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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I've heard the actual "Big A" is so structurally unsound that they actually can't move it again without permanently damaging it beyond repair.
  2. If this ain't another nail in the coffin that proves the league is out to get the Angels, nothing is...been like this for decades now, the unwanted stepchildren of MLB.
  3. Honestly didn't really care for them.
  4. I'm pretty sure we're running out of crappy players to continue replacing the crappy players. Might as well start picking out fans from the stands who brought their gloves.
  5. Well look what happens when you make contact... ...Usually Choi would be playing first, and he makes that play...
  6. lol your only job in this situation is to move the runner over and we can't even do that
  7. It's okay, only 2 more years and he'll have it figured out at the plate. And if he doesn't, oh well. apparently.
  8. Walsh needs to set his freaking hands, he is moving them around way too much, then he drops them as the pitch is coming. And he needs to set them high, then keep them there, then keep them there still. No loading, keep them up, then just bring the bat down to the ball.
  9. This Fairbanks guy always has this long lost look on this face like he doesn't know why he's on a mound holding a ball in the middle of ballpark.
  10. Looks like August 10th against the A'th. His CS is under 20%. And Rengifo bobbles the ball to make bringing the infield in moot, and allowing the Rays to tie it by running on contact.
  11. The base was stolen off the pitcher, but it'd be great if Stassi could avoid bouncing the throw to 2nd every once in a while...
  12. After the first 2 pitches, you could tell Trout was locked in and going to jack one. This guy wasn't going to over power him.
  13. Sandoval must be thrilled for tomorrow knowing he can give up 0 runs and still lose by getting absolute dog shit run support from this embarrassing offense.
  14. You don't hope for a walk with 2 strikes, you protect the plate, and if you end up with a walk fine, but there was no reason for him to not be ready to swing. So sick of Stassi.
  15. man fuck this team, nothing has changed since the losing streak, same shitty at bats, same terrible approach, prolly done watching them for the season.
  16. If he's not thinking "time to swing at a pitch down the freakin' pipe" then I don't even know what he's doing up there.
  17. Haven't watched a game in weeks, glad to see nothing has changed as far as our offensive approach. Watching called 3rd strikes, whiffing at strike 3 out of zone...
  18. Erica looking like a straight up angel sent from the heavens tonight...
  19. Guess what Jo Adell just did with a runner on 3rd and one out?
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