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Everything posted by PattyD22

  1. I was wondering if this lead is big enough to put Cody Allen in the game to try and get 3 outs in the 9th, but my buddy said no way. So Cam will work the 9th instead it appears
  2. The in game Fix Auto commercials are about as cool as Gubie's "Go-To's" and Gubie's "Keys to the Game". Can't get enough of them
  3. And just like that, Cozart gets off the hitless list and bumps his average up to .125
  4. Well Simmons got a hit, so that leaves only one Angel starter hitless in this game.....
  5. So the only Angel players not to have at least one hit in this game is Andrelton Simmons and wait for it.................Zack Cozart. Now that's odd
  6. Good lord. Tommy LaStella has suddenly become Babe Rtuh at the plate
  7. Copy that. I'm watching the game from the Yard House on closed caption and the caption had it wrong.
  8. He said he was originally from Van Nuys so that might explain a little of his douchy attitude
  9. I just cannot understand this either. I've never seen a team that has more problems against left handed pitching than the Angels, and it seems like it's been more than a few seasons. Sometimes it appears like Kole Calhoun just realized that the big leagues have left handed pitching. It can be very frustrating watching Angel hitters flail against lefties.
  10. My pleasure. As stated, I love the site and have spent the last few days reading the bios of the staff and the contributing writers. Awesome stuff and kudos to you. Looking forward to meeting some of the posters here in July. The AngelsWin picture from the last get together looks like it was a few rows above my season seats.
  11. Chuck, I signed up for ad free when I joined the site. How long does it take to go into affect? I'm still getting ads. Just wondering. I love the site by the way.
  12. I can tell you that when Bour didn't run that pop up out against Seattle and it resulted in a double play, Bour would probably still be in Scioscia's doghouse and rightfully so. And Yes, I believe that would have been Bour's demise under Scioscia's leadership.
  13. One of the things about Cam that bothers me (among MANY of the things that bother me about Cam) is that Cam is basically a one pitch pitcher. He has a mediocre fastball that has zero movement on it. It's flat and pretty hittable. His breaking ball is very sporatic. One pitch it looks great, the next 3 breaking balls he throws are nowhere near the plate. Cam has a uncanny ability to get ahead of a hitter 0-2, then throw that inconsistent breaking ball 3 straight and immediately the count is full. He then will throw ball 4 , or he will groove a fastball and we all hold our breath. Cam doesn't consistently finish off hitters because he doesn't have a true "go to" second pitch, so you get what happened yesterday with Bregman. Cam falls behind 2-0, and then has to throw that flat fastball and out it goes. He drives me nuts, and after reading a lot of the replies on these threads, I'm glad I'm not alone
  14. My God. Aside from Skaggs, these numbers are simply awful. Not that I was expecting any better, but honestly I haven't looked at the season numbers yet because I knew they would be bad. But tossing Skaggs out of this, these numbers are brutal
  15. As Chuckster said, Simmons is just such a smart player. The play he made last night letting that ball drop and doubling off the Blue Jay player is just something that most players wouldn't consider. His defense is really good, and while I thought he was getting a little "pull happy" earlier in the season, his hit to right center last night was vintage Simmons. I'd hate to see him go, but no one is immune.
  16. I would assume I am Chuckster. I was a frequent poster on the old Angels forum, but for some reason life got in the way. It's great to be back and I still recognize some of the old handles. Thanks
  17. Bour and Bourjos seem like no brainer roster moves, but what about Cozart? He's injury prone and hasn't really done much. What would be the financial hit for the Angels if they released him?
  18. I'm new to this forum, but belonged to the old Angel forum. I will lurk for a bit until I find the "feel" for the board. Certainly don't want to step on any toes. Season ticket holder for now my 18th season so I'm hoping I can add some substance. thanks for letting me aboard.
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