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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. New Jersey/Florida. Either way, he's screwed.
  2. Serious question. Wonder if Josh and Ron Washington ever "partied" together.
  3. Matty B is supposed to start skating tomorrow or over the weekend from what Eric Stephens said.
  4. Sekac looked really good. Liking what we got out of him. Aside from him and Gibby, this team was shit. We're going to get ass****ed by the Kings on Friday.
  5. Looks like Grant Green just caught his break! Our starting LFer! Good job, Scotty!
  6. You just got Sekera. Congrats on your 3rd Cup, fellas.
  7. He's allowed to practice but still working on the Visa. Unlikely to go tonight.
  8. Now we just need to ship Etem's worthless ass out. I know that sounds incredibly racist since we just sent off the other brother but damn.
  9. Sounds like you're a wuss, Notti. Seriously though. We never know when we're going to die. Granted, doing stuff like this does increase the odds but its gonna happen regardless. Might as well go out doing something fun.
  10. From what I heard 8500 people showed up for it. A lot of my friends made it down there and said it was great. Way more than anticipated.
  11. Better question is, why not? Chara is 37 with 2 more years at $6 million. Lucic has been rumored to want out and/or Boston wanting to deal him. They're barely hanging onto the 2nd WC spot currently in the midst of a 5 game losing streak. Come March 3rd if they've slipped out of that playoff spot I could see them dealing the two. Shed 12 million and get a nice haul of talent/picks. Obviously a lot has to go right but its not out of the realm of possibility. Chara seems more likely to happen than both though.
  12. Hearing we're in on Zdeno Chara. That would be interesting to grab him and Lucic.
  13. I'll be completely shocked if we keep it a 2 goal game. TB is gonna wreck us.
  14. Kingsman- B+ Very enjoyable spy type movie. Matthew Vaughn putting his own twist on things. Definitely reminds me of the fun action of Kick-Ass. Really solid casting and I enjoyed the story.
  15. It'll cost more than a Lambo but run about as well as a Yugo.
  16. Ovi is probably the best player to watch play in person. Dude gives it 100% all of the time. Especially this season, he's stepped it up defensively.
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