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The Ghost of Bob Starr

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The Ghost of Bob Starr last won the day on August 29 2015

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About The Ghost of Bob Starr

  • Birthday 08/10/1972

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  1. I recognized her when I saw that but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie with her.
  2. It’s laughable the halos can’t beat a 120-loss team. there is no rock bottom for this org.
  3. You summed up my attitude quite nicely. Don’t care about the team. I know a few guys in the Minors and one in the MLB. I’ll root for people and not the game itself. Looking forward to spring training, and nowhere near Tempe.
  4. The product is so bad, I don’t care what the team is called. I maybe watched 4 games this season. I attended none. The team name is not the first thing that needs to change. Get everything else right, and then worry about that. It’s really unimportant.
  5. Did Rendon have 6 hits, 3 HRs and 10 RBIs for the whole season?
  6. Congrats to Shohei. He’s 5 for 5 today. Stud. We didn’t deserve him.
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