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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. Double OT! This is exactly what the NHL needed. An instant classic in game 1. I can't believe the Blackhawks survived some of those Bruins rushes.
  2. Now this is a hockey game! My goodness.
  3. I appreciate the help, NJ. I'll be moving out there by myself. My boss is cool enough to let me keep my job and work from home until I get something else lined up out there. I'm undecided if I'll swing a place myself or try to get some roommates. Probably go the roommate route to make it a little easier financially. I think I'd prefer the suburbs since thats what I'm used to and I gotta imagine its cheaper. Also, would be cool to be around some people my age in their early to mid 20s to be easier to adapt. I'll have my car with me, but I wouldn't mind the mass transit. I just want to be within a reasonable distance from the city or at least some type of entertainment hah. I like the idea of Millville lol.
  4. I don't necessarily want to work in the city. I just meant being able to travel out there on weekends or off days to go drink or whatever hah. I'm definitely looking into Brooklyn. Thanks, Bruce.
  5. I'm starting to look at places in the tri-state area (PA/NY/NJ) and I'm looking for a little input on good locations to move to. I'm moving out there in January but I still haven't decided on a location yet. I want to be near NYC but I know that you can get anywhere around there within an hour or two. Any advice on areas where its not incredibly overpriced? Its my first time living outside of SoCal. Any help would be most appreciated!
  6. This Is The End- A This movie had me laughing from beginning to end. Funniest movie I've seen in 5 years.
  7. Down to a 65% on Rotten Tomatoes. Superman Returns (2006) got a 76%. I refuse to believe this movie is worse than that pos.
  8. Sweet. I don't have to see that piece of crap on Saturday. Instead, I get to watch the rest of the pile.
  9. Game 1 tonight. Looking forward to this series!
  10. Nate, you should be a pal and send me iOS 7 haha.
  11. HaloCory22

    Xbox One

    Sony is going to obliterate Xbox when it launches. They couldn't have done a better job with the PS4 and how they're handling it. Microsoft is biting the pillow cus Sony is going in dry!
  12. Good news about the folders not being limited anymore. That always bugged me with stock iOS. Apple is definitely getting with the times. Nothing breathtaking but its a start. The icons look so cheap to me. Looks like a kid with amateur photoshop skills drew those up. Hope Apple polishes them up a bit before the release. I actually like the way the texting looks. Simple and to the point.
  13. Trade Howie to the Dodgers for Zach Lee...... (Sarcasm for those who don't see it)
  14. Keep us updated dude.
  15. http://www.idownloadblog.com/2013/06/10/apple-introduces-ios-7/
  16. Pretty much ripped everything from the jailbreak community. Every "new" feature they've shown has been on my 4S for 2 years now.
  17. or Top Gun characters.
  18. Pretty much same with me, Nate. Time for Apple to put up or shut up.
  19. HaloCory22

    iOS 7

    WWDC is today and the new and improved iOS 7 makes its debut today at 10 am PT. The event will stream live on all iOS devices and through the Apple website. Looking forward to this. http://www.apple.com/apple-events/june-2013/
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