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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. Stoked I get to see Buckner tomorrow! Said no one ever.
  2. Gotta love the direction this world is headed in.
  3. I'm still bummed out. We had it on Tuesday night. We had our chances last night too. Great season for the Spurs. They proved a lot this season. The game pulled in a 17.2 on the ratings scale. Tell me the Spurs aren't fun to watch anymore haha. Next season is going to be good.
  4. RIP James. Can't believe hes gone at 51. Loved him in Sopranos. One of the first shows I truly loved.
  5. HaloCory22

    Xbox One

    Too little too late, Microsoft.
  6. Looks like Vancouver is scooping him up. NY/VAN do a coaching swap.
  7. Chara is a bum. Takes full advantage of his height since he knows pretty much no one will challenge him. It was nice to see Shaw standing up to him in game 2. I couldn't believe how dominant Tuukka Rask was last night. Gotta give him props. Chicago needs a big game tomorrow.
  8. Love my seats in 517 B. I've sat in Club MLB and have to agree with GB. Those are awesome. I've sat in the Owner's suite for a Supercross race way back in the day. Now that was something.
  9. I went all afternoon not knowing the score of the game since I went to the Angels game today... I'm watching the recording and the recording ended ONE MINUTE before the game winner was scored. What a croak lol. Great game though. What a series!
  10. I was shocked at how good this movie was. I'm not a Superman fan or DC fan but this was sweet. Finally, a villain that actually goes toe to toe with Superman.
  11. Honestly, I have no idea. For the most part I see this as a 1 year experiment and after the year I'll probably be back here continuing on my path. Just feel like its something I need to do. With the 3 years of experience in the wireless field, I think I could land a solid gig for the year out there. As long as I get a job that pays the bills and allows me to live somewhat comfortably. I know I won't be as financially stable as I am right now, but that's part of the fun for me.
  12. Back back back back back. GET IN THE HOLE - Berman
  13. I wonder what the injury to Horton is. Dude is tough so you know its something big if he couldn't get back on the ice.
  14. Good point, Nate. I won't be taking too many things. Just what I can fit in my car. (Clothes, TV, PS4, Macbook, and a few other select things) I can only imagine how much I'll dish out on gas. Probably close to a grand.
  15. Hah, I don't think I could ever do that. I've only moved once in my life and that was from Camarillo to Santa Barbara for a year. That's another reason I'm doing it. I've always been pretty predictable and never really ventured out into the world. I want to challenge myself and see if I can do it.
  16. I just want to try something different. Been feeling like I'm in a rut out here. I've always wanted to live out there. Probably stay out there for a year or two and see how it is and decide if its where I want to move permanently. If not, I can always move back.
  17. Damn, NJ. You're killing it haha. Hoboken and Rutherford/Montclair sound solid. That's probably what I'm looking for. I'm not necessarily looking to be near anything special. I just want to give the east coast life a try. Be able to explore the city, hit up some nice bars, be close to sports. One of my goals is to knock out as many stadiums/arenas off my list as possible.
  18. I raise my stick to Chicago and Boston for a truly beautiful display of hockey. I'm still trying to figure out if this really happened. Potentially 6 more of these games! Because its the Cup!
  19. Chara off the post with 10 seconds to go! Oh man.
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