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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. A lot of it has to do with possession. Other stuff like passing, situational stats (PP, PK, Even etc) I'm just starting to get into them myself. I'm hoping to have a pretty good understanding of them before next season kicks off.
  2. Article that GB posted. Good read. http://www.tsn.ca/off-season-game-plan-anaheim-ducks-1.310899
  3. As one season ends another begins. NHL Draft in a few weeks. Prospect Camp coming up 4th of July weekend! Free agency! This time its personal!
  4. The point of the post was for you to be an asshole, Nate. lol
  5. I just assume his starts will include 3 things. 1. Minimum of 2 HR given up 2. Boring game 3. A loss He's not watchable anymore. Used to make it a point to clear my schedule to watch him pitch. Now its like.. Ugh Weaver tonight. Sad.
  6. Maybe he sucks against low level talent and thrives against MLB talent.
  7. Sad if that's true. How the mighty hitters have fallen.
  8. that's not even average though.
  9. I checked. Aybar and Joyce have almost the exact same lines too. 5 of our starters have an OBP between .302 and .310.
  10. This is depressing as hell. Since May 1st Kole- .247/.303/.346 Johnny G- .244/.302/.326 Freese- .246/.308/.437 One third of our freaking lineup has essentially the same BA/OBP. That is terrible.
  11. Good thread. I was thinking about this the other day when reading the Calzone vs Calhooligans thread. Two groups battling over a pretty shitty player yet gets a pass because we have 2 or 3 even shittier players in the lineup. Hopefully getting him back to 1-2 in the lineup will help him but yeah.. He's been really bad. Sure he comes up with a clutch hit here and there but overall.. Yikes.
  12. Jaime's ass isn't fat. That's a perfectly shaped and toned gift from the Gods.
  13. I miss Jamie Maggio. Damn... Anyone got that pic of Trout checking out her cans in 2012? That moment was gold.
  14. http://deadspin.com/eat-shit-cardinals-1711726377?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow Absolutely brilliant.
  15. Yeah you're right. So long ago hah. Hard to remember that.
  16. They didn't end on good terms. I believe they blame her for Khal Drogo's death.
  17. Those of you talking about the haircut... Taken 2 weeks ago for a magazine. He got it cut in December when they wrapped filming and the Prince that was promised still has his long locks.
  18. I can see him coming back in Season 7 or a big cliffhanger to end Season 6. Everything is lining up to Azor Ahai but then again this show tends to mind **** everyone so who knows. I don't think Jon Snow is a goner though. He will be back in some form whether it be Kit or someone else as Jon.
  19. Didn't think I could hate the Cardinals more than I already did but they found a way. "The Cardinal way" What a joke.
  20. I'm shocked the book readers aren't up in arms about Stannis and how they truly ****ed this guy's character in the show. I mean seriously. ****ing Brienne? Really? That lumberjack is apparently the best swordsman in Westeros now. She takes down Jamie quite easily (who in season 3 was still regarded the best swordsman), then the Hound, and now Stannis. Horseshit. Can't even give Stannis an on screen death. Dumb broad just ended the Baratheon family. I do feel Jon will be back at some point. Gotta imagine Melisandre will resurrect him in some way. If not, **** this show. This season was pointless. The biggest damn moment in the show (the white walkers fight) ends up being ****ing pointless now. Also, those of you drooling over Cersei. That was a double and her face was CGI'd on. What a let down.
  21. **** this show. I am so pissed off right now
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