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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. They also like to do coke. Lots of coke.
  2. Tank, Take a look at this discussion. Might want to turn off the LTE when you're not in LTE areas and run on wifi. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4328959?start=405&tstart=0
  3. I believe the hipster cheese Katie is referring to is goat cheese.
  4. Adjusting the brightness helps. When you're losing the 22% or so of battery what are you doing?
  5. What did she do for the talent part of the pageant?
  6. I can't wait for AngelDuck's break up thread in the GC. When hes old enough to join that is. Its going to blow mine out of the water.
  7. Who said I expected that? I just stated that they're assholes.
  8. "How would you make this world a better place?" "Doing porn."
  9. Dude, your avatar made me bust up. Even funnier now that its just the face. Well done.
  10. Last night's game was ugly. The most pissed off I've been at a game ever. Kings fans are assholes. Very surprised I didn't drop the gloves with someone at some point last night.
  11. http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-nyc-teachers-give-homework-mixing-slavery-and-math-to-4thgraders-20130222,0,4880504.story New York City educators have learned the hard way that there are some things that just don’t mix -- like using slavery to teach math. The principal of P.S. 59, a well-thought-of elementary school that draws students from Midtown and the area around the United Nations, told the Daily News that she was “appalled” by the assignment and has ordered sensitivity training for all of the staff. “In a slave ship, there can be 3,799 slaves. One day, the slaves took over the ship. 1,897 are dead. How many slaves are alive?”
  12. Has LF been reinforced to support the extra weight?
  13. I'll be what Taylor Lautner turns into. The werewolf.
  14. I was at the game last night and damn! Talk about a beat down. I will say I've never seen so many traveling calls in one game. That was a bit ridiculous.
  15. Then they'll come out sluggish on Sunday. I need to break my losing streak at Ducks' games. Its at 6 right now I believe.
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