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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. Eric Kay ‏@EKayAngels3m To replace Downs on 25-man, LHR Nick Maronde has been recalled from Arkansas and is active for tonight’s game in Texas.#Angels Expand Well, this should be fun to watch.
  2. I don't get why people are mad or are calling out DiPoto. Did you really think 2 months of Scott Downs was going to snag us Cliff Lee? Get a grip, folks.
  3. At least its not "Nate" I hear those people are shady.
  4. Didn't we almost get Andrew Bailey from Oakland for him before the 2012 season? Bailey was a top notch closer at that time. Has Trumbo's value gone down, up, or is it around the same?
  5. Dunn has averaged 109 walks per season in his career. He strikes out a ton and in recent years hasn't hit for any average whatsoever, but he gets on base. I agree with Scott34. Horrible comparison.
  6. Like I said in a thread yesterday. Send Kendrick (and Downs possibly) to the Dodgers for Zach Lee, Ross Stripling, and another prospect. Their fans are into it and both teams get what they need. We get two AA sp studs and they get their 2B for the next 3+ years plus Downs to strengthen their pen.
  7. Yeah they suggested it. I want to call DiPoto right now and have him make the call.
  8. Been talking with some Dodgers fans about a potential deal. What do you guys think? Howie Kendrick to the Dogs for Zack Lee, Ross Stripling and another (lower end top 7-12 prospect) Dodgers need a 2nd baseman. Mark Ellis isn't going to cut it for them long term and we need pitching in the system. Lee is a stud and Stripling has been pretty damn good in only his 2nd year in the minors.
  9. Don't look him straight in the eyes, Vegas Halo Fan. Its a trap.
  10. Anyone care to bet a beer at Fanfest that we call up Trent Oeltjen from AAA and move Trumbo to primary 1B. You know Scioscia loves those gritty vets!
  11. Hawpe will see most of the starts at 1st and Calhoun will remain in AAA since we have the great Cowgill. Come on folks, this is Scioscia we're talking about. Mr. Veteran!
  12. Can we trade Iannetta back for Chatwood?
  13. Hey Ted Lilly, what are you up to?
  14. He also played some 1st base in the show last season from what I remember.
  15. I thought the same thing when I saw Weaver hitting 92 against Boston two weeks ago.
  16. Blanton and Lilly pitching on the same team. Home run derby for the opposing team.
  17. They pumped up the speed gun by 5 MPH.
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