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  1. Don't make me laugh. Shigetoshi Hasegawa will always be my favorite Japanese to play for the Angels. Shiggy time > Sho time
  2. I'm happy the Angels are not saddled with a bloated contract like the one Ohtani got from the dummy Dodgers. I think it's a slap in the face to all Angels enjoyers that he would choose to play for the Dodgers being so close in proximity/cross town rival (even though r'tard Dodgers ball washers say it's not a rivalry). I can't help but dislike Ohtani now even though he was a fun player to watch for the last few years. As great as Ohtani was, in some way I think his superstardom may have had a negative affect on the team. It definitely did on Trout. It was basically like a Buzz Lightyear (Ohtani) and Woody (Trout) type of dynamic. Angels fanboys had found a new toy and Trout as much as he respects Ohtani's game, I'm sure he was pissed a bit that he was no longer the team's top dog. I think during his tenure the team never really gelled together because so much emphasis was placed on what Ohtani "the unicorn" (as some call him, not me) was doing, not that he wasn't deserving of it but it became a media circus and I don't think the rest of the players responded to well even though I haven't heard of any rumblings to that effect. Just my opinion. One poster on these forums keeps calling Ohtani the new "Kobe" which is so ridiculous I can't believe the post has likes on it (should be thumbed down). Kobe won three championships as a youngster and then two more as a veteran all with the Lakers, never changed teams. He is probably the most beloved LA sports figure of all time. Also, he spoke, y'know, ENGLISH and was a native born American! Ohtani is a foreigner and he could never be compared to a superstar like Kobe (or Jordan/Gretzky for that matter) in the sense of being a LA icon no matter how much you think they are alike, you are just flat out insane for even trying to say that. LMAO. I'm not a Kobe worshipper by no means at all and thought he was a bit full of himself but I'm not that big of an idiot to try and say Ohtani the Japanese foreigner who doesn't speak a lick of English could fill those shoes or ever would fill them. And the same poster said New Balance should start a line that is like Jordan shoes? ROFL. Dude, you are comparing Michael Jordan to Ohtani now too? Just an insane level of mental problems you have to even go there. What person in their right mind would ever by a shoe because Ohtani wore it? You do realize that MJ shoes and basketball shoes are considered fashionable and are worn by the general public. Nobody wears any shoe a baseball player endoreses. Griffery JR/Trout sneakers don't sell, neither would Ohtani's shoe if he had one or gets one. LMFAO. Too funny. Plus, New Balance tried a Kawhi Leonard shoe and nobody bought it. They are known for selling MADE in US/UK sports shoes and even still it is a stupid brand like the rest of the big market sports companies who shill for Chinese yen.
  3. Maddon is a washed up bum. I liked the hire but held some reservations because of his goofball reputation. He was supposed to be a win now manager, not a take 3 years and then shit the bed a fifth of the way in to the season manager.
  4. My screenname should be enough to tell you that I miss the days of Rex, Steve, Billy, Jose, Gubie all together making the Angels baseball broadcasts the most of what they could be during that era. Good ol days. What's with Arte hiring former MLB Network talent to do play by play for the Angels. First, Victor. Then, Matty V. I guess he sees it as a good place to scout talent/wants to keep MLB brass happy. I wasn't a fan of V Rojas... too loud and obnoxious. Way too much inside joking with Gubie. He did a passable job though and did come up with some creative sayings, "LTBU and Drive home safely" that Angels fans have picked up on, (I don't use them) so that's nice. P Oneal is the worst sports play by play man to ever grace a professional sports league from my stand point. I can't stand him. Worst announcer ever. I have always had the feeling he doesn't even like the Angels. P Oneal has been around for a looooong time and he used to do Lakers/Dodgers games. You think this clown likes the Angels? I am not saying it is a prerequisite to like the team you announce for but you shouldn't be grabbing guys who were doing Dodgers broadcasts for so many years to come work Angels games (there are exceptions/i.e. jose mota going to the dodgers broadcast team, he has history there). I like Matty V, he does a professional job unlike Patty O who is winging it most of the time (not his fault they offered it to him, but why did he take this job? To out himself as the worst play by play man ever, LOL!). I can't stand the back and forth though. It's either all in or don't even start. Matty V should be full time or forget about it. I don't know who is out there because the art of sports broadcasting is pretty much dead. Almost all the newcomers today sound exactly the same, and they are all so sanitized/tainted by mainstream culture group think. Radio is the way to go because they aren't as closely watched as the TV broadcasters are. They get a little more leeway even though they can't say everything they want, some stool pigeon will snitch if you get too comfortable in the booth, even on the radio. Thankfully the Angels have a very good radio broadcast. Terry & Mark are a breath of fresh air and listening to them is easy since they don't blackout the online radio broadcast anymore. As long as P Oneal is gone next year from the booth (and the team), I'll be happy.
  5. LOL! I so agree with this but I was saying the same thing a few weeks ago before the trade deadline and all the stalwarts here were giving me a hard time. Ohtani and Trout are not pieces you can trade. Unless the other franchise is giving you everything and nobody does that. Yet, when I was telling all the crazies on here who wanted to trade Ohtani b/c somehow that means the Angels will magically start winning again with the package they got in return they made fun of me and railroaded me. I am not looking for any support. I am pointing out the hypocrisy that comes along with hindsight 20-20 vision. It’s like saying oh let’s trade Tim Salmon, Garrett anderson, darin erstad, troy percival, and jarrod washburn because the angels arent winning divisions. You wouldnt have 2002 if stoneman had traded them all. I think this team with Ohtani and Trout is destined for greatness.
  6. Angels need a few more vets and proven guys without spending too much on anyone particular. They don’t need to try to build a super team all at once this off-season. Just a team sufficient enough to have them on pace for a playoff spot. They can add some big names like the Padres did around the trade deadline for a bargain price, instead of putting all their eggs in one basket during the off-season.
  7. my post didnt send so ill write it again... okay...? congrats. you got me. LOL. I was making the point they are bad on D. Not making a case for actually being the worst defensive team. Its called exaggeration. Plus, they couldnt be that much worse even if they were technically worse if you look at stats (I dont know).
  8. I was exaggerating to make a point that they are a horrible defensive team. I really doubt they could of been much worse on D last year. Each night is a blooper reel in the outfield.
  9. Umm they need to surround Trout/Ohtani with more talent. Simple as that. And it will work.
  10. doing what, lou? cant wait to hear your sage advice
  11. Anyone who thinks trading Ohtani equals wins is such a clown I just laugh at all of you armchair agent/gms with no lives. LOL. Ohtani is the holy grail. The Angels are extremely lucky to have him. You can’t make a trade that is worth his skill level. He brings too much to the table. The Angels are in great shape with Ohtani and Trout. They should be signing some more players who want to play with Ohtani and Trout, not trying to find their replacements. They f$&ked this season up bad but they can reset and be a way better team in 2023.
  12. no. he sucks at baseball. you have no eye for talent. you think he could break out in a few years? hot take, bro.
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