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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. The Giants were easy to predict a huge drop from last season. They didn't do anything in the offseason. Teams that stand pat after winning the World Series rarely get back to the post season the following season. The Nationals definitely are the most disappointing. A really formidable lineup and a pitching staff that should be throwing zeroes every night.
  2. Good thing I waited to get my Palmieri jersey.
  3. Do you know thats how Jason really feels, FF? You know, cus what people say in the media is always true. I want Scioscia and Butcher gone, but lets be real here. There is absolutely nothing our manager or coaches can do at this point. Its just happening.
  4. I keep watching simply for Mike Trout and Jered Weaver. Also, to see what they'll do next to make us reach for the bottle.
  5. This really is absolutely demoralizing to watch. I knew it was coming, but when Beltre launched that ball to the moon I was still left sitting there silently starring at the TV. I'm in absolute disbelief the way this is going down. Is this how Boston felt in 2011? Is this worse? Who knows..
  6. You do realize that our player's value will be HIGHER in the offseason, right?
  7. Richard, I hope to God you posted that as a Scioscia pun as well. Brilliant if you did.
  8. When he comes back next year it'll be just like if we signed a big time free agent! Where have I heard this before?
  9. Yes sir it is. I was stoked about that. With the Angels tanking, I'm counting down to October. I miss hockey.
  10. Get him some Ricky Vaughn glasses.
  11. Who does impress you, Chuck? Seems like you aren't impressed with any pitching prospect.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKtdfLJEt4M
  13. Of course the first paragraph involves New Jersey.
  14. Would that honestly be any worse than what has been produced there this season lol
  15. What happens first? Angels make another trade or AO blows his brains out.
  16. Solid? Yes. Lived up to his potential or what he was projected to be? No. Then again, that might have been our scouting who dropped the ball on that one.
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