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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. Epic game. Awesome moment with Teemu and Jiggy. Wish I was there for it. With that said, BRING ON THE PLAYOFFS! I'll be at Game 1 and 2. I'm pumped. Hope we kick some Stars ass. We can't come out flat. Gotta attack and take them out quick.
  2. Game 1 officially set for Wednesday at 7pm according to NBC.
  3. Well it looks like it'll be Dallas. Bring it!
  4. Andersen gets the nod tonight. Looking more and more like Andersen will be the guy heading into Game 1. I couldn't be happier!
  5. Would love to have him. Highly doubt we have anything Philly would be interested in.
  6. He was great in his prime. Probably the best there ever was for baseball, but now... He is terrible imo. Since maybe 2005 or so he really started to take a turn for the worse. Nicest man in the world, but he needs to retire.
  7. Basketball has taken over as the top flop sport by far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPZMyGU6pnE
  8. Wow. What is going on in sports culture and kids. Ugh.
  9. Doesn't matter if we lose in the 1st round again. Gotta have an opponent we can match up well against in round 1 imo. Best case scenario would be getting the #1 and Phx edging out Dallas for the 8 seed.
  10. Not at all. Everyone is different. I completely understand that. Right now though, hitting isn't our problem. We need arms. A lot of young arms to get our system up again.
  11. I might be okay with the 2 seed. I don't want to play Dallas.
  12. So was Conger... Pitching is what we need. Don't even think about drafting anything other than pitching at least till the 6th round. Gotta restock our system with some arms.
  13. YEAH BUDDY! What a great game. Maroon is in beast mode right now. Gibson was solid throughout the night. A soft goal to open the game but was nails after that. Loved the intensity! Wednesday can't come soon enough.
  14. Ducks playing a great game. Not getting much help from the refs. Bullshit calls so far. Perry is amazing!
  15. Looks like Hiller's time in Anaheim is done. Awesome news for Gibson!
  16. I'm not trying to blame anyone. With all of the incidents going on at schools now a days, I'd expect security to be a little more responsive than this. Even if its before actual school hours (happened around 7AM. Assuming class starts around 8AM for non zero period students) I'm legitimately concerned about the situation. As the article stated, he went to a few different classrooms to stab the students/guard. I just don't understand how nobody was alerted sooner and allowed this to go on in multiple rooms for 30 minutes before being subdued. I'm sure more details will come out in the coming hours/days and might explain some of this. Glad one student was alert enough to pull the fire alarm and try to give the students a warning. Freaks me out thinking something like this could happen in the future with my kids in school.
  17. I did read the article. You're telling me the campus only has ONE security guard. Also, nice job continuing to be your usual self, Blarg. Keep up the great work!
  18. 30 minute rampage? How in the **** is that going on longer than 2 minutes tops? No security or police can stop him sooner? Wow. Hope everyone pulls through.
  19. If any of you watch Agents of SHIELD. HOLY SHIT! Tonight's episode was such an awesome continuation of TWS. This show started off slow but it definitely shifted gears. Turning into a huge hit.
  20. Hope you're wrong, Bob. Andersen has proven to be lights out in the big games this season. At this point, I ride the ginger all the way. Hiller hasn't proved in the last month he even deserves consideration.
  21. Biggest game of the season on Wednesday night. Ducks vs Sharks at Honda Center. MUST win game.
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