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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. Screw Irvine! I don't need to drive any further down south!
  2. The words ESPN and Experts should never be in the same sentence regarding hockey. Nearly everyone is taking the Kings. Wtf do I care? Like someone said on the previous page, its just bulletin board material for the Ducks to come out and do what they did all regular season against the Kings. No matter what happens in this series it'll be one for the ages. Probably the most electric series in team history next to our Cup run.
  3. Can I report someone being a little b*tch? I kid, I kid.
  4. Most of the tickets for Game 1 sold out. Now its just Stubhub type places. Hopefully Ducks fans scoop them up and keep the trash out.
  5. Schedule officially out. Saturday/Monday games 1/2. Then every other day after that.
  6. Official shit talking thread. Keep it clean in the main team threads and bring the rivalry here. GO DUCKS! Time to kick some royal ass!
  7. Schedule being released tonight. From what I'm hearing we're looking at Saturday 5PM for Game 1.
  8. I'm 100% in the I told you so camp in regards to Garza. Suck it, everyone!
  9. Move the team north. Don't go south, damn it!
  10. Which is exactly why the NHL won't do it lol.
  11. Pulling for Philly tonight just so we have three Game 7s tomorrow.
  12. Yeah my tickets are in 403 row N. The cheapest seats are always Row P to U from what I remember. So looks like Ducks fans are jumping at these tickets quickly. The only thing I don't want from a Ducks/Kings series is LA fans swarming in. Gotta make that place OUR home ice.
  13. Just picked up tickets for game 1. 67 bucks a ticket. Ouch. Worth it though!
  14. I love this guy. Gonna be a good one!
  15. Game 5 might be next Sunday if its every other day off.
  16. Actually.. I'm looking at the Honda Center schedule and the LA Kiss play a home game on Sunday. That might force the NHL to push the Ducks to Saturday/Monday. Thank you mediocre football!
  17. Most likely Friday night now. I really hope its Saturday though. I don't want to drive on Friday afternoon. Traffic would suck.
  18. Pittsburgh finishes up in Columbus. Wild up 2-1 on the Avs with a few to go in the 1st.
  19. Shuck is such a good teammate! His good vibes in the lineup help!
  20. So I tried to buy round 2 tickets just now with the pre sale and I'm blocked out since I live in Ventura County lol. **** you, Ducks.
  21. Good Jon Snow episode. Love the Jaime/Tyrion conversation. That ending was nuts.
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