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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. This was great. Apparently Rizzo has been getting away with this for years. Hard to believe an ump called it against the Stankees. Yankees announcers are such abhorrent homers, I cannot stand listening to any of them.
  2. I hear ya but never, ever root for Houston. Let Seattle get into the playoffs instead of Houston, they'll blow it in the first or second round anyway.
  3. You can remove the Angel uniform, but apparently removing the Angel bad luck stank is hard to do.
  4. StASSi in August: 6 for 39, 13k's, BA .154 Down to .204 for the year. Strikes out 33% of the time. I want the guy to be good, but he just keeps getting worse. Angels need a better catcher.
  5. It's beyond annoying hearing Gubi and O'Neal repeat every night "get on base, so they can get Ohtani up to bat" because apparently he's the only one capable of doing damage? Isn't that a slap in the face to literally every batter in this line up? Literally depending on Ohtani to produce anything offensively is absurd for them to be announcing. EVERY BATTER in this lineup should be looking to do damage. You can't depend on one guy forever. They've done this for years with Trout. Ridiculous.
  6. Oh I didn't even bother to look, doesn't matter, I don't really need/use medicine for anything unless it's pseudoephedrine for colds/fevers. Guess I'm lucky.
  7. I've said he needed to be sent down, but others have said you don't send down an All Star. What is this, almost a month or two of this bullshit? Something needs to happen to fix him, it's bad.
  8. I'm glad I don't even know what that stuff is for and I'm glad I've never had to use it. Why is it so pink.
  9. Never really been my thing, they make weird noises during whoopie. Walsh does not look happy to be out there LOL.
  10. Tough to think of something better than hot chicks in Angels outfits. Extra points for blondies. Extra points if they curl their hair.
  11. Just when we think they've hit rock bottom, they manage to dig a little deeper as the season continues...
  12. I don't understand why our catchers have such a hard time catching the ball before they try to tag out runners. Suzuki does this shit all the time. Walsh blew a rundown on a pickoff the other night too. Instead of running at the runner, he threw too early and essentially let everyone be safe. Something is very wrong with this ballclub. This is very basic, very fundamental baseball that I can't believe people pay for tickets to watch.
  13. lol Adell whiffing at a ball what a perfect ending. "This is the product we decide to put on the field" - Angels
  14. Ball never even left the goddamn infield. It's like the Angels when they bat with RISP, except they were playing against the Angels defense that doesn't know its ass from a hole in the ground, so they actually scored.
  15. Even just from the twitter linked vids, this stuff is embarrassing, borderline unwatchable. Fundamental baseball completely thrown out the window.
  16. m0nkey saw he wasn't going to win this one then noped out real quick lol
  17. I think most of it is convincing the board that letting him go was a good move. Although I didn't really need any convincing. Now if we could only get them on board the let Adell go too train...
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