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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. SWEEEEEEEEEEP. Crosby, Malkin, Neal, Iginla all head pointless in the series.
  2. Newsbreaker on Twitter claims one of the guys set fire to the house and broke into another.
  3. Last night was brilliant. Spurs are getting #5.
  4. Boston is playing out of their minds right now though. I don't see them blowing this one.
  5. I'm with you there in regards to Teemu, Nate. Love him, but its his time to go. We need a top 2nd line C and another big D man. I'm anxious to see where we go in the offseason.
  6. Former Duck, Andy Mcdonald officially retired today due to post concussion syndrome. Sad to see him retire so early. I would love for the Ducks to bring him on as a skating coach or something. http://www.truehockey.com/articles/Post-Concussion-Concerns-Lead-to-Andy-McDonald-Retirement
  7. Yeah I like going to games alone. Like Mancini said, you can pick up a really good seat for cheap and not be distracted by anything except the fun bags in low top shirts walking up the aisle.
  8. I know PS3 covers MLB and NHL. Not quite sure of NBA. I stream MLB on my PS3 all the time for Giants games and other big games and I love it.
  9. I like the concept. I'll check this out a few weeks after it hits.
  10. Animal House "Look up idiot in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?" "A.. picture of my face?" "No, the definition of the world idiot, which you ****ing are!"
  11. No Married With Children? I know some others brought it up earlier, but come on. Al ****ing Bundy!
  12. The Bruins are making me look smarter and smarter for picking them to win the Cup at the start of this playoff. They win big games and they have the biggest freak of nature defenseman.
  13. Chris Sale put up a .87 ERA in May. How the hell did he not win?
  14. "Hey Anustart!" "Lucille had not seen the license plate yet." Had me busting up for a few minutes.
  15. Wow, Holland put up a sick May. 4-0 in 6 starts. 39 IP 10.15 K/9, 2.08 BB/9 1.6 WAR. Damn.
  16. Good for him. I think Masterson was snubbed, but I'll take it!
  17. Eric Kay ‏@EKayAngels4m Jason Vargas (5-0, 2.30) named A.L. Pitcher of the Month, his second career Pitcher of the Month #Angels
  18. 13% on Rotten Tomatoes right now. I won't see this due to the fact that M. Night Shaymalan "directed" this.
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