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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. Hes the Asian Kendrick. So much "potential" never done anything with it.
  2. Our new dominant reliever Joe Blanton for Kennedy
  3. They won't give up Jansen. They have no one else capable of closing.
  4. Wait wait wait wait.... The best player is the most attractive to other teams?
  5. Well if you're going to post something be ready to provide a source to back up your claim.
  6. Stark obviously saw my trade proposal on twitter and made some calls to Jerry and Ned.
  7. There have been reasons for all of the big contracts these past 2 seasons, AO. Pujols- To be the #3 hitter and thought to be the most productive player in baseball at the time of the signing. Hamilton- To give Pujols protection in the 4 spot and give us a true 3/4 power combo that we've never had. CJ- To give Weaver a true #2 behind him. Sure, Pujols and Hamilton have been disappointments so far, but at the time of the signings he WAS addressing needs on this team. Some can argue that maybe we should have signed Anibal Sanchez instead of Hamilton, but can you imagine that offense with Trumbo or Kendrick batting 4th? Things haven't panned out the way they drew it up, but I'm not faulting Arte for spending money and trying to help this team win. Cano does not fit in with this team. There is NO need for him when we currently have Kendrick and Lindsay in the minors.
  8. As much as Arte has wanted to own the socal market, I'm sure it has been on his mind at some point.
  9. "Hold the people in key positions responsible" Aren't those the players and managers? I'm not saying Jerry is completely off the hook. Everyone has some fault in this. I'm just saying that DiPoto alone isn't the reason this team is in a free fall. These players just aren't cutting it. Lots of talent on the field yet they do NOTHING with it.
  10. Or... Stay with me on this one cus its a hard concept to grasp here.... We offered him more money and they wouldn't match it.
  11. I still think Jerry has the right idea. Part of it is bad luck and poor execution. Probably should have signed Sanchez instead of Hamilton which lets us avoid Blanton. Burnett was just bad luck. No one could see his injury coming. Madsen was bad, Blanton was bad, Hamilton was bad. Chatwood was a tough loss, but I still think it was a trade that had to be made. No GM has a crystal ball, fellas. Who honestly saw us being THIS bad?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1L1lj3XuK8
  13. This team needs a complete overhaul. We have some solid players, but they just don't get it done together. I don't care if they go on and have career All-Star years. They'll never do that in Anaheim. F you Howie, Aybar, Callaspo, Frieri, Trumbo, Iannetta, Conger, Blanton, and whoever else I forgot. GET OFF OUR FIELD!
  14. Jeff Fletcher ‏@JeffFletcherOCR3m #Angels DFA Brad Hawpe. Recall RHP Daniel Stange, who had signed a minor league deal a month ago.
  15. Makes me wonder if the kid starts to think Dexter fits the code and slices him up.
  16. He was a starter last season and then the brilliant Angels organization thought it was best to convert him to a reliever. After that he seemed to lose all control of his pitches.
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