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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. If we're still near the bottom by the end of the 4 game road trip in the mid/late November time, I'd be in favor of operation tank for Matthews.
  2. That's about right. Might even throw Kershaw ahead of him too. People seriously underrate how amazing of a season he had too.
  3. Austin Matthews. Drooling at the thought of getting him. Almost worth shitting on this season.
  4. Mets in 5. KC hasn't faced pitching like NY yet. They'll shut the offense down.
  5. He's back in Orange County apparently. Uh oh or thank the hockey Gods?
  6. Getzlaf not in the lineup tonight apparently. We might win!
  7. Dallas should light our asses up. So that means we'll probably win.
  8. Checked out the Minority Report TV show on FOX last night. Interesting concept and a decent budget for tv. Some good stuff and some cheesy stuff. I'll probably give it a few more episodes and see where it goes. Speaking of shows made from movies. Has anymore checked out Limitless yet?
  9. **** Ryan Getzlaf. That 3 on 3 OT was a prime example of why Toews shits all over Getzlaf. One rises to the occasion and the other crumbles.
  10. Man I'm so far back on this show. At the beginning of season 5. Totally lost my interest in it. Comics are just so much better. Show got so repetitive and boring.
  11. Jet Blue is amazing. Take it when I go up to Seattle. Gotta agree with Long Beach too. Easiest airport I've ever flown out of. People are nice, you're in/out quickly. The Jet Blue staff is great. They hooked me up with 2 bottles of Jack for free last time I flew out. They won my service.
  12. Mets in 5. Their starting pitching will be too much for KC. They haven't faced anything like it yet.
  13. Pipe dream but damn. Stammer in Anaheim. Now that's a team to watch.
  14. Great. This hurricane is going to push all the Mexicans further north and into America. Build the wall! -Trump
  15. I'm pretty sure Leafs fans feel sorry for us right now. This is absolutely pathetic. Not 1 damn pt from Getzlaf/Perry/Kesler yet.
  16. Dobby between the pipes again today. He was solid on Sunday. I'm fine with it.
  17. I'd entertain the thought if we can send CJ their way. Would help balance some of the money.
  18. http://dystnow.com/2015/10/22/sources-mark-teixeira-gives-yankees-the-ok-to-trade-him/ Teixeira also told the Yankees that he has a desired destination; the Los Angeles Angels. If Teixeira did end up going back to the Angels he would be playing under GM Billy Eppler. This should be a fun thread. Have at it.
  19. He's gotta set the tone early. Line brawl in his first game back.
  20. TORTS!!!!!!! So stoked he's got a job again. Love this crazy bastard!
  21. I legit got chills watching that trailer. I can't wait for this movie.
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