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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. Exactly. Hockey can't get here soon enough.
  2. Bought the 12 game black plan today. Includes the home opener, games against Boston, Philly, Pitt, Caps, Leafs and priority seating for the Outdoor Game. Stoked!
  3. Scioscia is a poor man's Bobby Cox. We want a poor man's LaRussa...
  4. Come on dude. Signing autographs to make a couple bucks is such a horrible act.
  5. Wow! What an episode! So much with such little time left in the season. Gah!
  6. This is so stupid. Does the NCAA have nothing better to do? Leave the kid alone.
  7. What makes A-Rod worthy of a lifetime ban compared to any other player who has taken PEDs? You're all just ganging up on this guy cus he's the biggest name in the game. Where was all of this for Bonds, or any other player who has taken PEDs and been suspended for it. If A-Rod deserves a lifetime ban then everyone should be banned for life for their 1st offense.
  8. Around 65 bucks. Fortunately my job pays for my gas though. Damn Dodge and its shitty mpg.
  9. Its great to see the kids coming through, but ugh. If they start to spark we'll end up in draft pick purgatory.
  10. If Calhoun keeps this up, Trumbo is gone and Hamilton rotates OF/DH into next season?
  11. I have no problem with him. He's had his good moments and his bad, but its not like he's out there getting DUIs, getting arrested for domestic violence or murder. He might have a big ego and have that superstar diva thing going, but ****, he's one of the greatest to ever play the game. Diva on, bro.
  12. Yeah, I disagree as well. I don't think its going to get worse. If anything, the testing and punishment will get tougher. More players are starting to voice their opinions on the matter (McCarthy, Shoemaker, CJ, etc.) Those who do PEDs are starting to be shunned by the other players. Do I think A-Rod has handled the situation the right way? No. A-Rod is in no way the pioneer of steroids. They were around way before him. I do believe less and less players are on the juice now since the Mitchell Report and the new testing rules came into play. Also, A-Rod "negotiating his penalty" won't be the case with someone who actually tests positive on a test. A positive test result equals an automatic suspension, no negotiating.
  13. I've gone through and read this entire thread... Wow. All I could think about was this clip for Toby.
  14. This is going to be like classic Jackass. Shock value from everyone. With Jackass 2 and 3 people knew these guys already so they couldn't do any of those public pranks anymore. That's what I'm really digging about this movie.
  15. You're right. I saw someone post it this morning and assumed it was from last night since Darvish pitched. Either way, that's nuts.
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