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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. I wanna see some hipsters move to the middle east and live Mesopotamian style.
  2. Way to ****, Adam! Seriously though, congrats!
  3. Shocked its not a photo of him holding onto the ball too long. He needs to learn to throw the damn ball away.
  4. No problem, bud. Internet alone is $39.99 The 30/4 and 60/8 is simply the download/upload speed. 30/4 speed is solid for 2-3 people in the house. 60/8 speed is solid for 4-6 people in the house. Either way you shouldn't encounter too many issues with these speeds. Streaming, downloading, gaming, etc. Should work fine.
  5. My company sells FiOS and Charter. Depending on the area you live in the Charter internet is pretty good. At minimum you'll get 30/4 speed. If your address is in a Spectrum area you'll get 60/8 for the same price. You can get a mid tier triple play bundle that comes with HBO/Shotime/Cinemax starting at $109.99 plus equipment and tax. Comes with 1 free DVR. Cable boxes are $6.99 each.
  6. How so? He has been crap. Regardless if its due to his wrist or not. Mike would be the first to say he's been far below what he expects.
  7. I'm pretty sure people have been bitching about Trout for about a month, no? He's been terrible and rightfully should be criticized to an extent.
  8. Investigation has been suspended due to a possibly settlement. Not shocking at all.
  9. I love the jersey. So stoked to have a true "paint it orange" jersey aside from my favorite jersey "The Stadium Series jersey"
  10. Anyone else going tonight? Stoked to finally get back to the Coliseum. Its been 4 damn years. I need beer. Lots of it.
  11. Hector... I really don't want him here next year. Dude is unbearable to watch in his 5-6 innings with 150 pitches (exaggeration I know) I really hope we can trade him possibly for a 2B or in a package with Shoe for a 2B? The only "locks" for the rotation next year should be Heaney, Richards, and Weaver (unfortunately). The other 2 spots will be a dog fight. I really hope at least 1 spot is filled by a FA (Zimm, Shark, Price, Cueto etc.) See how CJ bounces back. Give him a short leash and if anything let him build up some trade value towards June. Ideally (and realistically), I want FA Heaney Richards CJ (short leash) Weaver (roll with the punches)
  12. Hell of a win by the Utes tonight. Great to see. That South is damn strong. Going to be fun football.
  13. Slava Voynov taken into custody following his release from jail by US immigration.
  14. So this comes up a lot and there are obviously two sides to the argument. Put it simply. Do you wish success for the other teams in the Pac in their non conference schedule? More overall strength in the conference. To get that national love? Or do you really not give a flying Sark and just want them all to lose? I'm on the camp that wants the Pac as a conference to succeed and be the best. While I don't openly root for UCLA and the others to win necessarily, I think its in the overall best interest of the conference if everyone runs the table going into conference play.
  15. I'm over it. Bring on hockey and college football!
  16. Voynov is serving his time, Nate! Give the guy some credit. He owned up to it and is now suffering in some prison day spa in Seal Beach.
  17. At least we don't have to face Hamels this weekend. Then again, Texas gets to face Weaver so its a wash.
  18. There are 5 pages and not a single "Vic's mom" yet. What's wrong with you guys?
  19. Agreed. Same can be said about Shoe. Except Shoe sucked at first and then had a decent stretch. In 2016 I don't want either in the rotation if we can help it. Ideally, Price/Richards/Heaney/Skaggs/CJ/Weaver would be solid. I'd also be okay with signing Zimmerman and Shark. Dealing away Hector, Shoe, and possibly CJ (If we can even find a home for him) Zimmerman, Shark, Richards, Heaney, Skaggs looks way better. Pipe dream for sure though. I don't see Arte spending at least till the end of 2016 when CJ and Weaver's deals are through.
  20. Santiago just isn't very good. He was dodging blowups left and right before the ASB. His ERA and FIP were over 1.50 different. He had downfall written all over him. I'd definitely try and trade him in the offseason. Sure, he's not a terrible 4/5 guy option but we can definitely upgrade.
  21. Have at it, Kings fans! What's it gonna take to get Kopi ink'd? http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/01/kings-kopitar-not-even-in-the-ballpark-on-new-contract/
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