park)
  4. where's the roar from the Angel Stadium crowd?
  5. nice to see the crowd roar for the Jets return to the playoffs. geez, the Cup playoffs are the BEST!
  6. empty netter -- 5-2 DUCKS --- SWEEPERS!! minute left.
  7. tdawg -- its the Angel's cousin -- the Ducks -- live right across the street. heck, the ball game here is 6-1 and the Ducks are going to sweep........want do you prefer to talk about?
  8. nando714 -- and Barry Melrose said Jets were the best Canadian based team in the playoffs. oh well. Nice to see the excitement in Winnipeg for this return of their Jets to the playoffs........it's been a long time and they during that time they lost their team.
  9. Jets need to pull their goal tender and aren't doing it........oh well.
  10. tune into FSN for the last three minutes of this Ducks sweep.
  11. Well, the eyes of Anaheim are on the Ducks right now, anyway.......... a big win by the Halos followed by a big loss today, oh well. don't think anyone is going to beat the Blackhawks in the West, anyway.
  12. Butler makes it 5-1........OUCH, Ducks up 4-2 less than four minutes to go to a sweep.
  13. 3-2 Ducks, third period, seven minutes left in regulation.
  14. Ducks 3, Winnipeg 1 ...........12 minutes left in regulation/ third period. sweepers?
  15. is this game on TV? perhaps KCOP - 13 which I can't get........ am watching Ducks up 2-1 start of the third at Winnipeg -- going for the sweep tonight.
  16. Tropeano -- is this the guy we got in the Conger deal?
  17. who gets more HOF votes next year? Barry Bonds or Pete Rose ???
  18. played for the SF Giants - never really panned out. We'll see.
  19. having said all that above -- nothing would break this impasse quicker than -- Cron and Joyce continuing to bat a combined .170 and Hamilton getting in shape and ripping line drives at Tempe Diablo.
  20. good article. as for Arte -- I'm sure Arte is really mad at someone -- HIMSELF. He knows he shouldn't have signed Hamilton to that contract and now (correctly) blames himself. Arte's a good guy -- he KNOWS he made a mistake here and for stand up guys like ARTE --the toughest thing is being ticked off at yourself --looking in that mirror and knowing you have no one else to blame but YOU -- yeah, Hamilton's relapse is on him, but this was all pretty much foreseeable --you don't give a guy like Hamilton a five year guaranteed deal like the Halos did and Arte, of all people, knows that which is why this is so tough on him........sort of a 'what was I thinking?' moment for Arte. I am interested to know which came first here -- the contract (good conduct) clauses in Hamilton's contract or the amendments to the MLB collective bargaining agreement. If Arte is putting up the fight to this point, I'm fairly certain Hamilton's contract clauses were in place when the new MLBPA CB terms were put in place -- MLBPA's position is timing doesn't matter.........as for Hamilton 'lawyering up' -- assume the MLBPA did some of that for him.........this is an important issue for them.
  21. at some point we need to take this thread down.......... every time I see the headline of this thread and realize it's the batting averages of our line up , I get depressed.
  22. geez -- a lot of bagging on Iannetta -- not the best defensive catcher and never was but at the time we got him was better than we had and did ok for us the first year. His AB's last night looked awful - not sure why he looked so bad. maybe it's early for him, too..........(but then for catchers, late August rolls around and they say -- it's been a long season for this guy.........) I don't know. Should we have kept Conger? Not so sure about that, either and Butera had to be replaced Sunday when he was subbing in for Iannetta......... bring back Mathis?
  23. 0-4 start at home this year..........OUCH.
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