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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Pretty dumb of the Guardians not to challenge that Rizzo sliding play at 1st last inning. Not that, you know, it'd make a difference, but in a game this important you'd think someone on the damn team would have spoken up.
  2. Well they certainly fight like them. This one actually looks like a set up to mock that latrine and its loser fanbase.
  3. Signing Judge will be paying him for what he did in a Yankee uniform, and all he's going to do here is begin his decline and be hurt all the time.
  4. I would have left Bellinger in and probably gotten the same results.
  5. Might have to consider punching out early this season, all 4 teams that won tonight I hate. I can't watch these games. Prolly gonna be the doyers that win a ring...a real one this time...
  6. I am still of the belief that if you bring in your closer and he gets in a mess, it is his mess to clean up. That's why he's your closer. Not to mention they still had a 2 run lead. Don't bring some other guy in cold, with 1 out left in the game, and force the closer to watch the game be blown from the dugout.
  7. I just can't watch the stros games any more. I'm just going to skip them. Everyone shits the bed against them.
  8. Well there's the Mariners we all know and love. Why would you pull the pitcher, was just asking for that.
  9. These types of pitching performances and the defensive plays by the Mariners are the types of things that must be done if you expect to beat the stros.
  10. I don't see how anyone could possibly wear asstros gear with a straight face or root for the asstros and expect to be taken seriously.
  11. Why do the announcers sound like they're rooting for the Phillies? Verlander with 6 runs allowed in 4 innings...
  12. Olson 3 run shot. Braves within 1 with 1 out bottom of the 9th.
  13. Honestly, I'm sure this will be unpopular because it's rather extreme, but I'm of the opinion if like alcohol all drugs were legal we wouldn't have drug wars, we wouldn't have people in jail for non-violent crimes, we would be able to regulate their distribution so they were safe (safer, I suppose is the best way to put it). It's like alcohol, if people want to do drugs and ruin their lives, let them. People who don't do drugs will stay away. And yes, Skaggs was an adult who decided to put a foreign substance in his body, so his death is his responsibility. But I can't help but feel like Kay is the scapegoat in this situation because his family and the Angels needed someone to point the finger at. Based on the law he should be punished in some way, but 10, 20+ years is ridiculous. *edit* Just saw the comments Kay made in jail and, welp. Those will never help you in court. Unfortunate to see not just 1 but 2 lives destroyed because of drugs.
  14. Ramirez is the shit. Dude slugs. Dude performs. I hate his ugly dip scoul, but I'd rather have him win than the Yanks, Stros or Doyers. I don't like Adell because he sucks. Adell does not belong on a MLB team that wants to win. Adell can't catch a baseball at a hard angle. We all know it. We can't depend on him throw a baseball accurately. We all know it. He can't hit a baseball that's thrown right down the pipe. He will whiff. We all know it. But for some reason he gets a pass around here. Why? And somehow I'm the jerk that wants to call him out. For some reason people around here want to act like Adell is the next dude because he's "young" and "athletic" meanwhile he has wasted at bats, wasted easy outs, and cost us games with his outfield baffoonery. I don't get it. Benjie hit doubles and came in clutch, being paid much much less. Pujols on this team was a joke.
  15. So Adell can learn how to hit into inning ending double plays? Jesus, isn't Adell bad enough? "3 more years!!!"
  16. Pretty sure Benjie Molina was fatter and slower. You could see his gut bounce when he ran around the bases. Stupid fucking Mets. Let's hope these series winners can do some damage. I don't think they will, but we'll see. It just sucks that 7 of the 8 teams left to win are teams I hate. Mariners, stankees, doyers and asstros for obvious reasons. Padres cause screw Machado, Indians cause screw Ramirez, Phillies cause screw that cocksucker Harper cause he sucks so many cocks. I guess I can root for the Braves again, but I don't think they're gonna make it far. My money is on doyers asstros world series and I don't want to watch any of those teams win a ring.
  17. If the Padres win I am 0-4 with teams I wanted to make it to the next round. Not neccesarilly because I wanted them to win, but because I thought they'd be best competition against the stankees/doyers/asstros. I don't think the teams that have made it so far will be able to maintain their success against those juggernauts. At this point I can only root for the Braves, maybe the Indians. I hope the Mets win because I can't root for Machado.
  18. Never was a huge fan of Hoffy, haven't had one in a while though, as far as I'm concerned they're in the same league as Ballpark wieners. Been to Pink's a couple times, they were quite good, but seemed to depend on the toppings/gimmicks/sides instead of accentuating the quality of the wiener. I think the wiener should be at the forefront. Pink's did have a snap though, which I don't really get the attractiveness of snap in a wiener, but have learned to appreciate. I'm an easy guy, want a quality wiener, soft bun that can maintain itself, mustard raw onion relish and some ketchup. I know for some wiener enthusiasts ketchup is sacrelige but I love it on my wiener.
  19. These ESPN commentators are garbage. They say something wrong once every other inning. This guy with the marbles in his mouth makes me almost miss Goobie.
  20. All anyone does around here is post personal insults and you want to single me out? Unreal.
  21. I love myself a good wiener but I've never had a good experience with one at a ballgame, they're always so dissapointing. Even when I've paid more for the brats, the bun is cold or something is always wrong. They used to sell the doyer dogs at the grocery store but they were straight up garbage, never understood why they were so popular for as long as they were. Kroger sells these brisket wieners, they're like $4 for a pack of 5 and they are downright delicious. Good size too, nice and girthy, better taste than Ball Parks or Farmer John's (not hard to do) and even better than the Hebrews or Nathan's IMO. Someday I hope to make it to New York just to go to Papaya King wiener because I heard they are the best, but other than that I have no interest stepping foot in New York but to try a wiener and maybe a slice of pizza lol.
  22. I would be fine with Pujols not fulfilling his contract with the Halos. Strad you are completely wrong. I never said that. Go back to flipping burgers, even though you prolly suck at that too. This is stupid. Who takes priority there Strad? Center field. Neither of them was close to the ball and I think no matter what they did if the ball dropped 3 runs were scoring. Those Mariners were off to the races as soon as the ball was hit. But jesus christ can these guys ever learn to call the ball instead of running into eachother? I mean it's basic fundamentals, it's why I don't really feel bad for them when this happens, it's like driving into an intersection without looking both ways...eventually diasaster will strike.
  23. Holy hell I guess some people around here are allowed to treat users like crap unless there's suddenly some push back? No dissenting opinions around here unless you're prepared to be banned, censored or have deleted posts?
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