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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. I say just sit him out the rest of the season. Have him get his wrist and hip fixed up. I'm sure he still has some issues going on with the hip. Get surgery and come back 100% in 2014.
  2. Yeah, I have no problem with it. People get way too bent out of shape over so much nowadays.
  3. That was awesome, Nate. Norm is gold.
  4. Jon Hamm was awesome. I loved his monologue.
  5. Yup. I'm digging it so far. Liev is badass.
  6. That kid is going to kill someone eventually.
  7. I love this signing. Welcome back, Pens! Anyone know what our payroll/cap is looking like now? Enough out there for Palmieri/Selanne? I smell a trade coming soon. No way we're going into the season with the current D core unless Vatanen is getting a permanent role.
  8. Trout was exciting leading off the game with a double, Machado's play at 3rd was amazing, Fielder running out a triple, Mariano Rivera and his entire appearance, Matt Harvey was great, Kershaw vs. Trout was cool. Lots of great stuff even if it was a low scoring game.
  9. I loved the game tonight. Pitching is always entertaining to me. I'll take a duel over a slugfest any day.
  10. I highly doubt Saunders and Santana put up their numbers this season in Angels unis. Santana is a mental midget and Saunders seems to only be able to pitch well at Safeco. I still think Hanson can redeem himself. He had a rough go around with personal and physical problems this season. Lets see how he comes around in the 2nd half.
  11. Dan Haren has been just as bad as Blanton this season.
  12. How was it not smart? We didn't want to repeat the mistakes of Bobby Abreu. Giving an aging vet who had a career year a multi-year contract IS NOT smart.
  13. Who cares about Segura. The guy had no shot at being an MLB regular on our team with the middle infield locked up for 5 years. Only argument you can make is trading him for someone else, but that's it.
  14. How is he cheap? Hes spent over $400 million on free agents in the past 2 offseasons. Is it really his fault they haven't "lived up to the contract" yet? He finally put up the big bucks after years of people bitching that he doesn't spend money on Teixeira, Lackey, Crawford, etc.
  15. Apparently he was approved by the US Govt. today.
  16. What did you guys think about last night? A pretty slow episode. Yet another Deb mental crisis episode. I'm starting to think that maybe Deb might be the killer. Could be a nice twist. I just don't think they can go with Vogel. It would be way too obvious.
  17. Traffic here is bad enough. GTF off the damn freeways.
  18. Died in a hotel in Vancouver tonight. Multi-millionaire, dating a smoking hot girl, and his entire life ahead of him and this guy ODs.
  19. Trout's numbers in the last 30 days. .398/.496/.613 2.1 WAR. BETTER than Puig's numbers and nearly on par with Hanley's aside from 4 fewer homers. It really is nuts to think he gets nearly no attention while bettering his rookie campaign.
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