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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. Ducks talking with Derek Roy apparently. Ugh.
  2. Also, I thought we'd be able to get something more for Bobby. Might be a big deal for us pending OTT's draft pick position next year.
  3. I'm just going to miss, Ryan. My favorite Duck. Still coming to terms with this lol.
  4. Its official. Bobby Ryan to Ottawa.
  5. That would be quite interesting. I might be ok with that deal.
  6. Another fossil in Detroit.
  7. You can't see me right now, but I'm flipping you off.
  8. http://www.nba.com/celtics/news/press_release/070313-celtics-hire-brad-stevens-head-coach BOSTON – The Boston Celtics announced today that they have come to an agreement with Brad Stevens to be the 17th head coach of the team. Per team policy, terms of the deal were not announced.
  9. Karma. Seriously though, hope all is well.
  10. I'm not saying that's the ONLY reason. Obviously his stats and his performance are reason why, but the fact hes an international player is amplifying it. That's the point I'm trying to make.
  11. The only reason hes getting so much attention is due to the fact that hes an international player. Look at other huge talents from other countries who got attention like this. Ichiro and Matsui got the same treatment when they came over. Trout was expected to be a top prospect and perform (which he did) and hes American. If he was from Europe and came over and did this then he'd be the biggest star in MLB.
  12. Its my friend Bobby. Not a random.
  13. I can't tell if Chuck is a fan of Puig or not.
  14. Trout and Puig will finish 4th and 5th. NFL/NCAAF players always win.
  15. Back in 03 through 05 my friends and I used to make M80s out of piccolo pete's using a 2 liter bottle. I made one out of 10 piccolo pete's (usually you only use 2-3) and lit the bastard off at the park next to a brick wall (bathrooms) and that thing shook the ground and had a mushroom cloud. Those were the days of good ole fun. Now, I'd probably be arrested for terrorism.
  16. I love Chase utley. I'd be stoked if the Angels could snag him and Cliff Lee in a deal. Of course, we have NOTHING to trade in the minors. They'd absolutely request Trumbo and/or Bourjos.
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